Chapter 139 Treasure Pot | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 143

The windbreaker was washed into countless tattered fragments in the wire current.

The top hat soared into the sky and was soon wrapped in wire again.

Even the real body inside was pierced by iron wire.

The torrent of iron wire pours down,

In the shattered windbreaker, a vague phantom appeared and flew backwards.

This real human face and dog body,

The body is covered with dense scars.

At the moment when the body is exposed to the air,

It instinctively covers its hands to cover its body.

The image of Bai Ye and the wire flying towards him are reflected in his pupils.

So fast, so much.

The iron net is still there.

This is the only thought left in its head.

I’ve been fooled myself. This weird iron wire actually hid inside the building.


It wants to escape.

But it’s too late.

Pulled into the building by wire.

Downstairs, countless ghosts witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

This is incomparably brave, as if the scene of the big man’s birth had a shocking reversal.

It was as if the hooligan who had just rushed into the room was pulled into the room by a bully and beaten violently.

“Do not–”

The mournful screams made the listeners sad, and the listeners wept.

Eighty-seventh floor,

The nine brothers of the hero returned to the eighty-seventh floor.

What I saw were ghosts bound and punished by various iron wires.

“It’s so miserable..” The elevator man corpse recognized the ghost.

“It’s actually it.”

“you recognize?”

“I know.” The elevator man said.

This realization was before the outbreak of the ghost tide.

At that time, the body of the ghost that was bound was an old man who kept a dog.

He is quite famous in the neighborhood.

Known by many people.

He likes to feed some abandoned stray dogs.

These stray dogs love it too.


At this time, a skinned dog climbed up from the wall of the building and climbed into the house along the window.

Saw the bound old man.

The dog’s eyes instantly turned red.

He rushed towards the wire that bound the old man frantically, biting with his teeth.

But how can its teeth bite the wire.

“Later, a nearby stray dog ​​frightened the child. The next day, several stray dogs in the vicinity were skinned and killed, and were found in the grass.”

“After the old man came, he didn’t say anything, just used a cart to transport the body of the stray dog ​​away.”

“Since then, no one in the neighborhood has seen the old man, and all the stray dogs in the neighborhood have disappeared.”

Because this incident had a relatively large impact at the time, it was on the eve of the outbreak of the ghost tide.

So he remembered it clearly.

Another skinned dog with a top red coat climbed up from the window.

Bai Ye raised his hand and climbed out of the window layer after layer of iron wire.

As before, the whole building is surrounded again.

Except the lobby on the first floor is open, leaving a passage for entry and exit, the rest of the building is closed.

Like the thick thorns of a hedgehog.

Bai Ye thought of the parasitic power of iron wire.

So he let it and the skinned dog all parasitized with iron wire.

A piece of iron wire penetrates the lute bone, spine, and skull.

Hanging high on a large net made of iron wire.

Hanging on the wall, lost all consciousness.

Bai Ye could feel that a steady stream of gloomy ghost power was provided to Dawang.

Then there are three layers inside and three layers outside.

Finally completely blocked.

Bai Ye felt that the total amount that the iron net could play was about half more.

After all, it’s a half murderer and several top red clothes.

The Jinding Building has once again become a tall and cold building blocked by iron wires.

“.” Can we go out again?” The elevator man reluctantly watched as the corpse was re-sealedLocked windows.

they’ve been blocked for too long,

(Good) I don’t know how many years.

So they look forward to seeing the outside world.

Even dark, corrupt, evil, bloody.

It’s also better than being enclosed in a dead mansion.

The other eight ghosts also looked at Bai Ye.

“My lobby on the first floor is not closed. In the future, you can go out if you want. The square outside should be more lively.” Bai Ye said.

“Elevator ghost, I’ll give you a secondary authority. When I’m not there, you are optimistic about the building. If there is an intruder, you can directly use the secondary authority to imprison.” Bai Ye gave the elevator ghost the secondary authority to manipulate the Huoxin iron net. . .

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