Chapter 131 The Elevator Ghost’s Request | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 135

Bai Ye walked to the window of the woman’s living room.

The windows are blocked with barbed wire.

Across the thick and dense barbed wire, Bai Ye saw a thick gray fog from between the holes.

You can’t see the outside through the gray fog.

This building seems to be isolated from the world.

Outside the barbed wire is a bustling ghost market.

Inside the barbed wire is a depressing ghost building.

“Don’t touch the wire.” The woman floated to Bai Ye’s side.

She warned Bai Ye.

There is some kind of mutation in this wire.

Originally, she wound it with her own hands, but now it has become unfamiliar, and she is also afraid.

“I once saw a resident who wanted to break the barbed wire, and then was penetrated through the body and sucked into a mummified corpse,” said the female ghost.

“Who is the head of the building?” Bai Ye asked 303.

This kind of ghost building must have a head.

It has vaguely formed some kind of rules.

There are rules to be found.

So there is a high probability that a building manager has already been born.

The female ghost is at a loss,

She doesn’t know what a boss is.

Bai Ye took out a stack of ghost banknotes, about two or three thousand figures.

Casting money can make ghosts run the mill.

Bai Ye handed the money to the female ghost.

Just as he was about to ask her to accompany him to the 33rd floor, Bai Ye didn’t have time to speak just after handing over the money.

The female ghost who has borrowed money has already started to undress shyly…

? ? ?

You are wrong.

“Stop, I asked you to accompany me to the thirty-third floor.” Bai Ye interrupted her.

The female ghost looked at Bai Ye resentfully.

Turn around and Shi Shiran leads the way.

The fifth elevator is actually in another hidden corner of this floor.

In a corner of a very hidden building.

There are only up and down buttons next to the elevator, and there is no display screen showing the floor number of the elevator.

Click on the elevator.

A ding sound.

The elevator door opens directly.



The pale light shines straight on every corner of the elevator from the top of the elevator.

On the ceiling of the elevator, the body of a hanged man hangs in the elevator.

covered with maggots,

Every now and then maggots fall on the ground,

There are many stiff maggots on the ground, and some are crawling and squirming to feed on their companions.

There is a strong stench in the elevator.

The face of the male corpse was swollen and purple, foaming up like a steamed bun.

Eyes bulging like ping pong balls.

The lips also turned into swollen sausage mouths.

It looks very hideous.

“He was also a resident here before, but he hanged himself after he couldn’t stand the oppressive environment.” The female ghost explained to Bai Ye.

Perhaps because of the payment, her attitude was very good.

He also took the initiative to press the floor button for Bai Ye.

Bai Ye followed into the elevator and stood against the corner of the elevator.

Some bugs were inevitably stepped on in the middle.

The female ghost pressed the thirty-third floor.

The elevator goes up slowly.

“He used to be a good guy. He also does carpentry and home appliance maintenance. Many people in this building asked him to help him,” said the female ghost. “After his death, as long as someone wants to go to the 33rd floor and the floors below the 33rd floor in this No. 5 elevator, just press the floor and they can go directly to the floor. I only know the way to go to the 33rd. If you want to go higher I can’t do anything about the floor.”

The elevator quickly reached the thirty-third floor.

The female ghost stepped out of the elevator, and Bai Ye clapped a hand on his shoulder the moment he was about to walk out.

The elevator door in front of you automatically closes.

When the elevator door is closed.

“Can you do me a favor?” A difficult and obscure voice came from behind him, like his throat was hanging in the air.

Bai Ye turned his head, the male corpse hanging behind him had taken off the noose at some point, staring at Bai Ye with big eyes.

“You can help, but you have to give money. If you don’t have money, you can pay for other things.” Bai Ye said. “I was killed by someone, and my room was occupied by someone. I can’t leave the elevator now, can you avenge me?” the male corpse in the elevator prayed.

“Why don’t you find thisThe other ghosts on the floor? ”

“They won’t help.” The male corpse said faintly, “You don’t really think that there are good people in this building, do you? Hou Xiaojuan, who brought you here just now, carried her husband to the open-air party in the building. After her husband found out, he was hacked to death with a kitchen knife. After she died, she turned into a ghost and trapped her husband in the room, frightening her to death. …”

Bai Ye took a breath and made a little contribution to global warming.

Good guy, it’s no wonder that this female ghost was so active when she paid for it just now.

It turned out to be a criminal record.

Bai Ye finally knew what the female ghost meant by holding regular parties.

At that time, Bai Ye was still wondering why it was a bit strange to hold regular gatherings.

“Then how did you die?” Bai Ye asked.

The man’s corpse in the elevator didn’t answer, but something fell from its pocket and fell to the ground.

Bai Ye picked it up.

“You have obtained the key to Room 3314 of Jinding Building.”

【Props】The key to room 3314

【Effect】Open the door

[Introduction] Insert it, turn right, unlock it, turn it again, unscrew it, yes, that’s how the door opens.

The voice of the elevator man’s corpse came from Bai Ye’s ear, “My house is on the eighty-sixth floor.”

“If you want, I can take you to the eighty-sixth floor right now.”

A trace of doubt flashed in Bai Ye’s heart, but he didn’t show it on his face.

The female ghost of the Specter level said that her strength can only live on the twenty-seventh floor, so what is the strength of the elevator man’s corpse living on the eighty-sixth floor.

“Then take me to the eighty-sixth floor.”

The voice fell, and the elevator shook violently.

The lights in the elevator flickered violently.

A strong sense of weightlessness swept over.

In the elevator, the maggots on the male corpse fell like raindrops.

A thick black mist lingers around him.

I do not know how long it has been.

The elevator shook suddenly.

Finally stopped.


The elevator door slowly opened.

Outside the elevator, the long and narrow corridor is covered with carpets of flesh and blood, countless broken limbs and broken arms, and smeared blood, filling the entire corridor aisle! .

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