Luo Xiu hurried to the window and was about to jump down, but only heard a roar of a falcon that stunned the sky and stopped the clouds!

Luo Xiu only felt his head dizzy!

Immediately, he held the frame of the window lattice that was damaged by the crash, and did not jump down in a hurry!

He raised his head slightly, and saw a sharp black shadow in the air, spread his wings, and flew away with a vague shadow.

At that moment, he could see clearly.


This falcon in the sky...

There is a woman's face!

She looked down at herself coldly, her eyes sharp.

Dong Haihai and the others who followed behind didn't see the big eagle's face clearly, but they just saw such a big eagle... They were already convinced that it was a monster!


"It's a monster!"

Luo Xiu covered his head and walked back. The eagle chirp just now was obviously offensive, and his life value dropped a little.

He put down the knife, "Two demons, the outside one is in charge of receiving...the inside...have been eavesdropping on the side for a long time."

Inside was a black shadow... He suspected it might be a chameleon or something.

Luo Xiu didn't get enough clues now, and he was full of mysteries.

Dong Dayu was frightened and became angry, "Damn it! These monsters are so bold! Dare to break into the yamen to make trouble!!"


Xiao Zhan Kuai said with trembling: "If... if... Brother Luo didn't find out just now..."

Another continued: "We may all have to die tonight..."

Luo Xiu didn't speak, he just wanted to hurry up and think clearly.

The system arranged him here, just to let him get in touch with first-hand information and let him solve the puzzle!

Now the second puzzle has emerged.

[Professional task - find the mastermind behind the murder in the city! 】

"It's not that exaggerated."

Luo Xiu rubbed his temples and said, "It is estimated that he saw me in the Nuanxiang Pavilion and wanted to find out the details of me. He ran ahead of us and sneaked in here in advance... It seems that he did not intend to kill us."

Dong Dayu felt the pressure, "Don't think too much, since it is confirmed that it is a monster, I will report it to Lord Chengling in the morning! Let him write to the capital! Please ask the masters of Buddhism and Taoism to shoot down the monsters! "

"Well..." Luo Xiu was still pondering this matter, and responded casually.

Then, this sentence seemed to light up the aura in his head!


Flash again!

A flash of light!

He pierced more than a dozen holes directly from the Tianling Gai and went out! !

Luo Xiu stood up excitedly and grabbed Dong Dayu's shoulders with both hands: "What are you talking about! Please ask the masters of Buddhism and Taoism to subdue the demons?!"

"why why why!!"

"Why do you think of asking them to subdue the demons for granted! Why do you need to write to the capital to subdue the demons?!"

Luo Xiu solved the problem, and was used to skipping a lot of verification processes and seeing the answer directly! Then come back and ask for proof!

He now suddenly thought of a possibility of an answer!

A great possibility! Eight.

Chapter 183 All the pits will be filled (thanks for subscribing)

Dong Dayu was frightened by the overly excited Luo Xiu, the black-faced man shrugged his neck, and said in a daze: "Uh...this...because there are many high-level people in Buddhism and's not a legend. A hundred years ago... were there many monsters on the land of Shenzhou? Those monsters were killed by them..."

Luo Xiu nodded with bright eyes, "What else? Why do you need to write to the capital? Can the masters of Buddhism and Taoism eliminate demons by themselves now?"

Dong Dayu couldn't help but touched Luo Xiu's forehead worriedly, "Are you losing your memory? Can you forget such a big thing? Today's saint..."

Speaking of this, he cautiously put his arms around Luo Xiu's neck, put his two heads together, and said in a very low voice: "The Holy Master today did not issue an edict. From now on, it is said that monks and Taoists are not allowed to use It is strictly forbidden for them to act for any reason!"

Dong Dayu said another key message. "630" "Last month, we reported the murder case outside the city, and we made it very clear that we judged that the monster did it! But the above scolded us in the face, saying that we would not be allowed" Don't let us throw our responsibility to the 'nothing' monsters...why? It's not because today's sages don't like to hear these things!"

Luo Xiu smiled, and whispered: "The Holy Master doesn't like to hear about monsters, is it because the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism often mention it? He often advertises himself as a little demon slayer? Does the Holy Master... want to curb Buddhism and Taoism? Two?"

Dong Dayu hurriedly covered his mouth, "Don't talk nonsense!! Are you dying?!"

Luo Xiu's thinking is very clear now.

In this scripted world, the Quartet forces have surfaced at present.

do not deal with each other.

Buddha, Tao, demon... plus an imperial power.

"I know, I know!"

Luo Xiu smiled and covered his mouth, "I won't say it, I understand..."

Dong Dayu reminded: "This is the end of the matter, I can only report it truthfully. After all, I already have you now, and there are so many witnesses who have seen monsters in Nuanxiang Pavilion! As long as those high-level people can take action, this matter will be over. !"

"You have so much confidence in them?" Luo Xiu asked, "Have you seen them do it?"

He wanted to judge the average level of force in this world.

