At this time, its head had also grown back, and it looked at them coldly, "Do you think that if you cut off my head, I will die? It's useless, in this land shrouded by my god, I... immortal. Immortal!"

The old man was lying on the ground and wanted to stand up, but he couldn't, and he was sucking a surfboard under his feet.

It looked up, frowning at what was under its feet.

What is this... for?

Luo Xiu pushed away a few steps, "Yes, yes, it is very difficult for you to be killed on this land covered by the evil **** Sang, then what if... you escape from this land covered by your father? You will not die. ?"

The old man was puzzled.

Withered and smelly for more than a hundred years, the small brain seeds are full of—? ? ? ?

Luo Xiu touched the control patch on his head excitedly, "Hey hey... I've never tried the maximum speed and the longest distance of this surfboard... Just give it a try."

The old man wondered: "This is... wow-!!!!"

Halfway through its words, the whole person was carried straight into the sky by the flying surfboard!

Luo Xiu issued the highest speed order!

The flying surfboard is not a bad technology vehicle. Although it is tasteless, it is a black technology!

In almost 3 seconds! The flying surfboard accelerates from a standstill to a top speed of 500 m/s! !

Ass. A flying surfboard on fire, after rushing into the air, it accelerates to supersonic speed! Break the sound barrier! Make a deafening pop!


The flying surfboard is wrapped in a sound barrier cloud! Fly towards the opposite extreme Cairo at supersonic speed!

And the undead old man who was stuck on the heavy magnetic shoes, his leg bones and lumbar vertebrae were broken in an instant! The whole person sticks to the surfboard like a lump of mud that can't be shaken off! The super high pressure and wind pressure that was suddenly accelerated, pressed on it, motionless! !

It and the surfboard disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant, leaving only a white trail of tail flames in the air.

Liu Yiyi and others all raised their heads and stared blankly at the direction where the old man disappeared.

"Where did you send it... to?"

Luo Xiu is still trying his best to control the flying surfboard to fly forward, "This direction should be Cairo, but I don't know if I can fly there."

Zhao Kaixing crawled over and said weakly, "Whether it can fly or probably won't come back in a short time..."


The old man felt like he was going to die.

It looked at the sky and felt the wind pouring into its body from all directions.

I feel myself getting weaker and weaker.

It can see the gods in the sky, and the connection between itself and the gods is getting weaker and weaker.

The soul cable in the chest, as the distance increases, one by one is broken... the link is lost...

Until the sky, the hideous and terrifying **** was never seen again.

In the sky, only the stars and the moon remain.

"The moonlight is so beautiful tonight..."

He let out a dying sigh, without the slightest fear of death.

Since he was already a dead man physically, the evil god's prohibition was not triggered.

The storm at sea did not stop him.

The flying surfboard used up the last bit of power, and smashed this old immortal, who lived from the beginning of the last century to the present, on the rocks of the seawall!

Smashed into a puddle of stinky flesh!

Finally being dragged into the sea by a surfboard...


On the deck of the warship, Luo Xiu could feel through the control patch that the battery was exhausted.

The old man was taken to a far, far away place, probably after crossing the narrow strait and reaching the extreme land on the other side.

He sighed, "If this flying surfboard has a little more battery power and a faster speed, and reaches the first cosmic speed, I can send you to the sky side by side with Kaz Sama..."

Live broadcast barrage:

[This method of death is a bit dangling! 】

【Fuck! Rosie is so smart! He actually thought of using his own vehicle to send the enemy away! 】

【Really awesome! 】

[He has long known that the control range of this evil **** is limited! Here is the sea again! Sending out the control range, the undead may lose the ability to be immortal! Whether it's flying to the other side and falling to his death, or falling into the outer sea and drowning... the old man has to die! 】

[The vehicle accumulated by the flying surfboard was actually played by Luo Xiu...]

[Yeah, I thought this was a spicy chicken outfit at first]

[After all, there are a lot of useless spicy chicken equipment in the horror game, especially in the early stage... This surfboard looks like a joke when looking at the equipment introduction]

[That is to say... At that time, I saw that the fastest speed can be supersonic, but the flight time is very short, and I laughed! In the early stage, the player's body can't bear such supersonic acceleration at all! But if it's in the later stage, even if the body can bear it, at that time, how can any player think of a flying vehicle for such a short period of time... it's just tasteless]

[Real intellectual players, no tasteless equipment in hand]

[Now I found out that maybe many of the useless equipment sold by other players at low prices is just that they don't use it]

[When I saw Luo Xiu using this surfboard as a shield, I was already surprised, it turned out that this is not a vehicle at all! It's a super alloy shield 0.8 card pretending to be an aircraft! 】

[Later I saw Luo Xiu playing the shield out of the US team and his knees began to soften]

[And then, seeing him use a flying surfboard combined with a brainstem scalpel to create a real AOE effect, I already knelt down! 】

[Now...I just want to shout...Luo Shen is awesome—! (Broken sound is high!)]

[Uh... it's awesome, but... how can this surfboard be recycled? Did you just throw it away?]

