"Sister Wuhen, I guessed it, is it wrong?"

Luo Xiu's final tone was almost gentle and sweet, but his expression was like a great white shark with a smile and teeth.

He made an inference, but there was no evidence.

But everyone has already believed it, including the two of them, and they look at Wuhen's expression, which is a bit complicated.

Wuhen finally couldn't hold back, his face twitched a few times: "What nonsense!"

Luo Xiu: "I can read micro-expressions."

Wuhen didn't understand, her mentality had actually collapsed.

She is indeed a Celestial Master, Luo Xiu's speculation, and... all guessed correctly!

Luo Xiu stretched out, got up from the wheelchair, walked over, Chasing Soul and Suomin didn't dare to stop him, he went straight to Wuhen, "Cooperation, stop struggling."

After all, Zhou Dacheng was a cadre, and he knew how to wink. He turned his head and gestured, and the surrounding black scale guards all stretched out the Pu Dao, and the icy blades were pressed against Wuhen's warm and soft neck.

Wuhen finally reached the limit, and her willpower collapsed.

She softened and smiled bitterly: "Cooperation... What can I do? Now, even if you let me go, the Celestial Master will kill me as a waste..."

Luo Xiu said: "Let you supervise the construction of these pagodas. You must know what kind of formation these pagodas will form?"

Wuhen whispered: "Of course... Gathering the blood of evil spirits, on the night of the lunar eclipse, the old demon of Montenegro will be the anchor to open the gate of hell..."

Luo Xiu scratched his head: "Can I not wait until the night of the lunar eclipse, I want to open the door early."



As soon as these words came out, everything was silent. .

Chapter 230 Teammates are my Tier 4 armor (thanks for subscribing)


The day passed quickly. The residual heat of the setting sun renders the sky full of fiery clouds. From the mountain, the red clouds seem to be within reach, and the layers of different blushes are especially stunning.

The sunset at Dianmo Mountain is very beautiful, and it is a well-known sight outside Tianling City.

On the top of Xuanqing's ink-like hills, a large-scale Taoist temple was established called Qingye Sect. The history is not very long, and the founder is still alive.

The founder of the sect, called Qingye Zhenren, was a master apprentice of the Celestial Master in the capital.

He claims to be enlightened by one leaf, and he can write a talisman with true energy by picking a leaf. In the leaf talisman, there are all phenomena of heaven and earth, and the power is shocking...

At this moment, the Sect Master of Qingye Sect, Master Qingye, is drinking at the Zuifeng Pavilion on the top of the mountain, but he is not drinking alone.

Opposite him, there was a man in black.

The man in black was wearing a long black cloth robe, his long hair was dragging on the floor, but he looked like a slovenly beggar; looking at his appearance, it was even more disgusting!

Let's not talk about his appearance... He seems to be blind, but he is not ordinary blind. The position of his eyes is now two hideous meat balls. There is a little light black in the middle of the meat balls, and the whole looks like hair. The egg looks disgusting.

He is the old demon of Montenegro.

...is an old demon from Montenegro.

As Luo Xiu guessed, he was indeed hiding in the Green Leaf Sect.

And he has always communicated with him, and it was the white-haired Tongyan who came up with the plan to cut off sons and grandchildren in Lingyin Temple, the sovereign master of Qingye Sect!

"Both eyes I planted were destroyed."

Heishan Lao Yao's tone was flat, as if he didn't have any emotions, "Unfortunately, this has made me two less helpers. If time can last a little longer, the two demon kings and many demon genera in Beimanpo, as well as those who have become The monks in the body of Rakshasa will be of great help..."

After enjoying the cold tea in the cup, the Qingye Sect Master casually twirled the green glass cup with a leisurely attitude, "What's the point? The 'Yin Pestle' that Fengdu has gathered in a large array has been prepared for a long time, as long as 12 more hours have passed. Day, the Tiangou devoured the moon, and then let those savage monsters from outside the mountain enter the city... For the life of a city, the ghost gate of Huangquan will definitely open!"

The old demon of Montenegro said gloomily: "I'm worried that something will change... Those savage demons, if I go to fan the flames with them, it will definitely not be as smooth as before... That wolf demon, stinky bird, and that white snake... ...I have to kill them."

Sect Master Qingye put down the tea cup, like a mirror in his heart, glanced at the past without any fireworks, and said with a smile: "I know, if the three of them join forces, you are afraid that it will be difficult for you to deal with... Since it is outside the city, then I secretly If you do something for you, no one will see it, don't worry."

This is what the old demon of Montenegro was waiting for.

Qingye is very insidious and very cautious. He let himself go to Lingyin Temple to ambush for so long, but he wanted to use the monk's hand to complete the most important 'yin pestle' of the great formation, that is, those pagodas, he himself He would never do anything at will, and neither would his sect.

Now, since Qing Ye Ming said that he can help, then the three big demons have only one dead end.

Aoba, although he despised him, he still had the ability.

The old demon of Montenegro was also very careful. He asked, "That goddess was arrested yesterday, looking for you, what's the matter?"

Aoba said indifferently: "It's nothing, I just talked about the situation in the city... It's just a mediocre person, saying that there are a few troubled people in the city, and following the clues of the monsters killing people, they searched a little deep, as if one was a hunter of blind rivers and lakes. Demon, one is the general banner of the Black Scale Guards from the capital, and the other is... um... a small catcher."

The old demon of Montenegro was very uneasy, the flesh **** in his eyes were squirming fast, as if something was about to come out, his voice became more and more hoarse, revealing an unspeakable anger, "Fu Kuai! I saw that catching fast! It was he who burned him. Got my eyes!!"

