Chapter 84 Dean’s Position [Second Update] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 88

“Go and summon all the ghosts in this hospital, including the corpses.Come on, right on the square in the center of the hospital. ” Bai Ye said to the imitator.

The imitator nodded respectfully, and then walked down step by step.

It didn’t want to be the dean in the first place.

Originally, it was also in order to survive that I had to crawl online.

As a result, I accidentally climbed to the post of dean.

Bai Ye looked at the back of the imitation ghost.

This guy is not easy either.

The top red-clothed twin ghosts cover the sky with one hand in Jiaxing Hospital.

Does it know that the imitation ghost has secretly reached the strength of ordinary red clothes.

Or the imitators have been secretly developing.

Move your fingers slightly.

The silk thread left in the Jiaxing private hospital is very strong.

Even ghosts at the red level can affect it.

Although the twin ghosts are dead.

But the silk thread it left behind is still there.

Sitting on the dean’s chair, you can overlook the nearby city from this angle.

Under the night.

Buildings stand in the darkness of 273.

Bai Ye suddenly looked a little strange.

The evil seed in his body, a weak consciousness was born in it.

Although it is very weak, it has gathered a lot of evil aura.

Is this an evil personality?

Bai Ye was thoughtful, he remembered that the skill introduction said that it could cultivate an evil personality.

Bai Ye had a direct thought.

snuffed out its birth.

As soon as the evil personality is born, it will be destroyed in ashes.

Evil Seeds can cultivate an evil personality or not.

Bai Ye is very simple, and his beliefs are also very simple.

You are unique.

Which character is needed.

Although the probability of other personalities replacing the ontology is very low.

But definitely not zero.

After the evil personality was extinguished, it turned into a warm current.

The power of the Seed of Evil seems to have increased by half a level.

Now there is about half a step in red.

If the seven deadly sins are released at the same time, it should not be difficult for him to fight against the advanced red clothes with his basic four-dimensional skyrocketing.

The top red clothes may be a little worse.

Either continue to increase the power of the Seed of Evil.

Or continue to improve your basic 4D.

All the ghosts in the hospital have been notified.

Crawled out of every corner of the hospital.

Standing in the square one after another.

The corpses in the morgue also swayed their rigid bodies and walked up the stairs step by step, forming a long queue.

There are currently a total of 1,220 ghosts in the whole pre-hospital.

About 200 of them are ordinary spiritual bodies.

There are more than 700 evil spirits.

Three hundred ghosts.

There are eight half-step red suits in total.

Two ghosts in red.

One of them is a copycat.

The other is the director of orthopedics.

A tall and mighty monster with a height of 2.5 meters, holding a hammer and a saw.

“President, we are all carpenters who are engaged in orthopaedics, and we can’t be too weak!” said the director of orthopedics.

Although there are many Specters, the high-end combat power is not much ahead of the surrounding forces.

This is also the reason why this block can maintain the balance of the four families.

Before, there were some stitching ghosts on the second floor below ground.

It’s a pity that these stitched ghosts have been cleaned up by the ghost bride during the battle.

Otherwise, some powerful ghosts may be found from inside.

“I’m honored to officially take over the position of the hospital’s director from today. This is the result of a friendly discussion between me and the twin ghosts. It is also the result of good negotiation with the previous director.”

Bai Ye said with a smile.

The imitation ghost claps wildly.

Watching the imitation ghost clap.

Some other ghosts in the square don’t understand whether they understand it or not.

Anyway, just follow along.

There was thunderous applause for a while.

Very sensible.

Bai Ye glanced at the imitator with relief and no trace.

No wonder he was able to take the position of the former dean.

The oncologist stared at Bai Ye’s figure in astonishment.

It’s actually him!

Turned out to be the new dean.

He won’t find me to settle accounts secretly afterwards.

Sad oncologists.

It can’t wait to take off the tumor on its head and give it to Bai Ye as an apology.

The ghosts in the hospital didn’t believe Bai Ye’s words at all…

They all looked at Bai Ye with complicated eyes.

What is the so-called friendly negotiation…

No ghost believes in it.The unfrozen corpses shook their heads.

The obsession and metamorphosis of the Gemini ghosts are obvious to all.

It is even willing to be a corpse for so many years for the rules of the hospital.

How could he willingly give up control of the hospital.

But in any case, the replacement of the dean has become a fact.

“Newly appointed, I decided to formulate some policies.”

“In addition to being the director of Jiaxing Private Hospital, I am also honored to serve as the manager of Pure Land Supermarket, the deputy director of Nanxing Kindergarten, the conductor of Feng 404 train, and a building and several shops.”

Bai Ye said modestly.

A group of ghosts looked at Bai Ye reverently.

They’re kind of starting to worship.

This is probably the most prestigious person they can get in touch with.

The Mimic applauded again.

He understood, so it gave Bai Ye the warm applause he needed.

It just wants to live well.

Bai Ye looks like a strong new thigh.

It must be hugged well!

“I’m going to build a brand-new community comprehensive cultural service center! Attract investment, and strive for a full range of public service policy dividends such as medical care, education, culture, and housing…”

Bai Ye said.

The area of ​​Sixing Street is not small.

In addition to the main road, there are many branch roads.

However, as long as the support of four nodes is obtained. The goblins in the remaining branches are no problem.

“Attracting a large number of foreign ghosts with the living environment of ‘attracting, retaining, and developing’. At the same time, we must also improve the happiness of our local residents!”

“I have a construction team, and when they arrive, they can build new high-rise buildings, and employees who perform well can move into the new staff quarters.”

“The improvement of medical services is also the top priority. Next, I will promote a group of backbones in the hospital!”

“With these backbones as the center, we will comprehensively improve the medical level of our Jiaxing private hospital.”

“At the same time, we hired top medical experts at a high price to settle in our hospital…”

Bai Ye talked endlessly for half an hour.

Finally, Bai Ye licked his dry lips.

“Okay, let’s talk about it today.”

The applause below was thunderous again.

This time, it was very warm.

“Imitate ghost, come here.” Bai Ye beckoned to the imitator.

The imitation ghost came over.

“Do you know where the Huihuang International General Hospital is?” Bai Ye asked.

After you find out the location, you can pick up the dentist.

Imitation of the ghost, is the dean going to dig some medical experts there?

“President, the Brilliant International General Hospital is located in the central area of ​​Beicheng District,” said the imitator.

“It’s full of high-rise buildings and there are many powerful ghosts. In their eyes, neighborhoods like ours are the countryside…” The imitator said cautiously.

Although I knew that this might make Bai Ye angry.

But it still has to speak out about the danger.

“I understand, you don’t have to worry, it’s just that I have a friend who is good at dentistry nearby, and I’ll pick him up.” Bai Ye said.

For the time being, he will not regard Huiliang International General Hospital as his next target.

The immediate priority is to unify this neighborhood.

Then increase the power of the ghost below.

Wait until the strength allows it to expand outwards.

The meal needs to be eaten in one bite, and the road needs to be walked step by step.

“I see.” The imitator nodded.

The ghost that the dean knows must be a very powerful ghost.

“I don’t know the location of the Huihuang International General Hospital, but there is a ghost in our hospital who must know!”


“Director of Orthopedics, Zhang Su. He used to be a doctor at Huihuang International Hospital, and was dug up by Gemini Ghost at a high price.”.

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