Xiaoqing felt the same way, looking at him with disgust.

Luo Xiu said: "Big tiger, can you change your name and call me something else..."

The tiger demon Yingying bowed: "Big brother!"

Roche didn't speak.

He bowed again: "Master!"

Luo Xiu quickly jumped from Water Margin to Journey to the West, sighing, "How are you happy, call me..."

Now that the training was done, Luo Xiu, as usual, cross-examined the information that the tiger demon knew.

The tiger demons come from the truth one by one.

"I was raised in the back mountain of Jingchen Temple since I was a child. Later, I became the mount of Zen Master Yue Heng, but I came out of the mountain... that is recently."

"The Zen master asked me to kill..."

The tiger demon told its tragic story from childhood to adulthood.

It's almost the same as Luo Xiu's guess.

There is such a group of monsters that have been raised in captivity since childhood, and are raised like pets.

However, they are not like ordinary pets.

Some are like zoo animals, trained to perform, some are like fighting dogs, and they need to fight each other...

Very tragic past, if you change to a writer who is good at sensationalism, you can write a lot of words.

Luo Xiu just listened. He lacked empathy and was indifferent. He just used the description of the tiger demon as a reference and put together a large piece of the worldview puzzle.

The demons here are actually not just like animals.

They might be more like...


"Do you know why the Zen master instructed you to kill?" Luo Xiu asked.

The tiger demon replied: "I don't know! Anyway, I was so stupid back then. If he said kill, then kill!"

Luo Xiu: "What about now?"

The tiger demon stalked his neck: "Now I'll listen to you, big brother!"

Luo Xiu: "No, I will release you tomorrow..."

"Let... live?" The tiger demon looked like he didn't know the meaning of the word at all.

Luo Xiu: "It is to let you go to the wild and give you freedom. You are a tiger, the king of the forest, and you belong to the mountain outside."

The tiger demon was half-speaking, and his expression seemed to freeze.

After a long time, a little tears began to accumulate in my eyes...

He has cultivated for eight hundred years now, and this is the first time that tears have been produced because of being touched... This is an advanced emotional ability.

Although he has been banned since he was a child, the tiger demon still yearns for the outside... even if he is a little bit afraid, afraid of the unknown.

At this moment, he was completely moved.

The tiger demon felt that Luo Xiu might be the kindest human being in the world...

In fact, Luo Xiu thought very simple.

It is very troublesome to carry the tiger demon all the time. Who knows when the brainwashing will fail? At that time, in case of a stab in the back... it's better to let it go.

Without the strong confinement effect of the bowl, he might even become a true ally.

"That's it, I'll send you out of the city tomorrow, now... go to sleep, the big tiger will go to sleep outside."

The tiger demon went out very sensible, "I'm not sleepy, I'll keep watch for you brother outside!"

Luo Xiu didn't veto it, he liked it.

After he went out, Xiaoqing dexterously climbed onto the bed, and asked timidly and expectantly, "What about me?"

Luo Xiu lay up straight, and 0.8 said, "Looking at him, I'm afraid that he will turn against the water in the middle of the night and kill your master."

Xiaoqing was a little disappointed, but she still took the lead and squeezed her fist: "No problem! I will watch him!"

Then he lay down at the foot of the bed, sat with his knees bent, his chin resting on the window sill, and his two eyes looked out the window for a moment, like a snake.

Oh, she is a snake.

Luo Xiu closed his eyes and began to use the basic mental method of Hengshui Middle School to restore his spiritual power. After it was all full, he began to sleep well.

Xiaoqing really stared at it all night.

The next day, Luo Xiu was woken up by the loud parade outside.

He helped Xiaoqing, who was sleeping with his eyes open, cover the quilt, then passed over the four-legged tiger demon, picked up the flying surfboard in the yard that was full of electricity yesterday, and opened the door of the other yard, looking towards street outside.

Luo Xiu was directly dumbfounded.

A wonderful scene of a monk's parade... The luxurious lineup and the fantasy of the guard of honor are like in a dream. .

Chapter 207 Hidden quest to gain the kindness of White Snake (thanks for subscribing)

Yesterday's corpse had already been swept away, and many civilians appeared on both sides of the street once again. Almost all of them were kneeling in unison, looking at the parade on the street with incomparable reverence.

This parade is all composed of monks.

No head in front, no tail behind, there may be nearly a thousand people!

These monks wear three different colors of robes, black, white and yellow. The difference between them is clear. The monks in the yellow robes in front have walked away. Most of them are holding Buddhist instruments like a rattle. noise.

There were still words in his mouth, but Luo Xiu couldn't understand what he was saying.

Wearing white robes, surrounded by the first cart.

There is a golden statue of the Tathagata on the car.

At this moment, the sky is cloudy, but the golden statue of the Tathagata can emit a faint light, giving a solemn atmosphere.

But this is not what surprised Luo Xiu the most. Buddhism and Taoism are prosperous here, and it is normal for Buddhism to have some real skills.

What surprised him the most was...

This cart was pulled by a giant golden-horned rhino!

The golden-horned giant rhino has many mutations, from the top of the head to the back, there are many sharp horns, the skin is like black jade, and the eyes are filled with demonic energy, obviously it is a demon!

But the people around Zhou 15 seemed to turn a blind eye, and still bowed their heads and worshipped.

The monks in white came close, and Luo Xiu understood them. They were chanting the mantra, presumably to save those who died yesterday, those who were killed by monsters.

The monks were dressed in white like immortals and did not disturb the world. They used two willow leaves to dip water in the bottle, and then threw them to the people on both sides of the road, shouting: "The willows sprinkle holy water, and the rain will moisten all living beings..."

