Chapter 160 The Faceless Man [Three Shifts] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 164

After the local slugs climbed out,

Only then did Bai Ye realize that this thing didn’t look like a pure slug.

Because slugs have no shells, snails have shells.

Their bodies are transparent, but there are a lot of carrion floating in their transparent bodies.

The two antennae on the top of the head have two dark human eyes.

The rotting and swollen corpse floats in the transparent body.

These floating corpses look quite old, all with white hair.

The bigger the snail, the more carrion floating in the body.

These strange beings carrying houses are full of ghosts.

Even the weakest one has the level of half a step in red.

The strongest among them is even closer to the top red clothes.

There are at least hundreds of houses in this urban village.

That is hundreds of red coats!

This is an extremely terrifying force.

No wonder there are no ghosts nearby.

Here is a terrifying ghost nest.

Or these weird things say they are ghosts but they don’t look like them.

It doesn’t look like a monster becomes an essence.

It’s more of a weirdness.

The ghost bride raised her head,

The sea of ​​blood spread from under her feet.

Gradually covered, covering the entire village.

The monster that looked like a snail in the village let out an uneasy roar.

“Lord, please calm down, calm down. “In the very center of the village, a room on the back of a snail opened, and an old man inside holding the door said anxiously.

19 “We have never harmed other people. Our Happy Village lives in this remote place and has no connection with other ghosts. We just want to live a good life.”

Bai Ye held Tingyang’s hand.

The ghost bride’s pretty face is a little unnatural, but Bai Ye can feel the ghost bride’s grip is tighter.

The sea of ​​blood besieged Happy Village.

The old man carefully climbed down from the snail’s back.

With a hunched back, he walked slowly to Bai Ye.

“Quiet your anger, sir, calm your anger,” the old man prayed.

“I just wanted to ask something just now, but your reaction was so big that it scared me.” Bai Ye said.

“It’s all the fault of those two children. They are only one year old and ignorant. I will punish them!” The old man said firmly.

“Punish them!”

“Don’t be angry, we’ll punish them.”

The windows in Happy Village opened one by one.

The heads stick out from the window.

The owners of these heads are old and young, male and female.

But the expression on his face is almost the same anger.

They looked angrily at the two young men who provoked terror.

If it wasn’t for them, they wouldn’t have to be afraid now, and they wouldn’t be in danger.

The voice fell, and a slug closest to the young man on the left suddenly probed.

Like a spring, the head stretches forward for tens of meters, covering the young man in an instant.

Then swallow the young man from the head down.

After a while, there was one more carrion in the slug.

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes.

This slug doesn’t look like a good ghost.

It seemed that he could see Bai Ye’s doubts.

The old man hurriedly said, “They are gods of protection, specially to protect us.”

“In this dark world, without them, our village might not exist long ago.”

Seeing that Bai Ye doesn’t believe it.

The old man quickly explained everything.

Happy Village has always been an urban village.

Because it is located in the city, most of the young people in the village also work nearby. I usually go home after get off work.

After the ghost tide broke out.

The outside becomes terrifying,

Happy Village also fell into panic for a time.

At this time, the protector of the old man, the slugs that Bai Ye saw came.

They came to this village.

It has become an umbrella in the mouth of the villagers.

But at the same time, they are also charged a certain protection fee.

But according to the old man, even if they paid the protection fee, they were all willing.

“Although life is not as good as before, but at least I can live.”

These slugs feed on people.

But it can also speed up human growth.

They can secrete a special kind of “meat”.

This meat is very delicious,

People can quickly fill their hunger after eating.

At the same time, in addition to filling hunger.

This meat also has a negative state.

That is, people are prone to aging.

And these two young people are actually children who have just been born for less than a year.

It’s just because of the frequent consumption of this meat, it ages very quickly.

In just over a year, he has grown into his twenties.

“Then you?” Bai Ye looked at the old man in front of him.

Can’t help frowning.

Then said that the person standing in front of him is a little kid of a few years old.

Are you taking me for a fool?

A child of a few years old can speak with such a clear and coherent logic.

said the old man.

“But there are other solutions. As long as you become the partner of Daxian Slug, you can let your family retain consciousness. As long as you retain consciousness, it doesn’t matter if your body ages faster, it’s just a change of body.” The old man said.

This ability is a bit weird.

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes.

If so.

Then this slug fairy has at least three abilities.

One is to accelerate the aging of the body.

The second is to swallow the corpse into the body, which should be related to the growth of the slug fairy.

The third is to allow people to retain their consciousness and transfer it to another body, that is, I don’t know if it has to be a baby or any body.

But anyway,

As long as a normal person can see,

This slug fairy clearly regards these people as leeks.

Cut one crop after another.Accelerates body aging.

It is to make people die faster, so that they can collect corpses.

And Bai Ye suspected that the lifespan lost by aging was actually stolen by this so-called slug fairy using some weird method.

Eat life while alive, and eat corpses after death.

“You never thought about resisting? I can help you.” Bai Ye said.

“Don’t, it’s fine just like that.” The old man said quickly.

This slug Daxian obviously regards these people as leeks.

But these people are still willing and flocking.

“We don’t have any ambitions, we just want to live.” The old man said humbly.

“Isn’t it just being a leek? It’s not for someone to be a leek. As long as I can survive, it’s not shabby. I used to be a code farmer when I was young, and I worked nine to nine. It’s not easy now.”

“Although we haven’t paid attention to the outside world for a long time, it shouldn’t be much better than ours here.” The old man prayed to Bai Ye, begging him not to destroy the hope of their village’s survival.

Bai Ye was silent.

People in Happy Village actually know that they are actually raised as leeks by this so-called slug fairy.

But they have no idea of ​​resistance.

Maybe it’s not that I haven’t thought about it,

Just if you really get rid of the slug fairy.

Where can they find a new place to live?

Bai Ye knows the outside world better than these people.

“Forget it, Tingyang.” Bai Ye finally gave up.

Although this slug fairy is not good in his eyes, it is also the hope for these people to survive.

You killed Slug Daxian by yourself, where can these people go?

Take them back to Sixing Street by yourself?

Don’t be kidding, I don’t know how far apart there is.

I am afraid that there are not one in ten people who can reach it safely.

“I asked you about the city expressway.” Bai Ye said.

“I’m not too sure about this. Some people in our village walked over there before, but those who passed by never came back.” The old man said.

“Sir, are you hungry, we have something to eat here,” the old man said.

Bai Ye thought of meat that can accelerate human aging.

He waved his hand to refuse, turned around and asked the others behind him if they wanted to eat.

I heard the old man talk about the weirdness of this meat.

The other players shook their heads one after another, avoiding it.

“It’s not this meat, it’s some canned food.” The old man said embarrassedly.

Of course, he knew that the flesh of the slug Daxian didn’t matter to the people in his village, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was definitely poison.

Then the old man asked other people in the village to bring two boxes of canned meat over.

The shelf life of this canned meat is approaching.

It’s been out for several years.

The people in Happy Village used to store it for later use.

It’s just that there is no need for the flesh of the slug fairy later.

The meat of the slug Daxian is similar to poison, and after eating other meat, it is difficult to be interested again.

Lift the canned meat into the car,

Bai Ye said goodbye to happy people.

When Bai Ye left, the old man asked expectantly, “Is the outside world…is it any better now?”

There was a faint light in his eyes.

“It’s about the same as yours here.” Bai Ye thought about it, and not all the people still alive outside were as humble as ants.

Basically, most people rely on ghosts to survive by relying on ghosts.

Maybe it’s better than Happy Village.

“It seems that everyone is working hard to live.” The old man smiled with satisfaction. .

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