Sect Master Qingye didn't even look at him and let him get angry.

Qing Ye is a person with a strong cultivation base, perhaps second only to his master in the capital in the world today.

But he's also a very arrogant man... Arrogance comes from strength.

In his eyes, the world is in control.

anger? Anger doesn't come out of nowhere, it must come from powerlessness.

So he was never angry.

At this time, a female Taoist priest with a very short body ran over and said in a panic: "Sect Master! The big thing is bad! Someone has come to break into the mountain gate!!"

Aoba was pretending to drink tea, and when she heard this, she almost choked in her nostrils!


"Crossing the mountain gate?!"

"Who is so brave?!"

The delicate female Taoist raised her head and said, "There are only three people... who take the lead... it seems to be a quick catcher!"

! ! !


Sect Master Aoba burst into anger! !

It's a real rage! The bun on the top of his head was suddenly washed away! A real energy agitation! Long hair grows without wind!

"A fast catcher! A mere catcher! Dare to break into my Moshan Mountain! Break into my Green Leaf Sect!!"

With a bang, in the flames, the stone table on which the exquisite tea set was placed instantly turned into powder!

At the same time, the entire Zuifeng Pavilion was buried with Aoba's anger.



Not all people who fight well are good at raising Qi.


Dianmo Mountain has six gates.

From the foot of the mountain to the mountainside.

Luo Xiu came with two reluctant teammates, and then went all the way from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside.

With the Tang Hengdao in his left hand and the sword around his head in his right hand, he killed one person in ten steps without leaving a thousand miles.

No one around dared to approach him.

Perhaps it was because of the 'Fengxue Ye Huiren' who kept sucking blood, or some other reason, Luo Xiu seemed to have a murderous aura around him at the moment.

Although he is smiling.

"Come on? The more you resist, the stronger I will be~"

A loud roar sounded, as if it suddenly came from the sky, with the force of the wind, "Crazy rebels! Dare to break into my Green Leaf Sect!! Are you deceiving my Green Leaf Sect?"


The strong wind swept the leaves, and a body that was about to leave an afterimage loomed, approaching Luo Xiu in the countless green and yellow leaves.

Sect Master Qingye appeared in this gust of wind, surrounded by countless flying leaves, his face was solemn, and he clicked on one.

The fingertips trembled, and the rune suddenly formed!

The fallen leaves in the wind suddenly shine brightly!

He can really draw talismans with leaves!

Moreover, unlike ordinary gold, wood, water, fire, soil, Qingye is after all the suzerain, a master of the masters, and his talisman is not a five-element talisman.

The rune shines brightly, and the three of them suddenly feel wrong!

The space around them was faintly distorted, the air condensed, and the body was a little out of control!

"What the hell? Distorted space?" Lan Caiwei asked in fright.

Luo Xiu turned back and found that he could see his face, "It should be forcing our souls out of our bodies... The space is not distorted, it is us who are distorting."

Zhou Dacheng: "Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Since Luo Xiu dared to kill him, he knew that he had a good grasp of his own strength.

In the face of absolute strength, all skills are not easy to use.

He turned around suddenly, golden flames rising all over his body! Eyes are like the sun! Burning!

This... Soul hasn't been sucked, but a few sparks have been sucked.

Ye Fu suddenly ignited.

After getting out of the soft control, Luo Xiu slammed into the past. With his current speed, coupled with the special effect of 100% increase in the speed of the sword...

As strong as green leaves, under the stunned, he really did not escape!

The sound of the sword piercing the flesh was so clear.

Feng Xue returned to the people at night, plunged into Qingye's waist... 8.

Chapter 231 The young girl is a cute girl with big eyes (thanks for subscribing)

Aoba's face is full of disbelief...

He thought his cultivation was high, but he didn't want anyone to be faster!

Luo Xiu stabbed him in the waist, looked at his expression, and twisted the blade of his blade... It was also very vicious. "Uh..." Under the kidney pain, Sect Master Aoba suddenly twitched fiercely!

But his eyes suddenly became more fierce!

Sect Master Aoba, after all, is a master master master master master in this world! How could it be so easy to be beaten by a knife!

In his pupils, azure light flashed by, his whole body was surging and agitating, and his energy was exuding! The robes, which were already spacious, suddenly expanded even more! It looks like there's a blower inside!

"Ahhhh, **** you!"

Aoba Sect Master made a rough shot! In a hurry, there is no use of tricks, just a single slap with majestic True Qi!

Luo Xiu didn't have time to dodge, so he blocked the palm with a lighted alloy Tang knife!

boom--! The sound of gold and stone shaking!

The material of "660" is relatively ordinary, and the Tang knife that has been worn... finally cracked!

But this is only the first breath!

Sect Master Qingye pouted his chin stubbornly, his shoulders trembled like a dragon, his energy reached the palm of his hand again, and he outputted violently!

Second breath! Like a river bursting its banks! Irresistible!

Luo Xiu had nowhere to let go, and the Tang Dao finally shattered completely!

He took a few steps back, his chest felt tight, and his health dropped by 12%!

"Ha! It looks like a boss!"

Luo Xiu actually misses the pressure brought by the boss when he used to play some bt single-player games, many of which were half a tube of blood...

In fact, the hurried palm of Sect Master Qingye is also very powerful. Fortunately, the broken Tang Dao can be regarded as unloading the power of true qi, otherwise Luo Xiu's injury will be more serious!

After repelling Luo Xiu with one palm, Qingye stomped his feet abruptly!

boom! Shake up the fallen leaves!

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