'Fahai... Sure enough, he is a master of sadism...'

Luo Xiu couldn't help but admire in his heart.

"Xiao Hei, it's not too late, please start". ' he said.

The black tree demon had already keenly sensed what was happening around him. He glanced behind him. The sound of fighting in the distance, the breath of blood and death, was all too familiar to him.

There is an even more terrifying vibe...

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky!

There, the robbery clouds surging, covering the four fields, like a wild beast that devoured fat... Among them, the dangerous thunder robbery and lightning are constantly blazing, and from time to time there will be a diffuse shadowy thunder that randomly swallows the robbery cloud. s life.

Disregarding good and evil, regardless of each other.


The pupil of the black tree demon trembled and asked: "Master...you...what the hell..." At the end of the sentence, remembering the terrifying torture in the bowl, he changed his mouth and asked in shock, "What is it? ...instructed?"

Luo Xiu stepped forward and said in his ear with a smile: "I want to help you complete the plan... Open the gate of hell!"

The black tree demon was shocked: "Ah? But...why?"

Luo Xiu was impatient, and immediately turned his face: "If you want to do it, do it! Hurry up! Quickly! One more sentence and I will put you back in the bowl!"

The black tree demon repeatedly agreed, and then looked up at Jieyun again...

Outside... It should not be the day of the lunar eclipse, but the moon has been completely covered by the robbery clouds, and there are only dense black clouds and flickering thunder in the sky...

The slaughter in the city was fierce, and the blood evil spirit was abundant...

It seems that the time is really ripe?

He was overjoyed!

Although the power of the bowl forced him to obey Luo Xiu in a short period of time, the mission of the Black Tree Demon has not been forgotten.

Just open the gate of the underworld with a big enough opening!

he can come out...

Oh no!

I can get out!

Until then... in this fertile world, where will there be my rivals? !

At this time, the fighting in the city was already very tragic.

There were also many people and monsters fighting over the open space that the mountain carvings had emptied just now.

Luo Xiu was too lazy to care about them, but a monk caught his attention.

The man seemed to be just like himself, ignoring the situation of the battle, his eyes were closed, his ears did not hear other things, he sat cross-legged and floated in the air, his mouth was still chanting scriptures incessantly.

The golden light is like a dragon, entangled around the monk in white, holding him up, flying higher and higher...

In the air, there is a subtle and profound Sanskrit sound...

The monk's aura was so strong that the people and demons who were fighting below couldn't help but take a breath and looked up at him.

Luo Xiu grabbed a young monk beside him who was almost thrown into the lake and asked, "Who is this old monk? What is he doing?"

The young monk spat out blood and wiped his mouth. First, he glanced at the old monk who was sitting in the sky and chanting silently. His eyes showed reverence, and then he looked at those monsters with hatred and contempt, and laughed wildly:

"Hahahahaha! That's Master Kongga of Jinming Temple! Just give him another half a column of incense! 10% of Master Kongga's 'Fujian King Golden Body'! They all have to die! They all have to die—!"

Luo Xiu understood that this Master Kongga should be very powerful, and he is also preparing a very powerful skill, but the front of the skill is a bit long.

Luo Xiu hesitated: "Although I'm also very curious about how powerful this Master Sora's 'Unmoving King's Golden Body' is, but... I think it's necessary to remind him... Is he floating a little too high? This? Height, easy..."

Before the voice fell, the dark red thunder and lightning flashed first!

And then Leiyin—".〃Boom—!"

The golden dragon around Master Kongga was instantly smashed into pieces by the overflowing catastrophe. He swayed in the air and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Then, another one!

The dark red yin thunder that was as thick as a grinding disc completely drowned Master Kongga, who was floating too high.

These two thunders go down...

Master Sora passed away.

The trash fish monk stared at a charred corpse in a stunned manner, and landed quickly and naturally.

With a bang, the figure shattered, and a few relics were smashed out...

Then a dog demon rushed over and licked it.


【Ah this...】

[wtf? ? ? 】

【I thought you were very strong! ! Empty me! ! 】

【Life is not a novel, death always comes suddenly...】

[After three seconds of silence, can I laugh? puff…】

Luo Xiu's words were finished, "It's easy to be struck by lightning..."

Heaven's robbery is on the top, and you dare to float... It's also a brain.

Well deserved to be silent...

The black tree demon also stared dumbfoundedly at the sudden death of this seemingly powerful old monk, his lips moved, but he said nothing.

Luo Xiu just watched a non-funny commercial (Wang Zhao's), turned around and said to him, "It's alright, it's your job, don't look around! Go and open the door!"


The black tree demon judged a few times and confirmed the best location.

He walked slowly into the lake, his back was lonely, like a boy who couldn't think about it.

Luo Xiu watched quietly from behind, knowing that the entire figure of the black tree demon was completely submerged in the lake...

After a while, there was a muffled rumbling from the bottom of the lake...

Then there was an earthquake!

