Chapter Thirteen: Dating and loving a family (three shifts) | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Seeing Manager Doll Bear’s reaction, Bai Ye knew that he had made the right bet.

Just now, the doll bear manager said that if he saw it outside, he would eat it.

This exposes the fact that you can’t do it in the supermarket.

Customers can’t do anything to employees in the supermarket.

Corresponding employees can’t do anything to customers in the supermarket.

This is a rule in the supermarket that binds both parties at the same time.

Those who break the rules will be punished.

Looking at the scorched ghost who was still begging for water, Bai Ye’s eyes flickered.

“Don’t you want water, come with me.” Bai Ye turned around and walked away, the scorched ghost crawled on the ground to catch up with Bai Ye.

Opening the utility room, Bai Ye said, “Don’t damage anything, and don’t allow it to burn indiscriminately, or you will pay for it.”

Bai Ye pointed to the sink where he usually washes his mops.


The scorched ghost looked up at Bai Ye.

He glanced down at the sink again.

“Look at what I’m doing, jump in.”

Bai Ye turned on the faucet.

The scorched ghost sensed a faint yin from the water.

This helps it a lot.

Accompanied by the yin, there is also a touch of malice.

It was a little scared, and two emotions were entangled in his heart.

Ultimately, the instinct for water cravings prevailed.

Body huddled and jumped into the sink.


The scorched ghost closed his eyes and let out a comfortable moan in his throat. There was a lot of yin in the water.

This makes it incredibly comfortable.

Bai Ye had seen the prompt before.

Drinking water can see some things that ordinary people can’t see.

The water seems to have life, winding upwards along its body.

But soon the scorched ghost couldn’t move, and its whole body was fixed by water.

It moves more and more slowly.

The old shell on the body surface fell off.

Revealing the new, bright red muscle texture underneath.

It seems to be transforming.

The purpose of this scorched ghost’s need for water seems to be to break through.

Most ghosts often need the help of external forces to break through the level after the current level has accumulated to the limit.

This scorched ghost is at this critical moment.

That’s why it needs water so much.

The charred ghost in the pool is getting weaker and weaker.

The water soaking its body washes it away.

Only the more tender red muscle texture at the bottom is left.

However, the death and evil spirits on it became more and more intense.

The blood vessels exposed to the air between the muscle gaps burn like fire.

This flame can burn even in water.

But the flames burning in the water seemed to touch the sensitive nerves of a certain existence.

The tap water, which was originally just reddish, became deeper and deeper.

There is a strong smell of blood in the air.

The sharp water turns into a turbulent vortex to kill the scorched ghost!

The water flow even leaves the tank and briefly floats in mid-air, forming a wrapped spherical vortex.

The scorched ghost wailed.

It struggled to escape.

But as soon as he stretched out an arm, he was twisted back by the vortex again.


The scorched ghost struggled to stare at Bai Ye, suddenly his body exploded, and his head flew out of his body and landed in Bai Ye’s arms.

“help me.”

Bai Ye looked at the water that escaped from the sink and was getting closer and closer to him.

Immediately take out the ghost blanket from the package.

Then cover the scorched ghost’s head.

Wrap the head layer by layer,

All wrapped in blankets.

? ? ?

You are going too far.

The surface of the water stream rolls, and the next moment an eyeball is squeezed out from the surface of the water stream.

Eyeballs stared straight at Bai Ye.

Hide your head in front of my face.

Do you think you are blind or I am blind.

It’s not so insulting to insult the IQ of ghosts, right?

Bai Ye picked up the official employee work card hanging around his neck with his left hand and coughed.

Your own person!


Eyeballs took a look at the work permit, and then took a deep look at Bai Ye,

Finally slowly back away.In the sink, the headless corpse of the scorched ghost was twisted into countless minced flesh, and it returned back down the opening of the faucet.

It receded.

Bai Ye’s surface was calm, but his heart was slightly nervous.

Fortunately, I got the work permit of a regular employee and joined the Blind Date Love Supermarket family.

Your own people don’t hit your own people.

Watching the sink return to calm, Bai Ye’s nervous heart finally relaxed.

Good people live in peace, good people live a hundred years.

Take out the blood-stained bandage under the cuff and put it back into the package.

No need to shut the door and call the manager.

Exit from the utility room.

Bai Ye closed the door intimately.

Then, the ghost blanket was spread out. The scorched ghost’s head was looking around, and finally looked at Bai Ye in a daze.

Bai Ye looked at the burnt ghost with only one head left.

Like a black ball.

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