Chapter 242 The Blue Bird Building | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 246

“Boss, are you here to ask about the progress of the plan?” the horror director asked.

Bai Ye wanted to say that I didn’t,

I just came here.

But the words didn’t come out of his mouth.

He just nodded lightly.

You are very smart,

Guess the expression.

Bai Ye’s eyes encouraged the horror director.

It smiled proudly: “Boss, I have an idea recently.”

Monhardi was speechless,

“I think it’s best if you don’t say it. Your idea is a bad idea.”

“What is a bad idea.” The horror director was anxious.

“It’s okay, you can talk about it.” Bai Ye said.

The horror director cleared his throat,

Organize your emotions,

Then he said: “Actually, in terms of the number of movies, more than 3,000 are enough.”

“More than 3,000 movies can already support the basic framework of Sunflower News Building.”

“It takes too much time to make a movie, and it takes a lot of time to shoot each one.”

The horror director said.

“If you continue to follow the current progress,

At least it will take several years to complete the rest of the progress. ”

“You have a way to speed this up.” Bai Ye said.

“That’s right.”

“What I want is to be able to make a super-large movie. If we can shoot a super-large movie, a movie may be used as a hundred or even more ordinary movies.”

The horror director looked at Bai Ye with burning eyes.

“What does it take to make a super-sized movie?”

“A large number of actors and elite actors, it is best to have more than ten major murderers at one time!”

The horror director said.

“If there are a large number of elite actors, it will be successful,” said the horror director.

“Do you know what the ten major murderers are? Our Sunflower News Building only has ten major murderers.” Menghardi reluctantly added.

“I didn’t say that there must be high-level and top-level monsters. Ordinary monsters can also be used.”

The horror director said.

“But where are you going to find ten at a time, to shoot a movie, the connection between the actors is very important, and it is not just a matter of finding a few big killers to complete the task.”

“These ghosts were either connected during their lifetimes, or lived together for a long time after they became ghosts, but there must be more than ordinary murderers in a place where ten major murderers are entrenched, and do you know that once this kind of behavior is exposed, we can easily Feared by other ghost forces.”

Monhardi said.

Horror directors have mentioned this idea to it before.

But it was rejected by it.

The power of their Sunflower News Building is very strong.

But it’s far from invincible.

Although the filming of a movie is a bit slow.

But it’s better to be safe.

Besides, the super-large movie that the horror director said can offset a hundred or so ordinary movies.

Not a thousand copies.

If it is a thousand copies, it will definitely agree.

The horror director is silent,

But it looked at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes.

With a smile, he said, “Of course you can, but I need to find the actors who are shooting, so you can’t do anything.”

The horror director is overjoyed.

Let out a big laugh 0 ……..

It now recognizes Bai Ye.

It feels that this boss is the same as it.

He is a man with artistic pursuits.

“Go down and prepare first, it’s better to prepare more combat power.” Bai Ye said.

“Don’t worry, I have the numbers.” Bai Ye said to Menghardi.

Monhardi nodded.

Somewhat worried.

This new boss doesn’t seem to have a stable character either. Wait until the horror director leaves.Monhardi said to Bai Ye:

“Actually, the horror director was a poor man before.”

Monhardi said.

“He was a director of art films and a lecturer in film school when he was alive.

its wife is ill,

Need a lot of money for medical treatment,

Then someone found him.

Let him make “art” films.

it refused at first,

But his wife’s condition began to deteriorate,

It sold the family’s house and car,

Money is still not enough.

In the end, it chose to bow its head for money.

Others in its family don’t understand it,

Parents feel ashamed on their faces,

Cut off ties with it.

Relatives cut off contact.

The former students are no longer mentioned as its students.

After the money was earned,

But his wife left.

The horror director is the only one left.

In one night, it chose to commit suicide, and that day happened to be the first day of the outbreak of the ghost tide.

After it became a ghost, it made a lot of movies, but it always said that it couldn’t make what she wanted to see.

It may also have this part of the reason why it wants to make super movies. “.

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