[It was not in vain that I smashed the computer hundreds of times with the Goose Rose repair method! The signal is fixed! 】

[Luo Xiu is pulling a shit? 】

[Pull the shit, the horror game is directly blacked out]

[It's ok to pull to black screen]

[There are more and more mysteries on Luo Xiu's body... First, the san value is abnormal, and now it repeatedly causes the black screen...]

[What he said just now is like a prayer for summoning the consciousness of the evil god.]

【Summon the evil god? In other players' dungeons, will seeing the evil **** cause a black screen?]

【nothing now】

[Among other players, are there any abnormal san values ​​like him? 】


【have! I have heard of one! In the crooked fruit area, there is a female player in Iceland who is also worthless! But it's not as exaggerated as Luo Xiu's rise is instead of falling...].

Chapter 161 The mysterious blue mist inside the inverted pyramid (thanks for subscribing)

The soldiers at the door are moving some of the expensive stone tools and city transfers from the museum to the door to block the door. Seeing Luo Xiu coming out, a soldier said, "That... Captain, they went upstairs, you can just go upstairs."

Luo Xiu nodded: "Okay."

He tried the elevator, but there was no electricity.

Had to start struggling to climb the stairs.

With his current physical fitness, Rao can already beat himself in his heyday, but this museum is really too tall, and every time he climbs a floor, he can consume ten boxes of new lids and middle lids high calcium tablets...

When he reached the sixth floor, Luo Xiu was already sweating.

Here, the entire floor is catering.

They are all excitedly eating burgers, drinking Coke, and talking about the future!

Luo Xiu walked over and sat down, "The food is good."

A discerning soldier next to him quickly served him a standard set meal, hamburger + fries + chicken wings + cola.

They do the location and belong to a fried chicken shop.

Luo Xiu picked up the hamburger, took a bite, and complained: "What kind of museum can have an entire floor free for catering... It's too serious."

Zhao Kaixing took a sip of Coke, showing an expression of ascending to the sky, stretched out his arms lazily, and placed it on Liu Yiyi's shoulders, "Isn't it understandable that this country is dominated by the entertainment industry... Museums are also Like, look at the cultural relics, chat about history, eat some fried chicken with Coke, what a comfortable day."

Liu Yiyi finished eating half of the chicken wing in her mouth gracefully, put the whole chicken wing back on the plate, wiped her hands, then touched the hand on her shoulder and twisted it gently.

Click it.

"Ahhhh! What are you doing, Yiyi!" Zhao Kaixing's fingers were dislocated.

Liu Yiyi smiled shyly: "Teacher, you do the trick first! Take advantage of me!"

Zhao Kaixing covered his hands and shouted bitterly, "You will definitely be deducted points by the system for attacking your teammates like this!"

Liu Yiyi took his hand and twisted it again.


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Zhao Kaixing continued to clasp his hands and yell.

Liu Yiyi said with a bad smile, "Hey, I'll help you put it back together, so you won't be detained too much, right?"

The captain and Luo Xiu ignored them.

While eating chicken nuggets, the captain reported the situation to Luo Xiu: "We've seen it all here, this museum is indeed a good place to stick to, if we want to hide here, those outside... um, zombies, they It's hard to get in'". "

Luo Xiu also pretended to listen while stuffing fries into his mouth, "Mmmm, then what?"

The captain is also a well-organized person, he analyzed: "The current situation, the water here has not stopped, it is estimated that there is a large water tank, but we are so many, we don't know how long it can last... Electricity, It's stopped, but we have a few diesel generators, and it's not a big problem. There's not enough food storage, if we eat it open, it's only three days, and we'll have to go back and get a little more food..."

"I saw two submarines parked in the military port, can they be used?" Luo Xiu suddenly interrupted.

The captain stopped talking.

He didn't seem to react all of a sudden, why did he mention the submarine?

After thinking for a while, the captain nodded: "I need to check this, it should be fine. These two submarines... seemed to be used to detect the underwater situation at first, but the turbulence below was too strong to dive at all. It is said that 100 meters is At the limit, if you dive any further, you will be in trouble.”

Luo Xiu said: "Now I can dive."

The captain wanted to ask, how do you know, where did you get such inexplicable confidence? But he held back. After being in contact with him for such a period of time, he could also see that this young man with a great spirit... and a great bang, his strength was worthy of his arrogance.

Since he didn't explain, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Can you drive a submarine?" Roche asked.

"Yes." The captain said, "My brothers, first served in the French Navy..."

Liu Yiyi and Zhao Kaixing heard their conversation.

Liu Yiyi came over, looked at Luo Xiu nervously, and asked, "Are you... going to go down?"

Zhao Kaixing also asked nervously: "Is it in such a hurry? We don't think about sunbathing by the sea? Have a cocktail?"

He really wants to take a vacation.

Thriller games are now harsh on every player!

Every time the scripted world ends, there is only a short break.

There is no specific time. Basically, after sleeping and waking up, it is time to start the next life-threatening journey.

Although the player's body and spirit will be fully recovered every time they return to the lounge, it is difficult to completely eliminate their psychological exhaustion.

Except for someone like Roche.

He's not trying to be unhappy with his life.

