Chapter 151 Mass Burial Mound [Three Shifts] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 155

Zhang Xu looked down at the bus ticket printed in his hand.

There are also tickets for the 645 bus.

He looked up at the bus in front of him again.

Obviously, the dangerous road is even greater.

But why does he think it’s safer to take this ride…

After hesitating for a long time, Zhang Xu finally stepped on the bus.

Buses are filling up gradually.

Everyone has a cluster effect.

When more and more people enter the bus.

In the end, all 33 seats were filled with passengers.

When the last position in the car also sits behind the player. There was a system prompt in Bai Ye’s ears.

“Trigger the hidden task, whether to accept the hidden task: I am an old driver. (Arrived at the terminal with a full bus)”

“Reward: Advanced lottery chance *1.”

Since there is no punishment, of course Bai Ye chooses to accept it.

Do it if you can, give up if you can’t.

“Have you ever taken the bus?” Bai Ye asked the scalper.

The scalper nodded, then shook his head again.

“I haven’t been on the road, but I can still recognize the road if there is a map.””This is a map, you can show me the way.” Bai Ye pasted the map on the seat in front of him.

Then let the scalper squat beside him.

“When you’re done, I’ll give you a reward.” In order to motivate the scalpers to take the initiative.

Bai Ye took out a thousand ghost money and threw it to the scalper, and at the same time used the ability to make ghosts grind with money.

Since the hidden mission has been triggered, Bai Ye must try his best to complete the hidden mission.

The initiative of the leading party is more important.

The scalper hesitated, “This journey is too dangerous.”

It took a peek at Bai Ye and was relieved to find that Bai Ye was not angry.

Bai Ye threw four thousand more.

“Is this enough?”

“Yes, yes 々..” The scalper’s eyes are glowing.

It hasn’t seen so many ghost notes for a long time.

Usually I can’t earn so much after working for a few months.

“But if you want to arrive at the terminal safely, it’s best not to pick up new passengers. Now these passengers are enough.” The scalper said in a low voice.

“Is it okay not to carry passengers?” Bai Ye wondered, the driver’s job was not to carry passengers.

If you don’t carry passengers, it won’t go against your profession, and it will be bad if the mission fails.

“Of course!” The scalper said quickly.

“Actually, I used to be the driver here. I just lost my job because of some things. Fortunately, I was able to get a few tickets because of some connections, so I worked here.” The scalper sneered.

“This is also a hidden rule of the bus. As long as the seats in the bus are full, you don’t need to stop at the stop, and you can continue to drive directly.”

This message is very useful.

Bai Ye is very satisfied,

This news alone is worth the five thousand ghost notes.

I just didn’t expect this scalper to be a bus driver before.

“Boss, can you tell me how you became a driver?” The scalper hesitated and asked expectantly.

It was a bus driver during his lifetime.

After he died, he still went back to his old business.

But I lost my job for some reason two years ago,

Now its wish is to continue to be a driver.

“It’s very simple, just go in and ask the stationmaster for a driver position.”

The scalper’s eyes widened, the position is so good?

Could it be that the posture I wanted before was wrong.

“What if it doesn’t give it.” Huang Niu said after hesitation.

“Then beat up the stationmaster. If you don’t give it, continue beating. As long as you don’t kill him, you will always give it.” Bai Ye said casually.


Can’t provoke, can’t provoke.

This is a real boss.

The scalper is really scared.

All the little thoughts in my heart vanished.

Let me be honest and lead the way.

“Hello, can you tell us where this bus is going?” A female voice came from Bai Ye’s ear.

The teachers of those students just stood up and asked politely.

“I don’t know.” Bai Ye told the truth.

He is also driving for the first time, I really don’t know.

“…” The female teacher smiled reluctantly, she didn’t believe what Bai Ye said.

“But we all got into your car…”

Bai Ye interrupted her, “Your mission is to take the bus to the terminal, right?”

After hesitating for a while, the female teacher nodded, “Yeah.”

“That’s right, my task is to drive to the terminal. So there is no conflict between us.”

“When you reach the terminal, after completing the main mission, you should return to your rest room, so don’t think too much, and talk to your students now.” Bai Ye stepped on the accelerator.

“.” Go back to your seat, it’s best to close all the windows, don’t look out of the window if you are timid, the old driver is leaving!”

The female teacher returns to her own role.

hum hum ~ cough cough cough.

The rusted and tattered bus roared and the old man coughed.

It’s like an old man embarking on a journey.

The bus shook violently.

“Why is it different from the bus I’ve taken before…”

Bai Ye was speechless.

The bus I took before gave Bai Ye a good impression, just like the bus on earth.

And this car is too broken.

“The main reason is that the bus business on our route is not very good.” The scalper said.

“Those ghosts like to ride brand-new and powerful buses, so they feel more secure, and the more tattered the bus, the more dangerous (so good Zhao) is.”

“Because some roadblockers specifically block passing pedestrians and vehicles, I lost my job because the ghost bus I was driving was blocked by a roadblock.Ghost robbed. ”

“Then you don’t buy a new car.” Bai Ye was speechless, the driving experience was very bad.

This driver’s seat is like sitting on a tractor.

Shaking ji.

As the bus starts moving.

Bai Ye found that the ghost bus was very easy to drive.

Not so many action buttons.

It’s like driving a bumper car.

Only a simple steering wheel, accelerator, and brake.

“The bus also needs to be maintained. In fact, most of the fare of ghost passengers is used to maintain the bus. The more fare the bus eats, the stronger the bus will be. I heard that in some super large passenger stations, There is that kind of ghost car, and you can even drive safely in a ghost.” The scalper said with longing. .

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