Liu Yiyi and Zhao Kaixing followed his gaze and looked online and understood.

Zhao Kaixing said: ".〃It seems that you are looking for the direction of the stone tablet in the right direction. The shape of this museum is the best reminder... This is the right one!"

Liu Yiyi nodded: "If we can't deal with that evil god, we can finally resist here. Judging from the amount of weapons and ammunition we have now, it shouldn't be too difficult to persevere to the end."

Zhao Kaixing said: "But we have to prepare enough food in advance to store it here."

Many of the words they said involved specific words and phrases of the thriller game, and the content heard by NPCs such as the captain was modified by the system.

What the NPC hears is:

"The appearance of this museum is really ugly."

"If we can't handle domestic tasks, we will resist here..."

The system of the thriller game is still relatively intelligent.

While it is sometimes easy to be exploited by certain players...but this is not common.

They were still talking, but Luo (Wang Dehao) Xiu had already walked in and broke the glass of the door.

Luo Xiu just thought about it, he didn't plan to stay here for 30 days.

This kind of play... is too mentally retarded.

Liu Yiyi and others quickly followed.

As soon as he entered the door, on the first floor of the museum, Luo Xiu saw the stone tablet full of ancient characters.

As the only one unearthed on Cian Island, it reveals evidence that the island once belonged to the Cuiji Dynasty.

This stone tablet is placed in a very conspicuous place.

Outside the glass cover of the stone tablet is written:

'Ta Luojia Stone Monument'

'Date: 1200 BC'

'The location of the land...'

Luo Xiu didn't bother to look at this, so he smashed the glass cover used to protect the cultural relic with the handle of the knife, and reached out to touch this one-person-high stone tablet.

The moment the item introduction popped up, Luo Xiu knew that he had found the right one!

[Name: a stone tablet full of ancient characters]

[Content: (Translation) I will die here, but I will die in the right place to honor my country! In the last days of my life, I will record the beginning and end of this war between the living and the dead... We believed in the wrong God... We believed in the wrong 'Pluto'...].

Chapter 157 This skill comes from an unnamed boss (thanks for subscribing)

Luo Xiu read for a while, then said solemnly, "Come here and watch it together."

Liu Yiyi and Zhao Kaixing walked over quickly. They were both good players. Naturally, they would not go to look at the hieroglyphs engraved on it.

They also put their hands on it directly.

Then I saw the translation of the system.

Behind them, the captain was shocked, "Can you understand it? This... isn't this the ancient text?"

People who live on the edge of Jiujie know that the ancient scriptures have long been annihilated in the dust of history.

Except for a very small number of experts who have deciphered the meaning of some ancient hieroglyphs, 99.99% of the people on this earth must be completely incomprehensible.

So far, only part of the text has been deciphered. As for how to hear and say the ancient language, no one knows, and it is completely buried for this long-dead ancient civilization.

The three of them ignored him completely, and were all reading intently.

The captain couldn't help sighing: "Xia Guo is really a mysterious ancient country in the East... Three people who come here are all experts in ancient writing..."


The three of Luo Xiu quickly finished reading.

Except for Luo Xiu, who was dead-faced and dead-eyed, the expressions of the other two teammates were constantly changing as they read more.

From doubt, to surprise, to stunned, and finally to confusion.

The text on the stele is very dense, but due to the limited area of ​​the stele, the things written in these words are quite simple, mainly general descriptions, and 613 lacks details.

Simply put, it goes like this...

In the distant ancient Ejie Empire, they originally believed in only one true god.


The stele did not clarify the situation of this god, but according to his own understanding of the religion of the extreme, this **** is mainly regarded as the sun god... The sun belongs to the general totem of primitive worship common to the ancient ancestors.

According to the later, this 'Ra' may be a real ancient **** of the earth.

And 80% of them are kind to human beings, that is, they usually don’t care about things, if they don’t show up, if they don’t communicate, it’s no different from non-existence…

In the workplace, if the boss and subordinates lack communication, it is easy to be poached.

Soon, the digger came.

This dear man is the one who hangs in the sky and plays Arhat with himself.

In the records of the stele, this guy has no body of his own.

After "descending", the first thing was to be born on the body of their Pharaoh at that time...

Speaking of symbiosis, Luo Xiu felt like a parasite.

He understands the psychology of human beings very well, and he will directly give the sweetness when he comes up.

eternal life!

