"Brother Luo! I invite you to drink"! "

"I invite you to a restaurant!"

There was a young white servant boy who thanked him:

"Brother Luo, you are my savior! I have a younger sister, my father died early, the eldest brother is like a father, I am the master, my sister will be with you in the future! Even if I become a concubine..."

Luo Xiu asked, "Your sister Guigeng?"

"Nianfang is 5 years old..."

Luo Xiu looked at the others, "Is there anything more realistic?"

Dong Dayu thought he understood Luo Xiu's mind very well, he smiled, put his arms around his neck, and said in a low voice, "I know what you say... Brother, how about you teach Fang Si? Go there to sleep, I can You have to spend the old nose effort to clear the relationship! That's not all you need to be rich!"

Luo Xiu waved his hand: "Che, vulgar fan." He also has the type of girls he likes, but they are usually not human.

Dong Dayu was dumbfounded.

Where is the Jiaofang Division? There are officials and eunuchs who have committed crimes inside, and Feng Chen's appearance is the pinnacle of charm! Ordinary people can't sleep with money!

Lan Caiwei came over and whispered: "I only lost 10% of my san value, but you slapped me more than 50 times... By the time you hit the 30th, I was already full..."

Luo Xiu pretended not to know, and looked surprised, "Yeah! Then why didn't you say it?"

Lan Caiwei said: "How can I say it! Give me a breath! You fan so vigorously!"

Luo Xiu said bitterly: "Then you are struggling! Resist!"

Lan Caiwei was in a hurry, "How can I resist! You are a big man, put pressure on me! I don't dare to use my skills! In case the system decides that I maliciously attacked my team...friend..."

Speaking of the latter, Lan Caiwei finally realized clearly.

She pointed at Luo Xiu and said in shock: "You are using this method to circumvent the system restrictions! You beat your teammates upright! You think I deliberately lied about the snake demon! I almost cheated you, didn't you! You just wanted to hit me. Breathe out, you…”

Luo Xiu patted her hand away, and said in disgust, "You are such a dark person... I don't like to play with smart people with high IQs like you. I think too much, I hate it."

Then he twisted his waist and walked away at Captain Jack's pace.

"Let's go, don't look, the mountain fire can't be extinguished..."

Suddenly, a strong wind blows!

Luo Xiu's long hair (the shape was modified by the system settings) was blown up by the strong wind, and it was tightly attached to the scalp!

He was almost unsteady on his feet.

The surrounding villagers were also screaming, stumbling around!

Lan Caiwei shouted, "Look at the sky!"

The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying!

Above the Snake Mountain, the black smoke of the mountain fire rose... In the black smoke, there seemed to be one after another electric light.

Rumbling thunder came from the black smoke!

Black smoke spread out in the sky, condensed into black clouds, electric lights flickered, and thunder bursts!

A gust of wind rose up and swept the sky!


It's pouring rain! Soon the seemingly unstoppable wildfire will be depressed, and the water vapor will be filled, and it will be completely extinguished sooner!

".〃Calling the wind and calling the rain..." Luo Xiu stared at the black cloud in a daze, "Isn't she really a white lady?"

Dark clouds only covered the top of Snake Mountain.

The rainstorm is only poured in there!

Under the dark clouds, the moment the electric light ripped apart the sky, Luo Xiu seemed to see a slender figure of a woman in the rain.

Suddenly there was a blur in front of him.

[Exception source code! 】

He suddenly broke through the rain curtain and rushed to the top of Snake Mountain!

See clearly!

There is indeed a woman in the air, stepping on the void, stretched out her arms, as if embracing the sky!

Her whole body is like jade, with no strands of cunning. At the moment when the electricity and light are intertwined, countless white scales light up on her body densely, like the autumn wind blowing over the water, floating light and jumping gold...

The extremely beautiful face is dotted with a pair of vertical snake eyes full of murderous aura and anger!

Those ice-blue snake eyes were staring at them motionless!

Staring at Luo (Wang Haozhao) Hugh!

It's pouring rain! Cover it up!

But not a drop of water could penetrate her body-protecting demonic energy, nor could a single hair of her be wet and blow!

The demonic energy that protects the body, in the rain curtain, presents a huge shadow... It is clearly a giant python with a tail!

Luo Xiu looked at the murderous look in the rain screen.

All four look at each other.

Heart pounding!

"Ah... Spring is here, everything is reviving, and it's time to make friends..." Luo Xiu was a little bit anxious, remembering how he felt when he saw the opposite **** in a horror movie.

at this time.

A reminder of Tang Xuanzang's purple-gold bowl:

['One year' has passed, and the tune of monsters is completed. 】

(I got the xin crown vaccine today, the side effects are so dizzy... By the way, many people argue that the heroine is not a heroine, I can only say that Luo Xiu's personality has never been pure monk type, and he also likes girls , just don't like ordinary human girls...not on the aesthetic point).

Chapter 191 The wild vision of the old demon of Montenegro and the white lady (thanks for subscribing)

Um? So fast?

Luo Xiu recalled that the time for the Zijin Bowl to contain the monster seemed to last only one hour at most. Now the detention time in the bowl has ended, but the time outside the bowl has not yet arrived... It is estimated that the time inside and outside is now synchronized.

