Luo Xiu followed behind, chatting with each other, but he heard it, and he was on night shift because of the special circumstances after the recent frequent murders.

They are all complaining.

Before reaching the yamen, Luo Xiu and others passed by a temple.

This should be a small temple called Lingyin Temple.

The front door of the temple was closed, and it was obviously already closed.

But at this point, there are still some women kneeling in front of the steps in the middle of the night. Some people are bowing devoutly, chanting words in their mouths, and others who look like noble ladies are also kneeling quietly, closing their eyes and praying silently, and there are maids next to them. .

Luo Xiu did not ask directly, but said:

"Tsk, they are also pious enough."

Zhu Kuai next to him opened the chat box with a smile:

"What does it mean to kneel for a night in order to ask for a child?"

"But it's useless to kneel outside. The chosen pilgrims have to go to the Guanyin Temple to spend the night."

"This Guanyin Bodhisattva is also really effective!"

"Yeah, out of ten women who go in to ask for a child, nine of them can do it!"

Luo Xiu walked silently, thinking of a Buddhist scandal that had happened in history...

Different world, same human nature? .

Chapter 180 The villain commits crimes and the monster takes the blame (thanks for subscribing)


Luo Xiu didn't meddle in his own business, even if he wanted to trigger a hidden mission, it wasn't now. Soon, they returned to the yamen.

There is a specific mortuary here, and two arresters quickly carried the two corpses wrapped in white cloth into the mortuary.

The corpse was light and weightless, and they moved all the way back, but they were extremely nervous.

After they were put away, Luo Xiu and the others walked to the second hall together, which was actually a two-story building.

The catchers went straight to the second floor of the second hall, where there were two other catchers on duty, playing dice by candlelight.

"Hey, you're back? I'm too sleepy..."

"Lao Luo, how's it going! If you go to a Goulan to sleep with a woman, you can also run into a murder case, it's bad enough!"

A group of arresters gathered around, wanting to hear what Luo Xiu had to say.

Luo Xu sat down and sighed: "It's a monster."

All of them gasped in breath!

"Really a monster?!"

"Did you see it? What kind of monster?"

"keep your voice down……"

"Then... what about the monsters?"

Luo Xiu said, "A spider demon was killed by me."

The group of hunters gasped for air, "Hssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!"

"real or fake!"

"Lao Luo, don't brag!"

"We know you're good at kung fu! But...that's a monster! Can you kill a monster?!"

Luo Xiu thought about it, and then told the matter from beginning to end.

He barely concealed it, because there were too many witnesses.

Then, he observed the reactions of his colleagues.

And after these catchers heard it, they were even more stunned and speechless for a long time.

Among them, Dong Dayu, who has a dark face and a beard, seems to be the oldest catcher below the head of the catcher, and he asked in shock: "Old Luo...I said you wanted to use the bowl to accept it. A monster? But that a Buddhist artifact? People who are not monks abuse Buddhist artifact...Aren't you afraid that the monks will trouble you?"

Luo Xiu asked, "Isn't it illegal?" "

Dong Dayu shook his head: "That's not..."

"That's fine." Luo Xiu casually said: "This bowl was given to me by a coincidence when I was a child... He said that I have a fate with the Buddha, and I can take this bowl and go to it in the future. The capital is looking for him..."

The story, made up on the spot, has no credibility.

But they all seemed to believe it.

Dong Dayu looked to be a good catcher, but he did not question at all, "The old monk in the capital... That's amazing! Did you have such a big good relationship when you were young?"

Seeing their reactions, Luo Xiu became more convinced.

In this country, it seems that Buddhism is a bit powerful.

Abusing Buddhist instruments... Everyone's reaction was obvious. An official arrester actually said, "You're not afraid of the monks asking you to trouble you..."

What about Taoism?

Are there any priests here? Religions are all exclusive, is Buddhism the only one here?

Another young hunter asked excitedly: "What about your kung fu?! Was it also taught by the old monk?! It's the sword technique you said you killed the spider demon! True qi is burning like fire... I only heard that Very few arena experts can do it!"

Luo Xiu tentatively said: "That's the kung fu of Taoism, which was passed on to me by an old Taoist priest with a white beard..."

There was another series of cold-breathing sounds.


Dong Dayu looked around nervously, then glared at Luo Xiu: "Such a big secret! Why did you say it like that! Don't die! How can Buddhism and Taoism be concentrated in one person! This is a big disaster! "

The young catcher beside him was scared and excited: "Don't worry! Brother Dong, we are all our own people today! Brother Luo's adventure! We will never reveal half of it!"

