Chapter 106: The Origin of the Principal

Chapter 110

Looking around, this entire block is considered its own territory.

“What is her identity in the mirror world?” Bai Ye asked the old ghost principal.

A semi-murderer who exists in the street needs to find out her origin and identity.

The ghost principal shook his head.

He is also not very clear about the specifics.

It is not the original principal of the school, it is actually a later one.

It told Bai Ye a huge secret.

It used to be in another place.

It’s the world in the mirror that she invited to come out here~.

When it first came – the school was empty.

There is not even a single ghost in the school.

Because of her existence,

So the nearby ghosts dare not approach.

It was also after it came that the school regained some vitality.

It single-handedly recruits teachers and recruits students.

Abruptly built an empty school into the first of the four leaders in Sixing District.

Bai Ye was almost moved by the inspirational story of the ghost principal.

He seems to have seen a good principal who loves and works hard.

“My previous dream was to become a principal, and now I can finally realize my dream.” The ghost principal sighed with emotion.

“Where did you work before? Listening to your tone, you were not the principal before. Do you have any colleagues as competent as you?” Bai Ye was pouting.

He found something.

Almost everything in this ghost world is doing one thing.

Dig the wall.

Keep digging the walls.

“One bed in Qingshan Mental Hospital.” The ghost principal said proudly.

“Please repeat it again.”

“1 bed in Qingshan Mental Hospital.”



“Where did you come out of the mountain? You are clearly discharged from the hospital.”

“Qingshan Mental Hospital is in Xicheng District,” said the old ghost principal.

“If you want to dig a ghost, you can find my roommate Lao Zhang. He is an excellent painter, but unfortunately it was buried.”

The old ghost principal said regretfully.

“Settle it.”

WhiteYe said helplessly,

This Qingshan mental hospital is definitely not easy.

A patient is actually a half murderer.

It is a group of existences that can take care of this half-murdered patient.

There must be a big murderer.

“Do you think it’s possible for me to dig her out of the mountain now?” Bai Ye asked.

Bai Ye refers to the ghosts in the mirror world.

The old ghost principal shook his head.

“It’s hard.”

He told Bai Ye.

She has a very weird personality in the world in the mirror.

She made puppets from everyone in the original school.

Then hide in the mirror world and never care about the outside world.

・・・・・・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・・

So to avoid trouble.

The old ghost principal directly abandoned the dormitory connected to the world in the mirror. In order to avoid serious curiosity among some students, it did not deliberately block the dormitory and strictly prohibit students from entering.

Anyway, only the mirror is connected to the world in the mirror.

Even if there are students who accidentally enter.

At most it just disappeared.

 …   0

He and her contracted three chapters.

Some outstanding students who have been awarded certificates cannot be killed.

He also relies on these students to get grades in the college entrance examination.

A few teachers in the school also knew about the existence of mirrors.

It won’t provoke it either.

So it’s been peaceful.

Bai Ye’s entry was also very unexpected.

It doesn’t know why Bai Ye went to her.

It seems the purpose is clear.

She knew the same from the beginning.

“She’s actually not a threat,” the old principal said.

He hadn’t seen her come out since he came to school.

Almost no one enters her mirror world.

So her mirror world is full of mystery.

“what is her name?”

“Huang Juan.”


Bai Ye’s pupils contracted.

Sure enough it was her. Inch.

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