Chapter 186 Atrial Mutation | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 190

As Bai Ye read the contents of the diary,

The sound of a horror game sounded in my ears.

“The main mission has been activated.”

“[Main quest] Looking for someone: Find Lai Ming.”

The test was successful. . . Refers to this plant-related test.

The hidden content in the torn content in the middle must be the key.

Even Bai Ye suspected that the last diary was not written by Lai Ming.

Because the font of the last article is completely different from the previous font.

As long as normal people can see it.

Judging from the contents of the diary.

The place where you are now should be the bedroom where the owner of the diary, Lai Ming, is.

Outside is either a research institute or a dormitory.

stand in front of the door,

Look at the door in front of you.

Behind the door is a thick cloud of yin.

Bai Ye relies on his spiritual power far beyond ordinary people.

I noticed a strong yin behind the door.

That is to say,

Bai Ye couldn’t help but think of the most common open door killing in ghost movies.

Open the door yourself.

There is evil behind the door.

Bai Ye doesn’t know what it is, but it’s probably a ghost.

Maybe the ghost stared at him coldly.

Open the door and kill.

Bai Ye can still roughly feel the level of the presence of strong yin behind the door through his mental power.

No threat.

So Bai Ye put his hand on the door handle.

Cool, cold.


The door slowly opened.

It’s pitch black inside the door,

And behind the door,

One is tall and wearing home clothes.

The ghost whose head was standing up from top to bottom with half of his head missing was looking at the room where Zizi was flickering with white light with a puzzled expression.

It clearly heard movement just now.

There is also the smell of living people.

What about people?

Before it could react, a few silk threads flew out of the door and wrapped around it.

A perfect Asian bundle.

Then pull inward,

an afterimage,

The ghost was pulled into the room.


The door to the room closed again.

For a moment,

The door opens again.

Bai Ye walked out of the door contentedly.

He had already found out what he wanted from this ghost, Bai Ye.

This ghost is also one of the workers in the research institute.

It wasn’t even mentioned in Lai Ming’s diary.

But this is indeed a research institute.

Your place is the staff dormitory of the institute.

For some special reasons,

The entire research institute is closed,

Everyone can only go in but not go out.

You cannot leave the institute until the end of the study,

So this ghost doesn’t actually know what’s going on outside.

According to it,

There are no more ghosts left in the research institute.

Only in the dormitory area there are three other than it.

Except for these three ghosts, other places are very dangerous.

Especially the core area and entrances and exits of the former research institute are overgrown with plants.

It’s full of vines, and those vines can even eat ghosts.

Therefore, these three ghosts dare not approach the core area of ​​the research institute.

It is also impossible to leave the institute.

Known information and intelligence are extremely limited.

Even more interesting.

The location of this research institute is in the high-industrial park in the central urban area of ​​Fengcheng.

High Industrial Park.

Here are all kinds of cutting-edge technologies and research institutes.

This news also made Bai Ye wary of this place.

Central City.

Here may be the top ghosts that gathered at least half of the entire Fengcheng.

No wonder Bai Ye felt that his physique was strengthening much faster after coming here.

He could clearly feel the yin in the surrounding air madly gathering into his body.

The efficiency has been at least doubled.

Because there is a lot of yin in the surrounding air.

Perhaps this is why the ghosts in the central area of ​​Fengcheng are stronger than ghosts in other areas.

It is very suitable for ghosts to grow here.

In addition to the ghost just now, there are two ghosts in the living area.

These two ghosts happened to be mentioned in the diary.

One is Senior Sister Liu mentioned in the diary.

The other one is Senior Brother Chen, who is a little cold.

Although the diary did not describe their relationship in detail.

But since it can be mentioned in the diary, I think it’s a good relationship.

Otherwise, there are more than a dozen people in the research institute, why would they mention these two people.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the other two rooms in the residential area of ​​the research institute.

A player heard a knock on the bathroom door of his room.

He asked cautiously: “.”Who is it? Is it another player?”

The knock on the bathroom door stopped for a moment.

Then keep hitting harder.

Hearing no answer, this player knows that most of the players in the bathroom are not other players.

Quickly open the bedroom and run outside.

But just opened the door and rushed out.

Just bumped into an icy body.

He raised his head and let out a scream.


The sound travels far.

Plus a sealed environment (good Zhao).

So Bai Ye heard screams from a distance.

“Other players… are still NPCs, but the ghost just said that there are only three ghosts in this accommodation area, so it should be other players.”

Bai Ye walked in the direction the voice came from.

Since there are screams, it means that there must be dirty things.

It just saves me the effort to find other dirty things.

The main task is to let yourself find Lai Ming.

The relationship between the remaining two ghosts and Lai Ming seems to be good.

If these two ghosts can be found,

Maybe you can find clues about Lai Ming.

When Bai Ye rushed over, all he saw was a fresh corpse on the ground.

The neck was twisted off.

There is a cyan palm print on the throat.

Judging from the palm print, it should be a man. machine.

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