Therefore, Zhao Kaixing's idea is not too naive. No matter how mature and powerful people are, in this continuous life and death struggle, they also look forward to taking a good vacation...

Luo Xiu considered his mentality, so he said: "Go down and see if I'm right, and give it a try...Is the relic that Tang Xuanzang gave me good to use, and can it protect the submarine? Not affected by the following prohibition."

Believe him or not, both teammates have to accept it.

"Then... let's go tomorrow?" Zhao Kaixing tried to bargain.

Liu Yiyi also responded: "Today, eat and drink well and have a rest."

"Ah... No." Luo Xiu ruthlessly refused.

The two were immediately aggrieved: "Why?!"

Luo Xiu said with reason: "Because the last undead has never appeared, I don't know why, but I think she must be busy with something... We can't let the enemy finish our own business comfortably. ?"

This doubt, Luo Xiu has said before.

Justified and convincing.

Finally, after eating this lunch, they were dragged back by Luo Xiu again.

For some "strawberry soldiers" in the team, they just left the horrible and disgusting military port, and now they want to go back, a hundred of them are not happy.

In the end, 11 such soldiers remained.

The captain also made a hard ideological struggle, but decided to follow Luo Xiu.

They took the wounded and returned to the military port.

After an afternoon of debugging, the captain chose one of the submarines in better condition.

Then there is the preparatory work.

Including shipping food, filling water, filling oil, filling gas... Of course, this is not a nuclear powered submarine, and it has to burn diesel.

The captain was selecting the remaining soldiers. Only 20 of them had submarine experience, so he left the remaining 10 to accompany the wounded and continue to stay in the barracks.

He, Luo Xiu and others didn't eat more dinner, they ate 7 minutes full, and then emptied their feces, urine, farts... and entered the station. (It is very inconvenient to go to the toilet in the old-fashioned submarine, maybe it will get wet)

Starting from the port, if you drive a little bit forward, even if you reach the diving point.

They also dived in a daze. I don't know where is the right diving point, so I can just casually (Wang Dezhao).

After Luo Xiu and others went down, they found that the interior of the submarine was really cramped...

The air is also very cloudy.

As soon as the Chinese teacher left, she already started to feel sick.

Unfortunately, there wasn't even a vomit bag in it. The captain made an immature suggestion, ".〃Don't vomit...or just swallow it..."

The three of them did not enter the cabin, but entered the command cabin directly.

The captain, several operating soldiers, and three other people including Luo Xiu were all crammed into this small space. There were crowded operating instruments everywhere.

Zhao Kaixing sat with a pale face, "I feel like I'm about to commit claustrophobia..."

Luo Xiu discussed with Liu Yiyi very seriously: "Why don't you knock him out... The place is so small, if he vomits, it is also a kind of environmental pollution in his eyes..."

The captain looked serious, "Jinghang...put down the periscope...prepare to dive!"

The only bulge on the calm sea.

It soon sank.


No wind, no waves. .

Chapter 162 Ancient Zombies Medieval Maid and Knights (Thanks for Subscription)

Military submarines are different from tourist submarines. Military submarines have no portholes.

Luo Xiu and the others could only sit in chairs, staring dumbly at the green screens in front of them.

That's the console for sonar monitoring.


【These are green! Buy it all! 】

[I'm just joking... Luo Xiu's style of play in the dungeon is so advanced... It's only level 3, and he's actually on a submarine]

[Yes... Ordinary players, this kind of script world, it is estimated that they can find the museum just now and stick to it for 30 days.

[When he found Tang Xuanzang, the two teammates couldn't stop him completely]

[Based on Luo Xiu's urine, even if Tang Xuanzang was not found and relics were not obtained, he would probably find other ways to kill the evil spirits]

[Don't make trouble, he is not a god]

[In this dungeon, if you don't get Tang Xuanzang's relic, it is estimated that there is no way to hurt this evil god.]

[If the relic is not obtained, the mana of the Buddha statue will still be there, the safe passage will not be closed, and reinforcements from other countries will be able to come in... Will Luo Xiu have a way to get a nuclear bomb and directly level this place? 】

【…Brain hole can be big】

Although Luo Xiu himself could not understand what was displayed on the screen, he could still explain to the two confused teammates:

"Sonar is the eyes of the submarine 617. The sea is dark and turbid. As long as you dive deeper, you can't see anything with the naked eye, so you can only use underwater sound waves like sonar to detect and locate..."

The captain looked at the screen and said strangely: "Judging from the feedback from sonar... this island... why is it so strange?"

Rose asked, "What's wrong?"

The captain said: "No matter what type of island Ci'an Island is, the part under the sea... shouldn't be flat! It's flat like a wall?!"

Luo Xiu is not surprised, "It's just like a wall... How deep are you diving now?"

The captain said: "80 meters."

Luo Xiu, "Continue."

The captain then gave the order: "Open the main buoyancy tank and continue diving."

flat like a wall...

Even if it is right on Luo Xiu's guess.

After getting Wilt's clues, he guessed that the entire island might be an inverted triangular pyramid. (Yes, the canonical pyramid is quadrangular)

If this guess is correct, then under the island, of course, is a once-flat wall, and the further down the wall, the more inclined this wall is.

It's just that if the pyramid is really that big...then it's hard for them (bfai) to detect this tilted angle.

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