Chapter 172 The Labyrinth Ghost [1/4] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 176

The first villager I saw was a big murderer.

Bai Ye suddenly became very interested in the village of dead death.

“Is the village inside?”

“The village is inside, and I was assigned to guard outside the village to prevent outsiders from entering the village by mistake,” Dillon said.

“What if I make a mistake.”

Dillon grinned, “Threats to scare them away, eat them if they come again.”

“I remember that there seemed to be a time when an army came to encircle me, and I ate hundreds of people.”

Dillon shook his body,

Bai Ye saw a soldier in armor on one of his bodies.

“How many years have you been guarding?”

“Winter has come over two thousand times,” Dillon said.

“That’s more than two thousand years.” Bai Ye sighed.

It is older than Tingyang’s time.

“However, in the past, the ghosts in the world were thin, and I sometimes woke up and fell asleep, but only in recent years have I fully woken up.” Dillon said.

“Village Chief, I’ll lead the way for you.” Di Long turned around, his huge body crouching on the ground.

Put your arms on the ground.

Shaking his long body, he walked step by step to the depths.

“How many murderers are there in your village?” Bai Ye asked Di Long.

Dillon grinned, “You can rest assured, village chief, there must be few good people in the village.”

Dillon realized that he had made a mistake, and said quickly: “I mean they are all fierce, but ghosts are good.

It’s just that our ancestors passed the rules. We can’t leave the village without the village chief. We can only leave when the village chief appears. ”

Di Long’s body all turned their heads, looking at Bai Ye curiously and excitedly.

“You have kept a rule from your ancestors for so many years.” Bai Ye was quite emotional.

Dillon shook his head, “We must abide by it, because our ability to be today is inseparable from our ancestors.”

Dillon seems to be very taboo about his ancestors,

After a brief discussion, there is no further discussion.

“Are you a nightmare ghost? I have seen ghosts similar to you.” Bai Ye asked what kind of ghost Dillon was.

Dillon didn’t seem to have heard of Nightmare, “Nightmare? Maybe yes, I don’t know what the hell I am, the name is something other people call it, Nightmare… It’s a nice name, I’ll give it a try in the future. It’s a nightmare!”

Follow Dillon for ten minutes.

Finally arrived at a village.

The land deep in the ravine is extremely empty.

The houses are just like, and the fields are orderly.

HaveChickens and dogs bark,

The elderly and children in the village laughed and laughed.

But the moment Bai Ye, an outsider, stepped into the village.

All sounds in the village disappeared.

Bai Ye saw it.

As far as I can see in the village.

Whether men, women or children, all look to themselves.

With a smile on his face.

This is the silence before the storm,

If one is handled incorrectly, the visitor will be greeted by a gust of wind and rain.

“The village chief is here!” Di Long didn’t step into the village, he squatted outside the village, stood up high, and then roared loudly.

It was as if a bomb had been dropped in the calm air.


All kinds of voices in the village returned to their original state in an instant.

“The village chief?”

“The village chief?”

“Village Chief!”

The old man in the blue shirt sitting on the seat tilted his head, his neck rotated 360 degrees.

Then he stood up uncoordinated.

He walked towards Bai Ye with a weird and twisted posture.

At the back of the village, a little boy with a red apron with braids upside-down was squatting on the ground and playing with ants, his ears moved, and he suddenly turned his head towards the entrance of the village.

“The old man killed the deputy head of the village.” The old man walked up to Bai Ye.

After getting close, Bai Ye realized that the old man was very tall.

The height is more than two meters.

The limbs are extremely slender.

The skeleton is very large.

The face was skinny and skinny, and his face turned slightly blue.

If you get rid of the strong dead aura on it, it doesn’t look much different from a normal old man.

The ghost bride looked at the deputy village chief vigilantly.

Because she felt a strong threat from it.

This deputy village chief is at least a top-notch murderer.

Although there is no action,

But it seems to contain the power like a landslide and a tsunami in its body.

It’s terrifying.

Bai Ye took out his village chief certificate.

The deputy village chief took it over, with ten lines at a glance.

Soon, a trace of joy flashed in its eyes.

“Successfully received the Dead Dead Village, and obtained the position of the village head of the Dead Dead Village.” A reminder of the horror game came from Bai Ye’s ear.

“Di Yuan, I have seen the village chief.” The old deputy village chief respectfully returned the voucher to Bai Ye.

After seeing the deputy village chief confirm Bai Ye’s identity.

The rest of the villagers in the village who had been staring at this place exclaimed with excitement.

They were elated and ecstatic.

It seems that it is not just because the village where he is located finally has a village chief.

Also for some deeper reasons.

“Village Chief, please.” Di Yuan said respectfully.

After confirming Bai Ye’s identity.

Di Yuan’s attitude towards Bai Ye has changed a lot.

He was stunned for a moment when he glanced at the Sword of Death that was slung on Bai Ye’s waist inadvertently.

But didn’t say anything.

Bai Ye followed Di Yuan into the village.

Di Yuan gave Bai Ye a detailed introduction to the details of Dead Dead Village.

“Village Chief, we have followed the rules from generation to generation and we have been waiting for your arrival,” Di Yuan said.

“Until the village chief arrives, the ghosts in the village cannot leave the village, so I arranged for Di Long to stay at the exit, on the one hand to prevent outsiders from coming to disturb them, and on the other hand to prevent the villagers from leaving the village.”

“These villagers are happy because you are finally here,” Di Yuan said.

“What’s the overall strength of Dead Dead Village? I really need a group of people who can fight.” Bai Ye was about to expand Sixing Street.

But the current team is definitely not enough, the speed is too slow.

Generally speaking, there is at least one semi-murderer in a block.

Some powerful neighborhoods even have more semi-murderers and big-murders.

The strength of Dead Dead Village gave Bai Ye the hope of rapid expansion in the short term.

Di Yuan’s stiff face showed a bit of hesitation.

“Village chief, the villagers seldom fight. Our village are all ordinary villagers, and their strength may not meet your expectations of the village chief.”

“Ordinary villagers… it’s okay, tell me in detail.” Bai Ye nodded.

It doesn’t matter if the other villagers are just ordinary ghosts.

With Di Long and Di Yuan there, they are at least two powerful men.

“Okay, we have a total of 103 households and 420 ghosts in the village of death.”

“There are five demons at the fierce level.”

“There are six ghosts at the half-evil level.”

“The rest are just ordinary villagers in red.”

Five big murderers? Six half-murders?

Bai Ye was stunned.

Feelings have worked so hard for so long, but the murderous and half-murdered subordinates have not yetThere are many in this village?

Do you have any misunderstanding of the four words ordinary villagers?

In your eyes, the red-clothed ghosts are just ordinary villagers.

Seeing the village chief froze,

Di Yuan thought it was Bai Ye who was disgusting.

Immediately said quickly: “But the villagers in our village have great potential. The only reason for their slow growth in strength is that they are all trapped in the village by their ancestors’ training. The village has a limited growth environment. If they can go out, they will definitely grow rapidly.”

(ps: The combat power has not collapsed, don’t worry, it will be more exciting later).

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