Chapter 197 Human… ghost? 【2/4】|Thriller Game: Horror Sign In|Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read – Siku Bookstore

Chapter 201

Solved the matter of the doll bear manager, and the villagers of the dead village began to arrive, and Bai Ye began the next round of expansion.

Among them, the main troops are divided into three groups.

Two of them expand to the north-south area.

The other way is to expand eastward under the leadership of Bai Ye.

The main continuation is the route that Bai Ye drove the bus last time.

The first stop is Dulonggang.

Bai Ye only brought four big murderers.

Di Yuan, ghost bride Tingyang, fisherman, ghost Buddha.

Among them, there are three top fighters.

I came out of Guoben Road and found a bus.

The four ghosts are sitting on the bus alone.

Drive towards Dulonggang.

From a distance, you can see Dulonggang Cemetery.

and two passengers standing at the bus stop at the foot of the mountain.

The passengers shrugged and pulled their necks, as if two scarecrows stood motionless on the side of the road.

The bus whizzed past and drove straight up the mountain.

The two passengers waiting on the platform stared blankly ahead.

The car passed by for a long time, and then looked back at the taillights of the car going up the hill from the fork.

On the left and right sides of the mountain,

200 It is all a small earth bag built on a fortress.

The cemetery is in the hilltop area.

Most of the earthen tombs built with earthbags on the left and right sides are relatively new.

The more you go to the top of the mountain, the more dilapidated it becomes.

The road on the ground is a rich gray,

Not like an asphalt road.

I don’t know what’s on the surface.

The bus was driving softly on it.

On the side of the road going up the mountain, a person turned his back to the bus, knelt on the ground facing the grave and cried.

Burning paper money.

Ashes drift away,

Some fell on the grave, and some fell on the road with the wind.

“It’s paper ashes.” From the driver’s seat, Bai Ye looked at the road leading to the top of the mountain, and the road was covered with a layer of gray road surface.

Come to the top of the mountainside, from the road is circling up the mountain from the periphery.

From here, you can overlook several neighborhoods.

The buildings in the distance are like low tombstones in the night.

take back your sight,

The earthen tomb on the mountain road on the right turned into a cemetery at some point.

These cemeteries are crooked, cluttered growing grounds.

All the tombstones are engraved with the same four characters.

“The Grave of the City.”

The bus stopped.

There is no road ahead.

The road ahead is all occupied by tombs.

The road is also full of graves!


The bus door opens.

One person and four ghosts got off one after another.

Continue up the mountain along the road.

These graves seem to have grown out of the ground.

The reason why it is said to be long,

Because Bai Ye saw several heads just emerging from the soil.

Only half of the tomb roof is exposed.

There is also a small tombstone.

Most of the tombstones are hidden in the soil,

A word at the top is exposed – city.

“It really looks like a tomb in a city.”

A small grave a few hundred meters high grows in the city.

And in this graveMore small graves kept growing on the bag.

The surrounding scene changed, and a mist floated.

You can vaguely see the changing scene in the fog.

This fog wants to pull them into some kind of fantasy.

Di Yuan took a half step forward and took a deep breath.

This breath was long and long, and all the white mist from the left and right fronts was inhaled into the nose.

Turned into a straight vertical line.

Di Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked quite intoxicated.

“The village chief is a zombie and is not affected by illusions.” The fisherman said with a smile.

“At the top of the mountain, I felt it.” Di Yuan looked up at the direction of the top of the mountain.

Climb over the tombs to the top of the mountain.

The tombstones passing by on the left and right sides began to bleed.

Blood flowed from the words on the tombstone.

Stained the tombstone red.

The words on the tombstone were then wiped off by some invisible force, making them smooth and clean.

Then I want to engrave Bai Ye and their names.

The initial target was Tingyang, perhaps because Tingyang was the only woman in the industry.


I can’t write more than half of the words.

Then he hurriedly wiped the blood again.

Change the target again.

This time, Bai Ye was locked.

In the dark, the six-day ghost tiger talisman that Bai Ye put in the package was hot.

This time, I couldn’t even finish writing the white characters.

The tombstone began to shake, and a crack appeared on it.

Tombstone hurriedly risked blood to change the object again.

Then choose Fisherman.

A Li character just wrote,

The fisherman’s face changed,

There is a turbulent black sea vaguely underfoot.

The waves are like anger, rolling and rolling.

A large number of fragments emerged from the tombstone and became fragmented.

The tombstone panicked and changed the object quickly.

Compared to Di Yuan, who just sucked the fog clean in one breath,

The tomb of this city full of mountains feels that perhaps the ghosts and Buddhas are better to bully.

But no matter how it is written,

The names of ghosts and Buddhas can’t even be written.

This mountain of tombs is dissatisfied,

Full horsepower.

In another city far away.

The city is full of Buddhist temples.

In one of the Buddhist temples, a monk in a red cassock was standing under the Buddha statue and smilingly looking at the pilgrims who came in to worship the Buddha.

It seems to sense something. The monk in red cassock turned his head sideways and looked strangely in the direction of Fengcheng.

On Dulong Mountain, the already crumbling tombs could no longer hold on.

Boom! ! !

In an instant,

All the tombs on this mountain were blown up.

(ps: I finished writing the four chapters tonight, and those who haven’t read it can get up and read it tomorrow morning).

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