Another catcher rubbed his hands excitedly: "My God! Brother Luo is not an ordinary person! It's like a story in a novel!"

Yeah, yeah... When I was talking about this shit, hundreds of similar martial arts, fairy tales and fantasy protagonists flashed through my mind...

Luo Xiu was deliberate, and soon, he had a general understanding of the religious forces in this world.

Regardless of other countries, let's say the Dahe Empire.

Now the competition between Buddhism and Taoism is unprecedented!

The "Heavenly Master" of Taoism and the "Living Buddha" of Buddhism...these two have a lofty position in the hearts of ordinary people, even completely surpassing that of the emperor!

And these two religions seem to have become very domineering, and they have been competing with each other.

In today's world, all the martial arts masters who can do it are often from these two sects.

The more Luo Xiu listened, the more doubts he had in his heart.

Taoism and Buddhism are so powerful, and there is still a way for monsters to survive?

He originally wanted to set up a few more relevant clues, but as an older catcher, Dong Dayu was very taboo to talk about Buddhism and Taoism too much, and got off the topic.

"Young Master Ye is the only son of Boss Ye. Tell me, how can you explain it tomorrow?"

Everyone fell down.

"This monster kills, what can we do?"

"Yeah, I've done it now, and the only one who can meet face to face is Brother Luo!"

".〃How to explain it, let's just say it! Brother Luo saw it, and even hacked one to death! This is a long face, right?"

"Can you say it directly? Don't let the boss say it! The sage is very shy about these monsters! We are almost driving us crazy, don't block him!"

Luo Leisure said a few words, and roughly guessed something.

The monster murder is a recent thing.

Most of the people here have never seen a monster.

He said directly: "Can you bring me the files of these recent murders?"

Dong Dayu threw a candied fruit into his mouth and said strangely, "Didn't you see it all?"

Luo Xiu said: "I'm fine anyway, I'll take a look again. I've seen this spider demon, and I have some new inspiration."

After they learned that Luo Xiu could slash and kill monsters, their attitude became more respectful, or worshipped a little.

"Okay, then I'll go get it, wait..."

It didn't take long for Dong Dayu to bring a thick stack of files and put them on the table, "It's all here."

If Luo Xiu found a treasure, he opened it and looked at it.

(Wang Hao) It's all paper.

He was quietly looking at the dossier while the other catching fasts were chatting and waiting for shifts. The younger ones couldn't help but talk about Luo Xiu's heritage of kung fu, and then they were stopped by Dong Dayu.

Luo Xiu regarded them as the background sound, white noise, unaffected at all, and quickly read the thick stack of files.

It's March now.

The murders happened one after another in late January.

At first, a related murder took place on a mountain outside Tianling City.

The deceased was a hunter in a village near Tianling City, a single snake catcher.

The dossier records that he was usually very good at catching snakes and earned a lot of money.

Then disappeared.

Two days later, someone in the village found his body at the foot of the mountain.

The state of death was very tragic, all the bones in the body were broken, not a single piece was intact, and the whole body seemed to be half dissolved...

Chapter 181 The shadow lurking in the flickering candlelight (thanks for subscribing)

If there is no introduction to the monster, let Luo Xiu guess from this dossier, he will definitely not be able to guess any clues. But now that I saw the spider demon, and looking at the record of this murder case, I suddenly thought of it...


Before devouring the prey, the python often wraps around its body and slowly tightens it. As long as the python's strength is strong enough, it can completely crush all the human bones!

As for the half-dissolved appearance...

Luo Xiu guessed that it was probably swallowed, half digested, and then spit out...

Although strange, this guess is the most consistent with the above logic.

Too bad to eat? indigestion?

Or is it on purpose to show it to the public...


A snake demon killed a snake catcher.

Very reasonable, very logical.

Roche continued to look down.

The second place is also outside Tianling City, another village.

This time it was a married man fishing with a wife and children.

According to the dossier, this guy came back from fishing one day, and something went wrong, and he began to lose his mind.

At night, he would still talk about 'beautiful women' in his dreams. His wife suspected that he had a wild woman outside and had a big fight.

That night, 630 had already fallen asleep, but he got up inexplicably and ran out.

The next day, the villagers saw his head by the river.

Only one head remains.

The most terrifying thing is his expression...still with an obsessed smile, lifelike.

The villagers all thought that he had encountered a female water ghost and was fascinated.

The yamen's dossier is still a serious and serious reading, so many villagers' unreliable guesses must not have been written down.

Luo Xiu guessed based on the description... it should be a fish demon?

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