Dong Dayu pondered for a long time, "Didn't you ask before, whether the murders in the city, people, can do it? Ordinary martial arts people can't do it, but..."

His eyes were deep, and he nodded heavily: "Among these monks and Taoists, there are many who can do it!"

Luo Xiu patted him on the shoulder: "Understood."


He is not on the night shift.

Luo Xiu's status as a fast hunter should be scheduled for normal daytime work. After all, he sleeps in the Nuanxiang Pavilion at night, and he is definitely not working overtime.

So after chatting for a while, Luo Xiu suffered an internal injury and asked them to help him go home...because he didn't know where he lived.

Fortunately, this group of colleagues seemed to know their own family, so they helped Luo Xiu back.

When I left the yamen, the sky broke, and the small merchants and hawkers were already up and ready to do business, and many shops opened one after another.

Passing by the temple just now, I just saw the temple door open.

A female pilgrim walked out in a trance with a staggered face, and a monk supported her with a smile.

The maid who was waiting outside quickly went to help her wife.

Luo Xiu was supported by the two arresters and turned his head to look over; the monk also saw him, did not panic at all, smiled and nodded.

At the door, there are devout female pilgrims kneeling.


Luo Xiu lived in a small courtyard near the North City Gate.

The location should not be very good, this is out of the fifth ring, right?

The two small arrests were like helping a drunken leader all the way to the bed, only to be kicked out by Luo Xiu for a long time.

There is nothing to see at home, the family is surrounded by walls.

Luo Xiu sat on the bed, it was almost dawn outside, and he didn't have much time to rest.

Take a look at your current thinking.

"Judging from what Dong Dayu said, first of all, this Dahe Empire...the religious power is a bit too strong."

"And it's not a monopoly. This kind of situation is usually not formed naturally."

"Taoism or Buddhism, it is estimated that which one grew up first, and then the top intentionally supported the other to check and balance it..."

"This is an ancient time with supernatural power. If the Buddhist and Taoist families master some of the cultivation rules, coupled with their control of the people's beliefs, they can indeed threaten the imperial power."

"The ancient imperial power of the Xia Kingdom was originally religious in nature... The so-called 'ordered by the sky, longevity and longevity... If this world deviates, individuals can control overly powerful forces', the imperial power is gradually being emptied, that is Sooner or later..."

"The reason why the emperor here has issued an edict to ban monks and Taoists from 'forbidding violence by force' even when the two forces of Buddhism and Taoism are so strong, one can imagine how arrogant these people were before, and the emperor has How anxious..."

"This must be a bad move."

"If the previous analysis is reliable, then the murder of monsters outside the city is very simple... Only in the city has it changed."

"If I were them, if I didn't want to kill the emperor directly on the bright side for the time being, then raising the pirates and raising their own importance would obviously be a way..."

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu is almost certain.

The murders in the city were probably blood debts made by one of the Buddhist and Taoist families!

The Buddha and Dao in this world... are really more like youkai than youkai...

"According to this logic, there is only one question left in the end."

Luo Xiu recalled the previous spider monster and the two monsters who overheard their conversation.

"What about them?"


In any case, Luo Xiu has already speculated on a lot of information, most of which, after repeated deliberation, he found valid.

Then tomorrow, the first thing to do is to find teammates first and touch the information that each other has.

Maybe this time around soon.

Roche lay on the bed and began to recite the mantra.

As usual, every time you enter a new script world, you can try it out. In case that "big guy who doesn't want to reveal his name" can provide some help?

"The sleeping **** of water, the master of the dark abyss, the beginning of the nightmare above the stars—I ask you to grant me strength."

But this time, it didn't work.

Luo Xiu can clearly feel it, it has no effect at all.

Last time, but when I said the first sentence, there was a sense of spiritual blockade in the surrounding environment.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was also confused.

This time, they saw the skill prompt.

[Name: A prayer incantation pointing to an ancient existence]

[Type: Skill (Prayer)]

[Introduction: This ancient existence once spanned thousands of universes, and his avatars are like the sands of the Ganges River. As long as he uses this prayer spell in the world where he appeared, 100% of the response will be received]

【Effect:? ? ? ].

Chapter 184 Why Banshees Always Like Bare Legs (Thanks for Subscription)

Live broadcast barrage:

[This... What kind of strange new skill is this? 】

【Great... Great Great Evil God Summoning Technique? ! 】

[No response, did the summoning fail? 】

[I didn't see the skill introduction saying, 'Use this prayer spell in the world where he appeared, 100% of the response', if there is no response, it should mean that this evil **** doesn't seem to have appeared in this world.]

【Fuck! This summoning technique is powerful! Hope to see the success of the call next time! 】

[Uh... I suspect that the summoning has been successful long ago]

【? ? ? ? 】

[Remember the two black screens in the last script world? 】

【! ! ! ! 】

【Yes! If the summoning is successful, it may cause a black screen effect, right? If the evil **** appeared! 】

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