Chapter 128 Jinding Building | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 132

The chest is a little hot.

Bai Ye took off his clothes.

I found that there was a broken pattern in the center of my chest.

This pattern is incompletewhole.

Like the tip of an abacus.

Bai Ye’s face was a little weird.

An abacus grows on his chest.

This is really…

Bai Ye rubbed his chest, but couldn’t feel anything.

Forget it, let’s go to the next instance.

It has also been three days off,

You can also enter the next copy.

“Enter the copy.” The voice fell, and Bai Ye, who was sitting in the seat of the dean’s office, slowly disappeared in place.

In my ears, there was a loud noise.

Bai Ye didn’t find it interesting.

I just thought they were a little noisy.

【Entering the copy…】

【Identity implantation】

【Identity has been implanted】

[Number of players in this instance: 5]

【Main Mission: Reach the Sky Tower of Jinding Building within 12 hours】

[Dungeon background: Jinding Building has a total of twelve elevators and eight stairs. Players need to choose a safe route to reach the top of the building at the fastest speed]

When Bai Ye regained consciousness, he found himself standing in an elevator.

One, two, three, four, five.

There are five people standing in front of me,

Plus I’m six.

There are only 5 players in this dungeon, and the extra one is…Which cute ghost friend?

“Trigger the hidden mission, you frowned, and found that the number of passengers in the elevator is wrong, please find the ghost passenger in the elevator.”

Bai Ye stood on the spot and looked at the five people except himself.

From left to right is a very interesting girl with a butterfly tattoo on her chest and a strong perfume smell on her body.

An aunt with her back to herself, gray hair, and eating something with her head down.

Carrying a work box, with his back to himself, a man in blue overalls like a repairman.

A young woman in pajamas holding a baby.

“Who are you ghosts?” Bai Ye asked honestly.



The young woman holding the baby looked at Bai Ye vigilantly, and then turned the baby in the swaddle to the right.

The repairman in overalls turned his head with a simple smile on his face, “What the hell.”

The aunt who eats eats faster.

It’s like eating beans.


Only the unexpected girl on the left was frightened by Bai Ye’s words.

She shrank back and said cautiously, “Is there a ghost in the elevator?”

Bai Ye patted his forehead.

He sighed, “How can I be, how can I see all of you in the elevator.”

Seeing their reactions and attitudes, Bai Ye knew that they were not players.

But Bai Ye didn’t directly recognize them as ghosts.

Because there are still living people in addition to the players in the thriller game.

However, you should pretend to be a little bit more.

“Auntie, everything in your arms stinks.” Bai Ye said, pointing to the swaddling clothes held by the young woman.

I heard Bai Ye say that it stinks.

The young woman’s eyes were red and her facial features were ferocious, and she rushed towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye’s face was expressionless, and he punched him.

The fist is covered with a layer of Yin force.

Hammer her head directly into pieces.

The baby in her arms carried a stench of stench.

Bai Ye was expressionless, grabbed the ghost baby’s head with one hand, and slammed it heavily on the elevator floor.

Then step down with your right foot.



Even with the elevator, a footprint was stepped on.

The whole elevator was moaning.

Makes an unbearable shaking sound.

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes, raised his head, and sighed comfortably.

Look at Bai Ye’s perverted expression.

The other three people in the elevator were even more terrified.

The old woman who was eating turned her head.

The face turned out to be a bear face.

The corners of the mouth are full of blood,

In his hand is a man’s hand that has been gnawed to the bone.

Bai Ye took out the rainy night butcher’s scissors.

Grasp the left and right sides of the scissors with both hands,

Then push forward, squeeze, hands together.

A bear head rose into the sky.

Seeing Bai Ye so cruel, the other one in the elevator,

No, the two ghosts are no longer hidden.

They sensed danger, this human being is too ferocious!

All of them murdered Bai Ye with murderous faces.

The repairman opened the box in his hand, took out a huge wrench, andHe knocked heavily on Bai Ye’s head.

The butterfly tattoo on the chest of the female ghost on the left flew out, and flew to Bai Ye along with (okay) a thick black mist.

Bai Ye turned his head in shock, looked at the female ghost on the left and said, “.” You are actually a ghost!? I thought only the four of them were ghosts.”

“???” The expression on the face of the female ghost who was shooting was particularly wonderful.

Didn’t find me?

So am I exposing myself?

She ended up with a deep sense of self-doubt.

Bai Ye punched her in the head.

Three punches and two feet killed all the ghosts in the elevator.

Bai Ye stretched leisurely and comfortably.

Open the elevator door and step out of the elevator to get pregnant.

Outside is a straight corridor.

The floor is covered with a black and red carpet.

There are closed doors on both sides of the corridor. .

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