Chapter 38 She is actually… a corpse (two more) | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

The other side of the cliff is a steep slope with a thirty-degree slope.

The bus rolled down the steep slope.

Some students did not wear seat belts,

Rolling up and down in the bus.

Or even fall straight out of the window.

It lasted about five or six seconds before the bus shook.

with a loud noise.

Finally stopped.

Moaning, howling.

Damaged fuel tank.

There is a strong smell of oil in the air.

Bai Ye grabbed the deformed seat, shattered the glass with one punch, and then got out of the window.

Rao is based on his physical fitness.

After rolling in the car for so long, I also suffered a little internal injury.

Bai Ye felt a bloody smell in his mouth.

[Player] Bai Ye (Status: 89%)

Lost 11% of his health, but overall it’s in good shape.

If you rest, you can recover in a few days.

But in this dangerous dungeon, resting for a few days is definitely not enough.

Take out a painkiller and swallow it.

Painkillers work quickly.

Bai Ye felt that his body was recovering rapidly.

Xu Weiwei climbed out of the car window.

The bus rolled over, and there were many people inside.

There are people who are conscious and desperately trying to crawl out.

There are bloodstains in some places on the chairs, railings, and car walls.

Bai Ye helped pull people.

After more than ten minutes, the people who were still alive in the car were dragged out by Bai Ye.

33 people survived with 38 people in a car.

But most of the 33 people suffered injuries of varying severity.

“The phone has no signal.”

Someone was pale.

“Does your phone have a signal?”

“I don’t have my phone either!”

The voices come and go.

Despair is spreading.

Here are the mountains.

Although it is not a remote mountain.

But the traffic is definitely very sparse.

And they fell off a cliff again.

There are deep mountains all around.

“It seems that there are too many people alive.” Bai Ye muttered to himself.

Falling from such a high place.

33 of 38 people survived.

The five who died were still not wearing seat belts.

Although this may be somewhat disrespectful to the deceased.But unless it’s great luck.

Otherwise, the survival rate is a bit too high.

Unusually high.

“Did you find anything?” Bai Ye asked.

“There is a ghost.” Xu Weiwei came back from the front of the car and said.

Bai Ye understood.

It seems that the fall off the cliff was not an accident.

look around.

The cliff above is at least a hundred meters high.

It is basically impossible for others to climb up.

“It seems that someone has passed by here.” Someone shouted.

They found a small intestine trail leading to the depths of the forest.

The traces are very shallow.

But this is enough to prove that there are probably people around here!

This lifted everyone’s spirits.

As long as there are people smoking.

You can find ways to contact the outside world.

You can go back to the city early!

“Then what will they do?” Someone looked sad.

Pointing to the five corpses on the ground.

One of them is the driver.

A piece of glass slag was inserted into the driver’s eye frame, and the body was cold.

The other one is their head teacher, Mr. Huang.

The last three classmates all died in different ways.

When the bus rolled over just now, Mr. Huang happened to be standing.

The spine was broken.

The bone protrudes from the surface of the skin.

The head rotated one hundred and eighty degrees.

The death was extremely bloody.

Some timid female classmates cried out in fear.

“Wang Hao can’t do it anymore!” some classmates shouted.

Wang Hao was a classmate who was rescued, and his internal organs were damaged.

He’s vomiting blood right now.

The breath is getting weaker.

Wang Hao murmured, Mom, Mom.

He stopped breathing after a while.

Thirty-three people became thirty-two people.

Even so, several of the remaining thirty-two people were seriously injured, and the rest were more or less injured.

If those seriously injured are not treated in time, they may not survive tonight.

How can a group of students still in high school have any opinions at this time.

You say one, I say one.

Some people are ready to climb up the same way.

Bai Ye walked up to Mr. Huang,

Squat down and grab her wrist,

Then she tore off her collar again.

“what are you doing!”

There are students in the second and third classes of high school who can’t believe it.

Bai Ye was actually desecrating Teacher Huang’s body.

“There is a corpse spot on the collarbone.” Bai Ye muttered to himself.

Then he took off Teacher Huang’s shoes.

The corpse spots on the soles of the feet are the most dense!

After a person dies, blood pools and corpse spots form in the lower part of the corpse.

The soles of Mr. Huang’s feet are full of corpse spots.

It shows that she maintained the most sitting and standing postures after her death.

There is also a part that can verify its own guess.

Bai Ye looked at Teacher Huang’s buttocks.

But Bai Ye still hasn’t verified it.

Because the appearance of the corpse spots has proved that she did not die just now.

The blood at the wound site of the corpse was not sprayed or spattered. The blood flowed out very little and was very viscous, like ketchup.

All this means that Mr. Huang has been dead for a long time.

Mr. Huang, who was talking loudly in the car just now… is actually a corpse.

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