Chapter 233 The Fierce Village [2/4] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 237

Just as it gets closer,

Bai Ye’s face was a little weird.

In front is a village.

But the village is deserted.

The village is empty.

Some houses still have burn marks.

No, there are two people there.

Bai Ye looked at a house in the village.

He sensed the abundant blood in the room.

It is no wonder that it is difficult for people to escape in front of ghosts.

Even the escaped ghost can catch up with various means.

Become a little bit of a climate ghost,

Basically, they all have the ability to sense blood gas.

This man’s blood is like a torch in the night,

Extremely obvious.

The blood energy I sensed by my ghost just now is not here,

But on the other side of the mountain.

There is also a strong blood in the direction of the top of the mountain.

Those two directions should be Huangshan Village and Huangshui Village.

But what does this deserted village under my feet have to do with those two villages.

08 Bai Ye remained silent.

He’s not going to intervene,

Prepare to follow the “plot”,

See what exactly happens.

Look at the empty village.

The scholar brothers are disappointed.

The younger brother Huang Xue said: “This village is also deserted.”

Brother Huang Chao sighed, “In recent years, the world has suffered from severe drought, and people all over the world are struggling to live. This is not the first abandoned village we have seen, but it is suffering for us, and we cannot find a place to stay. The dry food in the package is almost exhausted. Brothers don’t know how to hunt.”

Suddenly, a voice came from the village.

The younger brother looked vigilantly.

“who is it.”

“Listen to the voice, how many places do you want to find a place to stay?” Two people dressed as hunters emerged from a room.

they asked.

“Exactly.” The scholar brothers were delighted,

“We are hunters in Huangshan Village. We went out hunting and didn’t get any harvest for a day. Fortunately, you are here.” One of the hunters said happily.

“Our village is on the mountain. It’s very dangerous outside at night. Why don’t you go to our village and rest for a night.”

Orion invited,

“I am very happy.” Huang Chao clasped his fists with both hands.

Follow the two hunters up the mountain.

After walking for about half an hour,

Finally reached the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, there is a village on the top of the mountain.

At the entrance to the village on the top of the mountain,

A stone monument stands.

Three relatively new characters are engraved on the stele: Huangshui Village.

Bai Ye kept silent and followed behind the two scholars,

At this moment, I should be in the memory of what happened in the past.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it may be a real reversal of time.

Back to thousands of years ago.

But this possibility is very low.

It can reverse millennia of time.

What kind of skill is this,

At least according to what Bai Ye knows,

Even the top gangsters can’t do this.

Maybe for some reason.

Bai Ye, who was following behind the two scholar brothers, was ignored by the hunters.

Even if I saw it, I swept away.

It seems that only the scholar brothers can see Bai Ye.

being led into the village,

It seems to be dinner time now.

Every house smells of fragrance.

Obviously some run-down villages.

The outer walls of many houses are mud walls mixed with thatch,

cracked walls,

Some thatched roofs even have air leakage.

But Bai Ye smelled the meat smell that shouldn’t be there.

“There are guests here.” Orion shouted.

A voice came from the house closest to the entrance of the village.

The pots and pans are clanking,

Then the wooden door opened.

Three people walked out of the nearest room.

A master, a mistress,

There is also a half-year-old boy.

The smiles of the hostess and hostess are very bright.

Half the big boy hid behind the two,

The eyes are quite fierce,This reminded Bai Ye of wolves.

This looks like a wolf cub.

These people looked at Bai Ye and the others happily.

There was a bright smile on his face.

“What a coincidence, our family is cooking and eating.”

“Guests, come in and eat something to warm your stomach.”

Orion was a little worried, “This is the guest I found. It should go to my house and I will entertain it.”

“Our house hasn’t received guests for many days!”

The master said anxiously.

Hunter quit.

The people in this village seem very hospitable.

While arguing,

The village chief of Huangshan Village is here.

At the same time, there are many people in the village who dare to come.

Bai Ye finally met an acquaintance.

That hunched over ghost village chief.

It’s just that this village chief looks exactly the same as the ghost of Huangshan Village that he had seen before.

But it still looks good.

He doesn’t seem to know himself either.

He made a final decision and said, “These two guests are going to my house.”

The village chief is very authoritative.

After he made the decision, although other people in the village were also dissatisfied,

But they all went back to their respective homes.

Bai Ye also followed the scholar brothers to the village chief’s house.

en route,

Huang Chao asked: “Village Chief, our brothers are going to Beijing to take the exam, and I will cause you trouble by passing through your village.”

“No, no.” The village chief said with a smile.

“We will compensate you for the cost of entertainment, but we are going to buy some dry food and water, and ask the village chief for convenience.”

(ps: try to finish it during the day today)

“It’s easy to say.” The village chief agreed.

See the village head agree.

The two brothers are happy again.

The village chief’s house is also very broken.

Just when stepping into the village chief’s house,

Bai Ye felt a cold air.

Cold air blows.

This is… resentment.

There is also a touch of blood.

in this house,

There have been many deaths.

Bai Ye took a deep look at the seemingly harmless village chief.

I’m afraid this is not the first time he has done this. .

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