Chapter 92: Hide and Seek | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 96

The blood-colored font on the blackboard gradually evolved into lines of red words:

The exam begins!

Find the question: find the difference (20 points)

(Find the true body from all the blood shadows, do not touch the ghost body.)

(Don’t whisper, peek at the answer.)

On the podium, blood-colored blurred shadows appeared on the podium.

All bowed their heads.

Dressed exactly the same. It was too blurry to see his face, and his clothes were blood red.

You can’t see anything out of the ordinary with the naked eye.

Can’t be seen with the naked eye.

Then it can only be screened in other ways.

on the desk in front of you.

A piece of white paper slowly floated up.

At the same time, a pen appeared next to it.

Bai Ye’s thoughts moved slightly.

I want to see how other students are doing.

The ghost classmates left and right showed their magical powers.

A female classmate on the right climbed directly onto the wall, sticking to the wall with all four feet like a spider.

Then climb all the way to the ceiling.

Hang the golden hook upside down, and then observe the blood shadow closely.

Another student next to him took out a blank piece of paper.

Then draw on paper.

The paintings in her hands appeared vivid pictures.

When a character is drawn.

The white paper suddenly burned.

The student jumped up excitedly.

“I know who it is.”

You can use the abilities of ghosts.

Bai Ye was thoughtful.

It seems that this exam is to train and develop students’ abilities.

I now have two abilities.

One is the curse takeaway.

The other one is the puppet silk thread.

Carrying two takeaways, I asked Xue Ying if I wanted to eat it?

After thinking about it, I feel that it is not very reliable.

Forget it, let’s change the method.

Ghost power consumption.

on the ceiling.

The transparent gray silk thread fell.

Each silk thread is connected to the corresponding blood shadow.

Three of the silk threads went directly through the blood shadow. The blood shadow was illusory inside. Only one blood shadow made Bai Ye feel connected.

The puppet thread was broken free.

The blood-colored figure with his head down stared at Bai Ye from his hair.

The second bloody figure on the left is a real ghost.

Bai Ye wrote the answer on the paper.After writing, the white paper starts to burn.

Eventually burnt to ashes.

The ashes piled up in a fixed track on the table.

It looks like a line of words.

“correct answer”.

But not all ghosts have this special ability.

Bai Ye found that only a few ghosts in the class had special abilities.

None of the rest.

Maybe it has something to do with a relationship.

Is the purpose of this exam just to make these ghosts activate their abilities?

There are some strong ghosts bullying weak ghosts in the class.

Force them to choose an answer.

Then get the correct answer based on their choices.

However, this approach also seems to have various limitations.

The correct answer for one ghost can only be told to another ghost in this way.

Can’t say more.

The bloody ghosts on the podium will punish those who violate the rules.

But not too much punishment,

The law of the jungle also seems to be part of the teaching subject.

Originally, Bai Ye was a human, but he was new here.

Should be bullied by many ghosts.

But something that Bai Ye inadvertently revealed in the last class shocked Teacher Sombra.

So the exams in this class virtually let some ghost students escape.

After about twenty minutes.

The first question is over.

The blood on the blackboard was wiped clean by invisible force.

Blood Shadow left the classroom.

After a while, blood appeared on the blackboard again, staining the blackboard red.

A row of blood words appeared on the blackboard again.

Escape Question: Hide and Seek (50 points) (2 hours of test time, 20 minutes of preparation time)

(exam scope, whole school)

(There will be five teachers to search, and the students who are found will be eliminated directly)

There were ghost students screaming in disbelief in the classroom.

It turned out to be an escape problem!

This question actually appeared in this exam.

When they saw the topic, all the ghost classmates ran out of the classroom to show their magical powers.

Some jumped out of the window.

Some climb on all fours.

Some jumped downstairs directly from the corridor.

Fang Liang was about to jump off the building.

A big hand grabs it.

He turned his head fiercely and saw a trace of fear on his face when he saw Bai Ye.

“Is there any good place to hide, let’s go together.” It was rare to see an acquaintance, and Bai Ye wanted to ask him about the rules of Xingxin Middle School.

“I’ll take you there.” Fang Liang said.

Fang Liang ran out of the teaching building with Bai Ye.

Then keep running towards the back mountain.

Halfway through, you can see a large number of students fleeing in all directions.

Some hid in the trash can.

Some dig holes in the ground.

Others climbed trees.

The most eye-opening thing for Bai Ye was that a ghost took off his head, and then let the head eat his body clean.

The head rolled and hid in the sewer.

There is an abandoned dormitory in the hill behind the school.

Fang Liang took Bai Ye to hide in one of the dormitory rooms.

Originally, there was another ghost in here.

But he was directly beaten by Fang Liang.

It can be seen that this kid is also a ruthless character in the school.

“There will be an exam every week, and a big test every month. The big test is randomly selected from any weekly test every month. This time it turned out to be a big test, and it’s over.”

Fang Liang babbled.

“This time is the monthly exam?”


Fang Liang said.

“Do you have red clothes in your grade?” Bai Ye asked.

“Every class teacher is in red,” Fang Liang said.

“Are there any red clothes among the students?”

“The first grade is the first.” Fang Liang said, he was a little excited and longing when he mentioned the first grade.

After inquiring, Bai Ye found out that Xingxin Middle School is not divided into first year, second year and third year.

It is only divided into two grades: junior high school and high school.

After passing the junior high school, you will be promoted to the high school.

Bai Ye’s class is Class 19 of the high school.

There are a total of twenty classes.

Although there is only one red coat.

But there are some students in half-step red clothes.

The top-ranked classes all have top students who are half a step in red.

“It’s actually okay to hide and seek, the teacher won’t do anything to the students. The most terrifying thing is the battle royale after the monthly exam.” Fang Liang said.

“The battle royale accounts for 80 points, and the total score is 150.”

“All students must fight.”Fang Liang said.

“In the end, only the last student can survive, and the student who survives to the end is the full score.”

“But after the battle royale is over, we will all be resurrected, but we will also be weak for a while after the resurrection.”

Resurrection…is it the power of ghosts? Bai Ye thought.

Maybe the school is shrouded in some kind of special ghost.

The main task is to live to be the first in the grade.

If you want to live safely first, the battle royale must live to the end to be safe.

Hide and seek can’t be detected in advance.

Otherwise, the score is too low, which will affect the overall score. .

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