Luo Xiu stared at the people on the side of the road, moved his knees and climbed forward, his hands received the holy water and rain of Buddhism, his expression was so pious that he was almost moved, moved to the point of greed, and some people even stuck out their tongues like a dog, "Thank you to the holy monk. Thanks to the living Buddha! I am grateful for the gift of the Buddha!"

The team slowly passed by, and two monks chatted in a low voice.

"It seems to be demonic."

"Nonsense, I killed a lot of people here yesterday."

"It's been so long, how can there be..."

"Why do I seem to smell our tiger demon..."

"Shh! Shut up!"

Luo Xiu hurriedly turned around and went in, used the bowl to reload the tiger demon and Xiaoqing, and then walked out the door again with confidence.

The parade isn't over yet.

Luo Xiu felt like he was watching a Disney float show, and it was like a fantastic folk society fire show.

The back is even more powerful. There are deer demons and elephant demons, pulling a cart. In the cart, there are monks performing supernatural sacrifices with magical instruments such as a big pan and a ringing bell. Finally, there are several monks sitting in the sky.

A few odd-shaped bird demons dragged them to fly, they sat cross-legged, folded their hands, closed their eyes and chanted sutras, pretending to be good-handed!

Soon, the official performance began.

In the crowd next to him, a haggard-faced man rushed out, knelt in the ultra-parade team, and kowtowed frantically: "Holy monks! Holy monks! The monster killed my family of four last night!! Please! Take action! Subdue the demon!!"

Seeing this, many people rushed over, knelt down and kowtowed, and shouted: "I beg the holy monks and masters to take action! Save the suffering people!"

"Go on like this! We will be killed by the monsters!"

"Monsters are so hateful! I am compassionate, saving a life is better than building a seven-level Buddha!"

I don't know if it was an actor or not, but they all started, and the parade was forced to be interrupted.

Although most of the monks in black riding on the backs of the birds looked young, their auras were very mature. They opened their compassionate eyes, floated down, and landed in front of the crowd.

Then help them up one by one.

The monk who took the lead, after deliberating for a long time, choked up: "We are all descendants of Dahe, and we have to follow the emperor's order. The emperor has already issued the imperial decree. In the future, we monks can only open altars to teach the Dharma, universally benefit Buddhism, and chanting sutras... not arbitrarily. Overstepping, otherwise you will be disobeying orders!"

An old man shouted: "Then what do we do? Let the monsters slaughter like this! Are you dead?!"

The surrounding people responded in succession, all filled with righteous indignation!

The monk just shook his head, showing compassion.

"The Black Scale Guards have entered the city, and they will be responsible for subduing demons and eliminating demons. We must trust the imperial court and the Holy Lord."

Luo Xiu never thought that one day he could hear such a strong green tea smell from the monk's mouth.

Isn't this the rhetoric of green tea Biao?

The elder sister is very good, the elder sister is very good, although I also like the elder brother, but... hum!

Roche can almost be sure.

Today, they are likely to attack the Black Scale Guard.

Having said that, these kowtow people, although they don't really believe in the Black Scale Guards, can only bear it for the time being and see if they are reliable.

They got up and returned to the roadside, sighing and letting the monks pass by.

The instruments and reincarnation spells mixed together, making a disturbing noise again.

These monks reminded Luo Xiu of the "certain" monks in reality, who always said some nonsense that seemed to be reasonable, but in fact didn't use bullshit. They were full of truth and full of interests.

Thinking of Tang Xuanzang, although his speech is not educated... but it is really refreshing.

Monks, perhaps in the beginning, were supposed to be like that.

When the monks walked away, Luo Xiu grabbed an uncle who was selling biscuits and asked, "Uncle, I have a question, I'm very curious... Aren't these monks riding monsters? Why do you all look at them? If not?"

The uncle was still laughing, but when he heard this, he sternly said, "Master, don't make these jokes! That's the mount of the holy monks, it's the auspicious beast! How can it be a demon!"

Luo Xiu roughly understood.

647 This is the result of religious brainwashing.

He tentatively said: "What if, what about the monsters? Have you ever thought that the monsters wear gold and silver armor and are domesticated by monks, and they are auspicious beasts, but these auspicious beasts take off their clothes and reveal their true colors, that is What's the difference between the two?"

The uncle who sold the biscuits looked at Luo Xiu with a look of fear and disgust, "Master, are you... joking?"

Luo Xiu slammed him hard, "Ahahahahaha! I'm just joking! I'm scared! Hahaha, bake me a cake, add bacon, no sauce, thank you."

The uncle was relieved and smiled: "Hey! These jokes slandering Buddha! You can't be scared... What did you just say?"

Religious brainwashing is very powerful.

His bowl can only be washed for a while, but a certain idea is instilled in the outside world for a long time, which can completely wash people clean and make them believe for a lifetime.

In fact, it is difficult for the people of Xia to understand the harm caused by this kind of power, because the Chinese civilization is too pragmatic in its bones, and the so-called "belief" is actually a deal with the gods and Buddhas.

But other countries often take a different path, which is why they have the Great Witch Burning Movement, the Crusades, and even many people of different beliefs, hatred and wars that have continued to this day...

They in this world, it seems that it is easy to go to such a point of no return. .

Chapter 208 This is Se Li Nei, Is a Banshee a Banshee (Thank you for subscribing)


After eating the mincemeat, Luo Xiu went back into the house, studied the children's positioning watch, and tried to contact his teammates. dialing...

Luo Xiu also doesn't know what dial-up this thing relies on. There is no telephone signal and network signal. Does it rely on radio?

a teammate, Zhou Dacheng, was quickly connected.

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