Then once an hour has passed, the green snake demon inside will be released directly.

In order to avoid this from happening, Luo Xiu still has to find a place to release her as soon as possible... so as not to be seen by too many people and cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

At this moment, the gust of wind in the village has gone away, and like the too-intensive heavy rain, it only gathers on the top of Snake Mountain.

So now the scene is very special.

Sunrise in the east and rain in the west... It's still a storm! Thunder and lightning!

The weight of the rain curtain is like a heavy bead curtain, and it is like a huge shower head aimed at the snake mountain and spraying wildly!

At this time, everyone saw the terrifying shadow in the rain screen!

A giant snake is swinging!

"Ah!! It's the snake monster!! It's the snake monster!!"

Some villagers shouted in horror!

The mother of the dead son also fell to the ground, "Come on a Taoist priest and take this **** snake demon! My son...637 died so miserably...!"

They have never seen a monster, let alone such a celestial phenomenon!

Fear and disgust for demons grow wildly in my heart at the same time!

The wildfire was extinguished, and the rain soon stopped.

It came fast, went fast, and in a blink of an eye, the clouds scattered and the sky opened... Luo Xiu couldn't see the white snake demon who turned into a human just now.

Everything is back to normal, and the world is still at peace.

But everyone present has seen the monster either directly or indirectly.

Dong Dayu's face was condensed, "Let's go, we have to go back quickly, and let the adults know what we have seen and heard! Such evildoers! Can't tolerate it!"

The old catcher was also terrified.

Luo Xiu said, "Old Director, you withdraw first, I still have something to do."

Dong Dayu frowned: "Lao Luo, I know your magic is illegal, but... you also saw that snake demon, right?! That's a big demon!"

Luo Xiu recalled the details, (bfai) "It seems to be quite big."

Others didn't feel any difference, but felt that Luo Xiu's answer... was a little strange, making people very able to answer.

Luo Xiu came back to his senses and said, "That's right, I don't plan to confront this snake demon. I just want to investigate the difference between the six murders outside the city and those inside the city, and get more evidence."

Dong Dayu persuaded: "Old Luo... Actually, we are catching fast... We don't have to fight like this. Some things are too clear to check, which is not a good thing..."

After listening to Luo Xiu's analysis yesterday, Dong Dayu also felt that the murder case in the city was strange and was instinctively afraid.

Whether it's Buddhism or Taoism... If they really did that, wouldn't it be as simple as killing a bedbug?

"I'm measured." Luo Xiu smiled.

Seeing that he was obsessed with his own opinions, after all, they had seen Luo Xiu's ability, and the art master was bold, so he didn't persuade him any more.

"Okay, come back early! Let's drink together!" Dong Dayu hammered him in the chest.

Then he turned around and walked away with the others...

There is not a single horse in this village, only donkeys and mules.

They walked back to the city, which was pathetic.

Lan Caiwei was squatting on the ground at the moment, covering her face, falling into depression.

"How long does it take for my face to be swollen... Why do I feel more and more swollen..."

Luo Xiu looked around like a thief, and then said to her, "Wait for me here."

Lan Caiwei squatted and turned awkwardly, "I don't!"

Luo Xiu said: "I have medicine that can cure your **** face in seconds, but I want to exchange with you..."

Lan Caiwei's eyes gleamed again: "What do you want in exchange?"

Luo Xiu didn't say well: "Squat! I'll talk when I get back!" Come on, he ran away with the speed and attitude of a fast-moving person rushing to find a toilet.

On the edge of the village, near Snake Mountain, there is a dry river ditch.

There are usually many children playing here, but now, except for the case of monster murder, the villagers have taken care of their own bear children and dare not let them come.

Seeing that there was no one here, Luo Xiu jumped down.

Then he took out the purple-gold bowl, and when his mind moved, a small blue snake floated out of the golden light's package.

The golden light suddenly recovered, and the little green snake instantly swelled and turned into a human shape!

The green Luo skirt and small legs are still the same.

The difference from just now is...

Her head also transformed successfully!

At this moment, a beautiful girl with disheveled hair bowed her head and stood in front of Luo Xiu, and called out, "Master..."

Luo Xiu was stunned.

"Have you successfully transformed? Can you even change your head?"

She hummed "um" and said softly and tenderly, "A year of... ascetic cultivation...should be."

"You still learned to speak?? Who taught you??"

"In the bowl...your...that...waiter..."

The amount of information is a bit large, and Luo Xiu's head is also a bit large.

What waiter is in the bowl?

The introduction of this equipment is not clear enough. It only says that it can imprison demons, ghosts, and ghosts, and wash the ears and brains with Buddha's voice, but it does not say that it is actually a human service. There is still a consciousness inside... Who is it? Tang Xuanzang?

But Tang Xuanzang made it very clear that the merit relic contains his last piece of spiritual consciousness.

(PS: The dizziness is indeed a bit serious... After I recovered, I started to increase the speed. Recently, it has been too slow, and I feel ashamed...).

Chapter 192 Montenegro is a mountain in the underworld (thanks for subscribing)

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