"Poisonous miasma, but I have an antidote! Come and pick up the heads!"

【Name: Qianli Chuanyin】

[Type: Skill (Sage)]

(I am too lazy to write later, so as not to say I am water)

Oh, that's pretty smart.

Luo Xiu thought, this teammate is obviously asking for help, but these two words are not mentioned in the whole article. Instead, it seems that he wants to give benefits to his teammates, and he also mentioned the poisonous miasma and antidote, which relieved his teammates to a certain extent.

He hesitated for a moment and said to Dong Dayu, "What did you ask me just now?"

Dong Dayu was taken aback for a moment, "Uh...I said...I don't know what you want to do, but do you need me to bring someone with you?"

Luo Xiu nodded: "Yes!"

Dong Dayu smiled: "Okay, then I'll call someone!"

"Wait a moment."

Luo Xiu stopped him, thought for a while, and said, "People, as many as possible, I still need some other things, kerosene, if the kerosene is not enough, just bring wine, preferably realgar wine... Bring bows and arrows or crossbows..."

Dong Dayu frowned: "What are you doing?"

Luo Xiu told the truth: "I'm going to Snake Mountain to catch a monster and catch it alive." Seeing that Dong Dayu's face changed greatly, he quickly added: "Don't worry, I'll come to work hard, you just need to listen to me, and one will be fine. ...but I need to hurry up!"

In recognition of Luo Xiu's strength, Dong Dayu hesitated for a moment, but still agreed.


A group of six arresters and twelve bailers rushed out of the North City Gate with galloping horses!

Luo Xiu just started riding, his buttocks were padded a few times.

But as a knowledgeable modern man, he naturally knows how to ride a horse, and he can't actually sit on the saddle. He raised his **** in half and supported it with his legs on the stirrup, and quickly found the rhythm of riding.

Then, the ups and downs of his body followed the horse's running at the same frequency.

With his strong physical fitness and learning ability, he will soon be able to ride decently!

Dong Dayu led the way, took the lead, turned back and shouted: "Why don't you seem to recognize the way! Snake Mountain is the place where the first monster murder case happened! The mountain top that the group of snake hunters love to go to!"

Luo Xiu glanced at the team column, Lan Caiwei's blood volume was still bouncing.

"Let's not talk about this... hand me your quivers!"

Snake Mountain, a mountain that is not towering, but has extremely prosperous vegetation.

In the middle of the mountain, in the depths of Yao Lin, where the trees grow green, there is a small open space.

The clearing is a sickly turquoise color, as if it were carpeted.

The carpet is wriggling...

Looking closely, it turned out to be tens of thousands of turquoise poisonous snakes!

Their mouths kept spitting out apricots, and at the same time, they kept spitting out small clusters of poisonous gas!

These poisonous gases accumulated less and more, and a faint blue-green poisonous mist was dispersed in the air...

And within the circle of these green snakes, stood a young girl with a delicate appearance, who looked no more than twenty years old.

She was wearing a bright light armor that did not match her own temperament, and she was controlling a 'gossip mirror' on the top of her head. The mirror surface was constantly adjusting the angle, casting bright yellow light, and burning the small green snake that was approaching around her.

But she couldn't control herself not to inhale the poisonous mist.

She had to keep stuffing the various antidote and blood-recovery medicine she bought into her mouth.

【360 Antidote】【Big Huandan】【Small Huandan】【Universal Detoxification Spirit】

All kinds of expensive drugs are stuffed into her mouth like a snack.

On the tree branch above her head, two snowy white and tender jade legs swayed, swaying gracefully.

Lan Caiwei felt that there was someone above her head, she immediately controlled the Bagua mirror, turned the direction, and a beam of light blasted past!


The banshee jumped back, and her figure was reduced to a slender green snake in mid-air, and it was a human body after landing.

She is wearing a blue snake skin Luo skirt, under the skirt is a slender and beautiful tui, the Luo skirt is looming, and it is thought-provoking...


her head...

It's still a snake!

The snake demon quietly (Wang Haohao) stared at Lan Caiwei, spitting out a letter and hissing, but didn't say a word.

There were wounds on her body, and there were many black holes. The pale red blood slowly flowed out along with the demon power, dripping on the ground, and the bushes and leaves instantly made a rustling sound of being corroded.