He bestowed immortality on several priests.

Then, an altar was set up, and the immortal sacrificial performance was performed, which is about beheading, cutting hands, and beheading, and then restored it to the public to make them believe in eternal life. Ten.8. Ban performance.

After that, the people really boiled over, and they worshipped this new **** with great piety, a "god" that could be seen, touched, and talked about.

The people believed that he could give eternal life and rule over death, so they called him Pluto.

His name is Osiris. (His name is recorded on the stele, but the pronunciation in ancient Egyptian cannot be translated into Chinese, so this inaccurate 'Osiris' can only be used)

In this way, Osiris gradually replaced the position of "Ra", and more and more people believed in him.

Osiris created new islands in the sea and lived there in isolation.

He asked the people to select the most devout believers every few years, and Pluto would grant them eternal life.

And Pluto will choose the best among the best, choose the best one, and merge and coexist with it.

Devout believers, there is a simple standard.

Can see the 'Shadow of Hades' in the sky!

Many years have passed. (The stele records are unclear, it may be decades or hundreds of years)

There are more and more sacrifices to endure eternal life.

The conflicts between the immortals and ordinary people are becoming more and more intense.

Wars broke out constantly, but they were all suppressed by the immortal ruling class.

until one day.

Those immortals have changed.

They have completely lost their sense of beauty.

The nose can only smell the odor, but not the sweetness.

The tongue can only taste the bitter, but not the delicious.

No amount of water can quench your thirst!

No matter how much delicacies you eat, you won't be able to fill your hunger!

The immortals began to emit a strong rancid odor. They needed all kinds of spices to cover up, but it was difficult to cover them up.

They became the living dead.

They came to the island and prayed to Osiris.

Osiris told them that because there were too many blasphemers, they needed to spread their pain.

This is a judgment, and it is God who punishes human beings—suffering ten disasters.

The first calamity is the calamity of the living and the dead.

As long as all people feel the pain, the immortals (bfai) can regain true immortality.

As for what the next nine disasters are, I didn't write it down.

Because the first plague was stopped by them.

The person who engraved these words was a new young pharaoh at that time.

He is a true believer in Ra.

When the disaster of the living dead broke out, the immortals spread the curse crazily, making the army of the dead grow stronger and stronger.

And the pharaoh led the people to revolt.

Under the blessing of the sun **** 'Ra', their weapons burned with golden flames that could not be extinguished, killing the army of zombies! Burn even those immortals to ashes!

The pharaoh led people to attack Huanglong, trying to get rid of evil, but he was trapped on the island, surrounded by many living dead.

Hades also set off a storm at sea, and more people could not approach.

The pharaoh had to hide somewhere on the island under the protection of his guards and carved this tablet.

At the end of the inscription, there is also recorded an ancient ritual and incantation asking for the power of the sun **** 'Ra'.

But the system remarked this one later.

(This ancient **** has long since fallen, and rituals and incantations have lost their effectiveness)

The three let go.

They all let out a breath.

They received a system message at the same time.

[Congratulations to the player, you have learned a new text - ancient characters]

【Name: Ancient Eiji Characters】

[Type: ancient script (written script)]

[Note: The ancient writings created by human ancestors often contain the power to communicate with primitive gods... If you live long enough, you will be able to use them. 】

Suddenly, a new word appeared in their minds.

Zhao Kaixing and Liu Yiyi were pleasantly surprised.

"This language... seems to have completely become our knowledge!"

Zhao Kaixing said in surprise: "It won't take up the skill bar!"

Liu Yiyi was also very happy, "I can read the words on the stone tablet directly now, and I don't need a system translation!"

Luo Xiu was about to speak, but a cascade of garbled characters appeared in front of him.

That unwilling 'abnormal source code' seems to be making trouble again!

[Congratulations to the player, you have learned a new character - ancient characters] (data deletion/data modification)

[Congratulations to the player, you have learned a new language - ancient language]

His brain was buzzing for a while.

It was as if he heard countless people, all kinds of men, women and children, whispering in his ears...

It was a language that was both unfamiliar and familiar.

After a while, the voice in my head returned to silence.

Luo Xiu looked at the stone tablet full of words again. At this moment, he could not only understand these ancient words, but also...

He seems to be able to read it too!

Suddenly, on the stone tablet in Luo Xiu's eyes, the ancient characters were suddenly lit up one by one! Then float!

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