[If the equipment is not damaged, it will naturally return to the player's equipment column after the script ends]

【Oh oh! No wonder Luo Da is not afraid of losing equipment! 】

Luo Xiu and Liu Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, looking up at the skyline where the old man disappeared...

Zhao Kaixing is dying...

"Save...Save...I..." He climbed up to Luo Xiu's side and grabbed Luo Xiu's trouser legs weakly.

"I...need...stop the bleeding...".

Chapter 150 Head Iron's Yindu reconnaissance plane (thanks for subscribing)

Zhao Kaixing's HP has dropped to 19%, and he no longer has the strength to hold the groin wound on his left leg...

Seeing his appearance, Luo Xiu was not too anxious. He first glanced at Zhao Kaixing's health, and then glanced at his own spiritual power.

Zhao Kaixing pulled Luo Xiu's trousers again, "Hey...I need...stop the said you were...studying medicine...right...?"

"Yes." Luo Xiu squatted down and checked the injury.

Zhao Kaixing opened his tired eyes, "Is it too late?"

Luo Xiu, "I'm not sure... I have to try it first."

Zhao Kaixing said urgently, "You... hurry up..."

Luo Xiu, "It will hurt a bit."

Zhao Kaixing, "Quick..."


Luo Xiu rolled up his cuffs and slapped his backhand!

Zhao Kaixing fell down!

He opened his eyes and looked at the deck floor, he was directly beaten, and his mind was completely blank!

Liu Yiyi jumped up excitedly and shook her fist!

"yes!! That's the feel!! 15"

Zhao Kaixing was pulled up by Luo Xiu's collar. He wasn't even angry, he was just stunned, "Brother Luo... Nong Zusa?"

He was so frightened that his dialects came out.

Luo Xiu asked him to look at his hand with the green light, "This is my skill, I'll help you heal. Do you see if your health has started to recover?"

Zhao Kaixing glanced at him blankly, "I can't see any recovery..." Before he finished speaking, Luo Xiu slapped him again!


Forehand! Backhand! Complicated fan!

The crisp slaps sounded one after another!

Liu Yiyi leaned her back against the chain fence and looked at it with a smile, "You want to open up, Brother Zhao! This bitter... I have eaten my little sister! Now I know why my face was on my face when you first saw me. That's it!"

The captain and his soldiers were stunned to see this scene.

They have no other thoughts, but their faces hurt.

Luo Xiu stopped and shook Zhao Kaixing, who had been beaten to death. "Hey! Sober up! See for yourself if the blood has returned?"

When teammates look at their teammates' health bars, they can only roughly see how much the red part is.

You can see the percentage yourself.

Zhao Kaixing endured dizziness, squinted his eyes, and suddenly became happy, "Hey! It's 22%! It's effective! The stamina has returned to 50%! Your skill is amazing!"

Immediately, he frowned again, "But I'm still bleeding slowly..."

Luo Xiu glanced at his wound, "The wound hasn't healed yet, you're still bleeding."

Zhao Kaixing only felt a pain in his cheeks, he quickly said: "It's alright! I think I'll just sew another thread..."

Luo Xiu said: "You injured an artery, and now there is no reliable environment and tools... Forget it, I will work harder."

Zhao Kaixing, "Don't! I..." Slap! For the rest, he slapped him back with a slap in the face!

Luo Xiu rode on him, bowed left and right again, and slapped him in a series of slaps!

Zhao Kaixing's parents didn't recognize him, and his eyes were staring at the stars!

However, with the continuous casting of Luo Xiu's [Medical Ninjutsu. Slap Jutsu], Zhao Kaixing's wound blood vessels were completely closed, and even the skin and flesh showed signs of healing.

Luo Xiu's spiritual power value was finally completely exhausted today.

This stopped.

On the other hand, Zhao Kaixing was lying on the ground and was beaten obediently, motionless, his face hadn't started to swell, but blood was already seeping out from the skin of his cheeks... It was red and purple, and it looked like he had been beaten badly.


【This is the most brutal team doctor I have ever seen...】

[This is also the most brutal medical skill I have ever seen...]

[Teammate: Do you call this thing a nanny? ! 】

[This doctor looks really kind and kind... He hasn't killed anyone for several days, right? 】

[Obviously just killed...]

[Luo Xiu is really a person who wears a white coat every day, but doesn't have the slightest doctor's breath from scalp to toes...]

[This is really the Shura milk method...]

After the fight, Luo Xiu pulled Zhao Kaixing to sit up.

Zhao Kaixing covered his face and said nothing, and was beaten to the point of doubting his life.

The captain just came over and asked hesitantly, "Who the **** are you?"

Now if you say that you are an ordinary survivor of Canaan City, it is obviously not convincing.

Luo Xiu lied casually, "Agent of the Xia Kingdom." He checked, and the Xia Kingdom still existed here, and it was still a rising power.

The captain didn't have the slightest doubt and nodded, "No wonder..."

I don't know what he wanted to say.

This battle-hardened veteran, after watching the fight, was also a little unconfident, "So... in this world, are there really undead monsters and magic?"

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