
She looked forward, the wall covered with faint blue mist.

Before raising 'inspiration', it was just a colored fog; but after raising 'inspiration', Liu Yiyi saw some pretty terrifying sights!

In the faint blue mist, there are countless faces that are churning!

Maybe I didn't see Osiris' face, so this time I didn't get 'instant kill' by using 'Clear Mind and Seeing Spirit'!

But Liu Yiyi still feels very bad!

From head to toe, she began to tremble uncontrollably... As if she had suddenly fallen into ice water, the temperature of her body was instantly pulled away!

The stomach is also churning, and the desire to vomit is getting stronger and stronger!

The fog she saw was no longer faint blue, but blue-black... It was both like a cloud and like a sea!


Within the sea of ​​clouds, the waves are rolling...

Heads roll!

It turned out that in the soul of Osiris, there were endless painful souls! !

Some are people, some are beasts, and some... Liu Yiyi can't tell the difference!

That's not like a creature from this world!

A row of monsters as thin as worms, with more than a dozen hands open, raised their heads in unison, their expressions were frightened and strange, and they remained motionless...

A few creatures that look like girls, with several mouths on their faces...

A tree-like soul stuck together, a soul with only a tail below the head...

Both Luo Xiu and Zhao Kaixing saw her san value dropping rapidly!

Zhao Kaixing hurriedly said, "No response! Osiris didn't respond! He didn't wake up!"

Luo Xiu walked over, took out Tang Xuanzang's merit relic, and placed it in Liu Yiyi's palm.

He and her hand held the warm relic together!

Luo Xiu coldly said an old saying.

That's a weird syllable.


This is the pronunciation of the original name of Osiris recorded in the ancient Eji language on the slate! !

In this script world, it has been prompted many times...

The name is the spell!

When Roche said his name...

The faint blue mist... is surging! !

Osiris himself... couldn't stop himself from being awakened! ! !

(There should be one more, important plot, just write a little more, and rest after writing...) Eight.

Chapter 169 If it fails, the undead army will devour the earth (thanks for subscribing)

Everyone heard another rumbling roar! !

The whole inverted pyramid! The whole island! Earthquakes start!

Dust and bones fell together!

The faint blue mist covering the entire pyramid, like a violent torrent, has finally found a vent! !

All the floods are heading towards the only outlet! !

These mists gathered into dozens of tornadoes, rushed into Liu Yiyi's body, and lifted her whole body up! !

She was suspended above the black water! !

Luo Xiu grabbed her hand and didn't let go, and the whole person was taken flying!

The surging soul dance actually caused a gust of wind in the room! ! The captain, unafraid of danger, shouted: "Everyone is holding hands! Hold on! Don't be blown away! Grab the stone ladder!"

In the gust of wind, they held hands and formed a human ladder... Then they were swept up by the gust of wind and floated in the air of the main hall like a ribbon. Zhao Kaixing was at the very front of the "ribbon". He couldn't open his eyes. He was so frightened that he shouted against the wind: "Why...this reaction...is so much bigger than just now ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" ""

Maybe Liu Yiyi's inspiration was too strong after he activated his skills... Luo Xiu thought.

The wind of the soul is so strong that he can't open his eyes now!

But even if you don't open your eyes, you can still see the status bar!

All of Liu Yiyi's attribute values ​​are dropping rapidly! The fastest among them is the san value! !

She is still awake at the moment, but in her open eyes, there is no clarity, but those frightened and twisted souls... The little souls came out of her eyes and screamed again. go back!

"Luo Xiu! Save me!!"

With all her strength, after shouting this sentence, more twisted souls got into her body along with the surrounding tornado!

Liu Yiyi's eyes dimmed and lost her reaction.

Luo Xiu has used the [Consecration] skill to motivate the relic with the Dharma!

At the same time, the wind roared out the power-on password of the relic: "Three—! Hide—!"

Among the merit relics, a ray of light lit up.

A little light, in the surrounding majestic soul storm, is like a candle in the wind, and it seems to be extinguished in an instant.

Luo Xiu tightly covered Liu Yiyi's hand with both hands, and used her hand to hold the relic tightly!

"Tang Sanzang——! Help Lao Tzu do it——!!"

His roar was drowned in the wind.


Liu Yiyi fell asleep.

She knew she was asleep because she was dreaming.

The iron-clad prison door opened, and several people in military uniforms walked in. They looked at themselves from above, and then nodded to the guard next to them.

He was picked up and taken out of the cell.

'Am I going to die? ’

she asked herself.

Her vision was bumpy, and she remembered that this was when she was taken away by the army, and she should have been only six years old at the time.

The memory should have been very vague, but in the dream, Liu Yiyi could clearly see the faces of these officers.

They laughed and chatted, and it was an ordinary day for them.

His half-life destiny was already doomed.

The picture is distorted, and the time and space are transformed.

She saw her fifteen-year-old self.

He held a 92-style pistol from Xia Guo and aimed it at the head of another girl.

That is his best friend.

She was beaten to the death for running away.

A thin body like a chicken, curled up and lying in a dug hole.

That is her grave.

It was raining and she was crying.

I was crying myself.

The girl raised her head and smiled with blood on her face.

"Don't be afraid..."

Pull the trigger.


'What is this... a review of my life before my death...'

'Do you want to torture me again before I die? ! ’

Liu Yiyi wanted to be angry, but felt powerless to be angry, so she could only resign.

Under the moonlight, the pond in front of the army camp.

At the age of eighteen, after performing a mission, he was covered in bruises and bandages, and he was walking towards the pond step by step.

At the time, I wanted to end my life.

So desperate... this kind of life...

This time, Liu Yiyi was not from a side-by-side perspective, but entered it.

She looked at the calm pond in front of her, and her heart was like stagnant water.

'So be it……'

A hand was placed on her shoulder, "Want to die... Is there such a cheap thing?"

Liu Yiyi remembered that it was her instructor who stopped her at that time.

A devilish man.

She turned around and saw...

A real devil! !

That's a demon in an instructor's uniform! A grin, a mouth full of bright red teeth! Maggots keep crawling out of empty eye sockets! !


Liu Yiyi screamed out of control in her dream! Back in horror! Fall to the ground! So I saw more...

This devil is only part of...

Be part of a giant monster! !

Thousands of evil ghosts like this form a wriggling monster at the same time! !

Looking at the strangely shaped evil spirits above, those deformed and strange souls flashed before my eyes! Liu Yiyi remembered! !


The monster stood up wriggling, and there were two black holes she was familiar with at the position of her head... the black holes she had seen when she raised her head.

All the deformed demons on the monster looked at Liu Yiyi and spoke at the same time.

"Let us be a part of you..."

"Make you a part of us..."

"Come on... come on... come on..."

The monster approached step by step, and every evil ghost that formed the monster stretched out their hands, looked at Liu Yiyi greedily, and murmured in unison...

This is an indescribable fear, Liu Yiyi's mind has completely collapsed!

The hands of countless evil ghosts have already grabbed her body!

Suddenly, the sun rose...

Those evil ghosts were illuminated, the monsters were illuminated, and their faces showed a deeper horror than Liu Yiyi!

The demons shouted frantically:

"who is it?!"

"It's him!!"

"It's him!!!"

"who is it?!"

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