Chapter 239 The Living… Building [One Update] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In

Chapter 243

“You…have you seen my old man?”

come out of the house,

inside the door,

An old man’s voice came from the direction behind him.

Bai Ye turned back,

Behind him is a small room.

An old woman was sitting in the room.

In the dimly lit room, the old woman lowered her head.

fiddling with something.

look vaguely,

It’s a little puppet.

“Sorry, I didn’t see it.” Bai Ye’s polite reply,

Ready to leave.

“Wait…” – the old woman stopped Bai Ye.

“If you see it, remember to tell it to go home.” The old woman- said.

“It has a bad memory, has Alzheimer’s, and always forgets the way home.” The old woman rambled.

she sat in the rocking chair,

The sight becomes empty,

Looking at the TV in the corner,

Talk to yourself.

“He told me to wait for him to come back at home, I want to wait for him to come back…”

Close the door.

Leaving the house, there is a stone road alley outside the door.

On both sides are small courtyards with a courtyard layout.

At the end of the alley,

It is a high-rise building.

The glass outer wall glows with a faint cold light in the night.

Along the way, I met some ghosts and strange things,

Compared with the large number of ghosts in the central area of ​​the North District.

The central city is much deserted,

There are fewer ghosts here, but higher quality.

What I saw along the way, the lowest is the red-clothed ghost.

these wandering ghosts,

More or less have some positions in the body,

They are surrounded by some strange rules and powers,

Bai Ye, who is in charge of many ghost forces.

I am all too familiar with this kind of breath.The ghost action that roams the streets has a strong purpose.

A man in a suit walked by,

A ghost with a briefcase.

There was blood on its temples.

He glanced sideways at Bai Ye.

Then the ghost glanced at the ghost bride with fear,

Deliberately turned a corner,

Walk around Bai Ye.

“The ghosts here are so polite.” Bai Ye sighed.

“Brother, please stop.” Bai Ye stopped the ghost with a briefcase.

The male ghost stopped in place,

His eyes kept lingering on Bai Ye and the ghost bride.

The oppression from the top-notch fierce makes it breathless.

visible to the naked eye,

It was bleeding from the briefcase it carried.

Some blood-stained documents flew out of the briefcase.

These documents turn into paper armor and wrap it heavily.

In the end, only two eyes were exposed,

This layer of paper armor gives it a poor sense of security.

“Excuse me, where is Sunflower News Building?” Bai Ye asked for directions.

“I don’t know, you are a ghost from another area.” The male ghost said instinctively with a hint of contempt, and there was a hint of pride of the local ghost in his words.

But it regretted it after saying it.

0 ・・・・・・・・ Flowers 0 ・・・

Immediately, a pale explanation.

“Sunflower Building is one of the landmark buildings in our central area, and the local ghosts basically know it.”

The male ghost leads Bai Ye the way.

The place where it works is not far from the Sunflower News Building.

in the same block.

There are a lot of working ghosts out there.

Along the way, I seem to be familiar with each other and talk more.

“The central city is actually under a lot of pressure,” said the male ghost.

“Although there is more yin here than other areas, it is more comfortable to stay, but the competition is also huge.”


The male ghost said helplessly.

“Some companies still need exams to get hired. When we were alive, we had to study for exams, and we had to interview for jobs. Now, we have to take exams when we die.”

“The company has performance appraisals every quarter. If the standards are not met, they will be kicked out of the company.”

The male ghost explained the so-called assessment to Bai Ye on the way.

There is also a work system.

This opened Bai Ye’s eyes.

“This is the Sunflower News Building.” The male ghost pointed to a group of office buildings in front of him and said.

In the center of the office building group,

An alien building is particularly eye-catching.

It looks like a golden sunflower.

The upper building in the shape of a flower is moving,

The center of the flower is covered with black holes similar to a honeycomb.

Like a huge windmill turning slowly,

A thin layer of gray mist surrounds the building.

From time to time, large black birds enter the building from the sky. three.

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