Chapter 121 The Timber Factory | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 125

“How far is the lumber mill?”

“It’s not very far, it’s just next door,” said the old man Liu.

“The shopkeeper, I didn’t think about choosing a factory that was too far away when I purchased the goods. If the factory is far away, it is troublesome to transport, and accidents are prone to occur in the middle.”

“Then I’ll talk about it when I get back.” Bai Ye said.

“Okay, when the shopkeeper gets your hands on the lumber mill, I can start making blood coffins.” Old man Liu was so happy that the folds on his face could trap mosquitoes.

Paved from the coffin.

The imitator glanced at Bai Ye and hesitated.

“Just say whatever you want to say.” Bai Ye said.

“President, I know the lumber factory. During this time, I was trying to find out the ghost forces in the vicinity.” Mimicking the Three Zero Ghosts said.

Bai Ye couldn’t help but look at the imitationghost.

I haven’t ordered it yet.

It actually consciously investigates the nearby ghost forces.

I have to say that imitating ghosts really makes Bai Ye very comfortable when dealing with things.

“This timber factory is located next door to Liyuan District. Because there is a small forest in Liyuan District, there are many woodworking-related industries in Liyuan District, such as timber factories and furniture city.”

said the imitation ghost.

Bai Ye nodded.

“How much information have you collected about the ghosts in the lumber factory?” Bai Ye asked.

“My news was also inquired from the mouths of ghosts who came from Liyuan District in the past two years. The news may be a little behind.”

The imitation ghost is transformed.

Turned into a blond female secretary.

Pushed the red-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose.

“The director of the timber factory should be a top-notch red-clothed man, not at the level of semi-violent.”

“There are 120 employees in the timber factory,” said the female secretary.

“Yeah.” Bai Ye nodded.

“According to the inquiries, the bugs appeared in the wood processing factory for about two or three months.”

Fengcheng is full of ghosts, and most ghosts have places they are familiar with.

Will not easily move the site.

So the flow of news is blocked.

“You go to inform the train, and Liu Shiguang.” Bai Ye said.

Imitation ghosts understand.

Since you are going there, of course you have to make the most complete preparations.

There is still a thick fog on the street.

From time to time there are shadows passing through the darkness.

A strange existence is now watching Bai Ye in the fog.

They seem to recognize Bai Ye.

Wherever Bai Ye walked, these strange beings avoided.

At the end of the fog ahead, a four-meter-high gate stands on the right side of the road.

The top of the gate is a yellow bottom plate, with five bold red characters on the surface: Nanxing Kindergarten.

There was a corpse lying at the entrance of the kindergarten, and the lower half of the corpse was wrapped in a straw mat.

The upper half of the corpse was exposed, and the other half was hidden in the straw mat.

The body was wearing a security uniform.

When Bai Ye walked in, the neck of the corpse facing the ground turned 180 degrees.

Staring straight at Bai Ye, there are two blood holes in his eyes.

“Director…” The corpse opened his mouth, and a faint sound came out of his throat.

This corpse is one of the half-step red clothes found during the street household registration.

A ghoul lying on a weedy wasteland with only a mat covering him.

Bai Ye kindly found him a new job.

It was also very happy, and when he saw Bai Ye, his mouth was full of laughter.

It opened the door for Bai Ye.

Enter kindergarten.

I ran into a figure head on.

Accompanied by exclamations.

Bai Ye saw a boy sitting on the ground with his butt on his back, his hands on the ground, and looked at himself in horror.

is the player who is performing the task.

Bai Ye retracted his gaze.

Skip the kindergarten yard and walk directly to the principal’s office behind.

Looking at Bai Ye’s back, the boy got up from the ground…  


He seems to have seen… a person?

There are still people outside this kindergarten.

He ran to the door of the kindergarten and tried to open the door, but he couldn’t.

A hand suddenly grabbed his ankle.

He lowered his head and saw the ghoul security guard lying on the ground staring at him.

Screaming and running backwards.

Bai Ye came to the office of the principal’s mother-in-law.

In the principal’s mother-in-law’s office stood a timid little girl ghost, hiding in a corner playing with toys alone.

This is the granddaughter soul of the principal’s mother-in-law.

Trapped in a small yard by the river after his death.

The small yard is a place of water ghosts with pedophilia. This water ghost is an ordinary red-clothed ghost. It was terrifying to Bai Ye in the past, but it is the same for Bai Ye now.

After the principal’s mother-in-law knew the location, she killed it. The ending of the water ghost is self-evident.

We also rescued a group of child ghosts from the small yard, more than a dozen of them, and all of them were brought back to the kindergarten.

“Director.” After finding her granddaughter, she understood the big wish of the principal’s mother-in-law.

“I think there are a lot more students in the kindergarten now. You can try to expand the class, recruit more ghost teachers, or adult ghosts who prefer children.” Bai Ye said.

The principal’s mother-in-law readily agreed.

Bai Ye also took advantage of the situation and proposed that Fang Liang’s mother be the head of the primary class.

The principal’s mother-in-law rolled her eyes.

Jie Jie smiled strangely: “LordRen Ke took a fancy to Mr. Li? ”

“Mr. Li’s husband died early, and he didn’t have time to turn into a ghost. If the director has the mind, he will definitely succeed, and he will have more eldest sons.”


God is such an eldest son.

That is, Fang Liang died early and looked young.

Your actual age may be about the same as yourself. .

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