Immediately afterwards, a black tree with no leaves and fruits, only crazy branches suddenly rushed out of the lake! With an eye-popping growth rate, it rapidly rises and expands!

"Ah ah ah ah - body!"

As if it was a low and distant call of a dark druid, roaring out from the black tree demon's big mouth...

He has deeply rooted in the silt layer at the bottom of the lake, and began to frantically absorb the power in the land! At the same time, repeat the old trick and take a big gulp!

A gray and white dead zone spreads immediately!

The willows on the surrounding embankments all withered in an instant! The bright green color has been erased...only lifeless gray and black are left! .

Chapter 244 The Dusty Archives of Luo Xiu's Parents Pacific Devil's Triangle (Thanks for Subscription)

In Tianling City, there are constantly dead people and demons. These fresh souls, from the state of ignorance, are drawn by the power of the black tree demon, from invisible to visible, crying and screaming and being sucked into his mouth!

Below the surface of the lake, in the silt layer coiled by tree roots, there is a crack leading to the Nether, which is slowly torn open...

That crack... was like a human wound. There are countless pains and resentments in it, and the sinister is condensed.

Who said the world is hell? That's the real **** he hasn't seen.

Roxiu stood by the lake, staring at the crazy lake that was no longer calm. The earth shook violently, but he didn't move like a mountain - because he was sitting on the ground.

"Is it finally going to be turned on?" Luo Xiu's eyes flashed with excitement.


[Villain Quotes? 】

[Villain expression? ? 】

[Finally, brave players found out! The real villain has been hiding among them! 】

The black tree no longer grows taller, but even at this height, it is enough to become the focus of Jieyun's attention... The overflowing small Yin Lei kept slicing on top of his head.

He became the ninth 'Yin Pestle' in the magic circle, absorbing the power of Yin thunder together with the other eight.

Enduring the trembling and pain of his soul, he was constantly swallowing, swallowing his soul, and spitting out ghosts...

Luo Xiu sat by the lake, and the waterfalls flashed constantly in his pupils.

The five sons of the 'abnormal source code' have become the eternal anchors in the garbled waterfall!

He saw the mythical creature opened.

Like a huge black film, this time, the ghost creature, 673 quickly spread out, directly covering the entire Tianling City!

He could also see that the souls of the dead in the city, both humans and monsters, were sucked into the huge mouth of the black tree, and the scarlet blood spirits floating in the air were like a guided blood mist, and they came together as they drifted. Together, they float to the eight pagodas in the city.

He can see these eight pagodas at this moment!

In Luo Xiu's eyes, the eight pagodas were now struck by the thunder like a red iron, and the text of the Soul Sutra was completely activated, like floating life, floating out of the tower, slowly making a DNA spiral around the tower. Then, like a rotating drill, it slowly drilled into the ground.

He also saw that those **** qi, through the eight pagodas, infiltrated the earth and spread out on the ground that was constantly vibrating...

Then on the surface of the lake without wind and waves, the originally clear lake water began to turn black and dirty, and there were constantly foul-smelling bubbles bursting on the water surface!

Then, the water surface became a sticky and plastic mask, and countless grotesque and hideous animal faces pushed out their own shapes on the water surface...

Many roars that are unwilling to be lonely, from the depths of the netherworld, through the lake as the medium...to the world!

The gate of **** has opened.

And the door opened wider and wider...

At this time, almost all the people and demons in the city who were still fighting noticed this anomaly, but no one dared to stop fighting.

Because they don't know who is responsible for this towering black tree and the many ghosts that appear in the water.

Anyone who is distracted will soon be dead.

So they could only watch the fall of Tianling City, still fighting endlessly, contributing more fresh souls and blood evil spirits...

The earthquake is getting more and more intense!

There were falling trees everywhere, and the loud noise of the collapse of the pavilion was mixed with the sound of fighting and thunder, and Luo Xiu's ears were almost deafened!

The foul-smelling black lake water has no tension anymore... The exquisite painting boats were not shattered, but sank completely and quickly.

After a while, this towering black tree... also slowly sank.

until it completely sinks to the bottom of the lake.

Luo Xiu stood up slowly and looked over attentively.

He originally planned to kill this black tree after opening the gate of **** to complete the task...

But now he has suddenly changed his mind.

Because the scene was so chaotic and intense, even the audience in the live broadcast room didn't notice...

At this moment, Luo Xiu's san value has reached 300%!

A little ink dizzy in his pupils, instantly rendering the entire eyeball.

Luo Xiu stared deeply at the boiling lake with his strange dark eyes... He saw... A huge black shadow appeared under the lake.

gradually clear...

Like the reflection of a mountain peak.

However, it was a mountain of flesh and blood, and the entire mountain was filled with an evil vitality.

The black tree demon has returned to him and has become an insignificant vein.

Luo Xiu licked his lips and murmured:

"Is this the body of the Montenegrin old demon..."

He didn't know why, but deep down in his heart, a strong sense of hunger emerged...

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