Chapter 183 Red Optional Treasure Chest [5/5] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 187

A prop that can be resurrected!

Bai Ye’s eyes narrowed.


This is a one-time consumable that can be involved in resurrection. The value of this black quality consumable is extremely ~ extraordinary.

Unfortunately, only ghosts can be resurrected.

Can’t resurrect people,

It would be great if people could be resurrected.

This item can’t revive ghosts that exceed the level of fiendishness.

Even the top murderers can be resurrected.

As for the price, it summons a hostile ghost of the same level at the same time of resurrection.

Bai Ye was playing with the props.

The murder of this street has been resolved.

All that’s left is to conquer the street.

Bai Ye, who has had two experiences, is very skilled.

Go from house to house to call out the ghosts.

Soon most of the remaining ghosts in this street will be handed over.

There are only more than 200 ghosts left on the street.

There are only so many ghosts in such a big street.

After inquiring, I learned that most of the ghosts had run away.

Run to other neighborhoods nearby.

When the big murderer in the church was still a semi-violent, he devoured a large number of ghosts, making the neighborhood desolate.

After consulting these ghosts, Bai Ye passed the election with absolute votes to become the director of the street office in Tiantai District.

“Successfully attack a block and get 1 point.” A hint of the horror game appeared in Bai Ye’s mind.

Six points.

Bai Ye is going to continue south.

To the south is the Guoben Road block.

Just walked into the Guoben Road block,

There was a ghost in front of the sky, and the two half-murderers were standing far away on the boundary line of the two blocks.

After seeing Bai Ye, he bowed his head and bowed.

Bai Ye was confused by their operations.

But it soon became clear what they meant.

“Do you accept the position of director of the Sub-district Office of Guoben Road?”

A reminder came from Bai Ye’s ear.

Of course, Bai Ye agreed without hesitation.

It turned out that when Bai Ye came over, the two half-murderers reached a consensus.

They have been facing off against the big murderer in the Tiantai block for a while.

Although the big culprit in the Tiantai District is limited to the Tiantai District.

But the strength is not bad.

And it is closely adjacent to the Guoben Road neighborhood.

So the two half-murders have always been on strong vigilance against him.

As a result, I saw it being hammered by two big murderers todaydie.

Then Bai Ye ran for power in the rooftop block.

They instantly understood what Bai Ye wanted.

The two half-murderers of the Buddhist system really follow their inner choices.

Come to surrender directly hand in hand.

“I’m not interested in being the director of the street office.”

・・・・・・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・・

“Me too.”

These two half-murders cooperated to open a hair salon.

It is a scissors ghost and a hair transplant ghost.

The only joy in life is to be a top beauty guru.

After death, his interest is also to cut the heads of ghosts in the Guoben Road block.

If there are no guests, they will join hands and take the initiative to come to the door, and they will cut the hair of other ghosts one by one. The growth of the two ghosts is very interesting, and with complementary abilities, the growth rate is very fast.


The growth method of the scissors ghost is to use scissors to cut the heads of other ghosts or evil beings. The more you cut, the faster it becomes stronger.

And the growth method of hair transplant ghosts is to transplant hair to other ghosts.

Plant ghost hair to other ghosts,

The planted ghost hair will become the hair of other ghosts and will be controlled by other ghosts, but also controlled by it.

Equivalent to second-level authority and first-level authority.

One haircut, one hair transplant.

Because of this, the Tony Brothers ghosts have become two half-murderers in the streets of Xiongba Guoben Road in just ten years.

“Obtained the post of director of the Sub-district Office of Guoben Road.”

“Successfully attack a block, get 1 point.”

“I remember a station on your side.” Bai Ye said.

The barber brother ghost said: “There is a Guoben Road station, an old station.” Inch.

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