After adjusting the gossip mirror, she nimbly flicked to the side and then emptied.

After a few hits in a row, Lan Caiwei stopped wasting her efforts.

Although the snake demon can't speak human words, she is very smart.

She knew that as long as the consumption continued, this woman would be dead.

The mouth of the huge cyan snake head twisted into a creepy and terrifying smile.

Da-da, da-da, da-da...

She tilted her head.

The sound of hoofs?

Someone came to die?

The arc of the smile of the cyan snake head is getting bigger and bigger.

A bloodstained, silent knife, quietly unsheathed! Falling from above her snake head!

The knife is the return of the night!


kill sister!

Who made you show your beautiful tui? .

Chapter 186 Finally met the Shenhao Krypton Gold Party (thanks for subscribing)

The sword 'Fengxue Yeguiren' has the wind attribute, but not only does it not generate wind, but it can suppress the wind and increase the speed of the blade by 100%... It's really like a ghost!

Luo Xiu drew his sword and slashed, he thought there was at least an 80% chance of hitting this snake monster!

But he guessed wrong. The cyan scales on the snake demon shook for a while!

She jumped to the side with great agility.

This jump made Luo Xiu feel the difference in strength between him and this snake demon!

He suddenly widened his eyes!

The san value has soared!

She looks better than...

Much stronger!

The precious swordsmanship of killing sisters was about to fail. Luo Xiu leaned forward with the blade, and his toes had not yet landed!

He is nervously preparing to perform Plan B!

Because Luo Xiu knew very well that this knife had already made a mistake!

But he never imagined...

After the snake demon got out of the way, the snake head swayed over! Bite the black and red blade in one bite! It seems to want to bite this knife into pieces!


Once again, the snake demon sensed an unprecedented dangerous aura!

But it's too late!

[Knife Technique for Killing Sister. Special Effect 1: Drawing Style. Beheading! Charge for 1 second, draw the knife! Hit a female NPC or female hostile player with the first knife! The opponent will receive true damage equal to 20% of their maximum health! 】

The blade didn't cut the snake demon at all, but she took the initiative to bite the blade... 633... The skill special effect still took effect!

puff puff-!

She was all over her body, and suddenly, dozens of incisions were torn open by the sword energy!

The demon blood and demonic qi burst out!

She raised her head and screamed, her voice hoarse... Then she turned into a snake again, and she wanted to slip away!

The snake demon is very aggrieved!

She doesn't understand!

This knife is obviously not dangerous at all, but how can it be so terrifying? !

The snake demon was very cowardly, she was instantly stunned, lost her fighting spirit, and was about to slip away!

But she asked another pungent smell.

She doesn't know what that is... just a little disturbed...

In front, there are many human beings running between the shadows of trees, spilling the pungent smell.

Roche knew.

That's kerosene...they don't have realgar wine, but have plenty of kerosene.

According to Luo Xiu's instructions, these catching and white guards have poured kerosene around this open space and formed a circle.

Luo Xiu stepped aside and wiped out a little golden spark with his fingers.

The divine flame of 'Ra' fell on the kerosene like this.

With a bang! The pale golden flame instantly burned into a circle!

In the previous battles, Luo Xiu had discovered that the flames of this kind of divine flame had a particularly good continuance...


The snake demon rushed halfway and was forced back by the wall of fire!

The surrounding trees have been set on fire! She jumped left and right, and found that there was no way to go!

So he turned into a snake-headed human body again, and looked at Luo Xiu viciously!


Lan Caiwei was very embarrassed: "My teammates are here! There's nowhere to run! You will die!" After saying that, a beam of gossip mirror shot past!

The snake demon's movements are a little slower, but it's still no problem to avoid such a straight attack.

Luo Xiu shouted: "Don't! Let me clean up her! Don't kill her! It's useful to live!"

"Okay! Then I won't attack!"

Lan Caiwei is very obedient and obedient.

She is so obedient, of course, because Luo Xiu is strong enough.

When teammates meet for the first time, you can see the level and title.

Lan Caiwei saw Luo Xiu's title at first sight.

The [humanoid self-propelled nuclear warhead] of the golden miracle!

She gasped at that moment!

What a freak! It actually has the title of 'miracle'!

And it still looks so dangling!

How many murders did you make in the scripted world to create such a title of nuclear weapons? !

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