Chapter 118: Dungeon Settlement | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 122

“The monk in red.” The big Buddha roared.

Today, it no longer has the holiness of Buddha statues.

Violent rage.

Like a ghost Buddha.


The golden Buddhist lacquer is completely transformed into pure black.

“Evil animal.” The red-clad monk’s face was calm, neither sad nor happy.

“Teach you to become a Buddha and bless one party, but you secretly smoke human candles, what use is it to me even if you become a Buddha.”

A black shadow in the shape of a hand fell from the sky.

in the center of its palm.

The figure of the Great Buddha keeps shrinking.

In a trance, there is an illusion of a Buddha country in the palm of your hand.

This mythical creature actually involves the category of the size of space.

The Big Buddha keeps shrinking in its palm.

Bai Ye was shocked.

Even if the Buddha was severely injured, he suffered a lot of backlash.

But it is also a real murderer!

It was actually conquered by a palm like this.

This red-robed monk gave Bai Ye an extremely dangerous delusion.

The red-robed monk turned to look at Bai Ye.

Obviously he was looking at Bai Ye, but Bai Ye had the feeling that he was looking at something in another layer of space where he was.

“The donor is really lucky, and he can actually get that tiger charm.” The monk with red robes said something.

“The poor monk sees that the donor’s body is special, and it seems to be able to accommodate ghosts. In this case, it is better to send this evil beast to the donor, so that it can be rehabilitated in the donor’s place, and it can be regarded as a poor monk and the donor.

The red-robed monk reached out his hand.

It’s obviously hundreds of meters away.

The palm strangely seemed to fall in front of Bai Ye.

Bai Ye took it.

He raised his head in a trance.

Find yourself disappearing in place.

Appeared at the foot of the mountain that just entered the copy.

“It’s scary,” said the ghost bride.

Comparing her, even in her heyday, she was not necessarily the opponent of this red monk.

She had never heard of the existence of the red monk before.

The aura on the monk’s body is a bit vicissitudes.

It’s not covered.

It should be an ancient ghost just like her.

“I see. If you want to kill me, you might just kill me.” Bai Ye said.

If you want to kill yourself, maybe you won’t even have a chance to return.

Bai Ye looked at his palm.

A pocket-sized bald Buddha statue.

[Props] Dajue Buddha Temple Big Buddha Doll (Black) (Seal)

[Effect] A badly wounded murderer was sealed inside, and it has now temporarily lost its ability to resist.

[Introduction] This doll is fierce, you may be able to do something to it, it can’t resist anyway.

A sealed murderer!

What a terrifying existence this red monk is.

Maybe it’s more than a big murderer.

Bai Ye’s face was solemn.

It claimed to be shot because of the tiger charm obtained by signing in.

But Bai Ye didn’t fully believe it.

A series of nonsense.

If you believe all the ghosts, you are a fool.

Look at the big Buddha in the palm of your handdoll.

Is it directly into the body and become your own parasitic ghost?

But he is not strong enough now, and he was still an enemy before.

Although it can’t hurt itself, I’m afraid it’s difficult to order it myself.

Unless you become stronger.

But think about it.

Bai Ye was still unable to resist the temptation of a big murderer.

But it can’t be merged here before that.

The main task (3) has been completed with the seal of the Buddha.

The tasks in the thriller game are more flexible.

Judging the completion of the task does not necessarily have to be exactly the same as the description of the task requirements.

For example, this can also be counted as a task completion assessment.

It’s just that the rating may be slightly affected.

This should be some unknown calculation formula for thriller games.


The picture in front of Bai Ye’s eyes froze.

The leaves that swayed in the wind also stopped shaking.

【End of copy…】

【Settlement reward in progress】

【Comprehensive score of copy: a+】

[Experience gained: 15684, dungeon score bonus: 60%]

[Level up: lv30→lv32]

【Four-dimensional improvement: +2】

In the void, a black treasure chest appeared.

“Open the treasure chest.” Bai Ye said.

The black treasure chest exploded.

The light flickered.

Finally, it turned into a mass of black light and spread out.

The next moment, a black costume-style robe appeared in the void.

The robe is completely dark, with no extra patterns and decorations on the surface, only dark golden moiré on the cuffs and neckline.

[Equipment] Profound Gold Cloud Washing Robe (Black)


1Avoid dust and water

2 toughness, evil spirits

3. Smart: When jumping from a high place, it can reduce its own weight.

[Introduction] No need to wash or dry, a piece of clothing can be worn for a year, a must-have for lazy people.

Black quality defensive clothing.

As always, it is in line with the characteristics of the thriller game.

There is not much detailed data.

But since it is of black quality, the toughness and evil-proof effect of this equipment should also be in line with the effect of black quality equipment.

The last agility is a bit tasteless. The comprehensive score of the copy does not reach s,

In Bai Ye’s surprise, it is reasonable.

The Great Buddha is not something that can be solved by itself.

He only killed one top red-clothed.

That red monk is not his subordinate.

It probably took away a lot of completion.

And Bai Ye felt that there was still a lot to explore in this dungeon.

This time it was not fully explored.

For example, the Buddhist temple at the foot of the mountain.

And the area near the Dajue Buddhist Temple,

Other areas on this mountain have not been explored.

And whether the Buddha is an old monk.

This dungeon of confusion is over.

(Nuo Zhao) Bai Ye also had some headaches himself.

But what is certain is that the birth of this big Buddha is related to the monk in red.

The red-robed monk appeared on the mountain where the supernatural erupted.

He single-handedly created the Dajue Buddhist Temple, a supernatural spot where there is a great evil.

Personally enlightened the Buddha.

The 12-armed Buddha statue of the semi-violent level that follows it will probably take over the position of the main Buddha of Dajue Buddhist Temple after the big Buddha leaves.

This city is very different from Fengcheng.

The ghosts here seem to be raising people as some kind of resource.

Although there are also supernatural events, they are not as desperate as Fengcheng.

In this case, it is difficult to create new ghosts.

Most of the resources are divided up and occupied by some powerful ghosts.

In this case, it will only be harder to get a job in the city.

One radish and one pit, the pits of this city may have been divided up by some powerful ghosts. .

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