They were passing a bridge, and there weren't many cars late at night, but now apparently for some reason, there's been a series of car accidents.

Rosie jumped on the roof of a van and looked forward.

Then he froze.



After a while, Luo Xiu's eyes lit up, and he couldn't be more excited!

"Fuck! This is too cool!"

In the middle of the bridge, the starting point of the chain of car crashes...

There stood a monster two people tall!

This monster has thin arms and thick thighs, orange-yellow skin, a pair of large dark blue wings, two horns on its head, a tail behind its buttocks, and a fire on the tail...

The monster looked at Luo Xiu on the roof of the truck with rebellious eyes.


It roared into the sky, and spewed out a flame of at least twenty meters!

At this moment, it is the live broadcast room, and the barrage has been swiped by three words!

【Charizard? ! ? ! 】


The culprit that caused the car accident was the popular character of the Pokémon series - Fire-breathing Dragon!

"It's just so magical..."

Before I could think about it, the fire-breathing dragon spread its wings!

fly over? !

Luo Xiu watched his wings, which were not very large, drive its plump body against aerodynamics, and flew towards him at a very high speed!


The giant uncle jumped up suddenly, and then dragged Luo Xiu down!

He has truly transformed!

"Ah-!" Eight.

Chapter 266 Thinking of the power of heaven and earth (thanks for subscribing)

Luo Xiu finally understood why this shriveled uncle was nicknamed the Giant. The uncle with a wrinkled face, his face is instantly full!

Then expand!

Even the skull is deforming! Get bigger!

It is like the transformation of the Hulk, his body is like a balloon inflated in an instant, and it is like a puffer fish in a state of stress!

The original height of 1.7 meters quickly swelled into a 5-meter-tall giant within 2 seconds!

After the transformation, he has lost his original appearance, he looks rough and terrifying, his brow bones are bulging, his eye sockets are sunken, and the skin all over his body has grown wildly, like lead-grey rhino skin!

However, his suit was not broken, and it still fit tightly on the huge body, which seemed to be a high-tech customized style.


The fire-breathing dragon flew close, the dragon's mouth opened, and the flames churned in its throat...

The giant is like a wrathful King Kong, with arms raised, jumping down from the big "690" truck! Hit the fire-breathing dragon!

This fire-breathing dragon is actually only about two meters in height. The overall tonnage is definitely much larger than that of a human being, but compared to the current giant, it is very compact...

The giant fists slammed into the dragon's back!

The flame in the fire-breathing dragon's mouth was swallowed immediately, and the whole body was slammed to the ground!


The giant straddled it, holding down the dragon's neck with one hand, and smashing the dragon's head with the other hand, like an electric impactor!

dong dong dong dong!

The road ground on which the faucet was cushioned cracked under the heavy blow!

The fire-breathing dragon's head also cracked open, and blood flowed...

The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly boiled:

[The Hulk beat up the fire-breathing dragon? ! I am really fortunate to see this scene in three lives...]

[Marvel Nintendo, jointly produced! 】

[This script world has completely blinded me! Why is there a fire-breathing dragon in Pokemon? ! What absurd world is this? 】

[I think of a movie I once watched, it seems to be called Pixel Wars, it is such a ridiculous feeling, the characters in the game appear in reality, 2D becomes 3D... The style of painting is full of unrealistic]

In this serial car accident, most of the people still have the ability to move. After they got out of the car, they saw this terrifying and surreal battle and ran away screaming.

Only the fbi group approached.

The female captain Dormer said nervously: "Giant! Do you need help?"

The giant roared loudly as he fought: "I can control it! But I can't kill him! Let the containment team come over! Tell them! This time it's a..."

When he was distracted, his fist landed on the wrong side. The half-dead fire-breathing dragon that was beaten would immediately catch it, and he would breathe fire when he opened his mouth...

The giant hurriedly punched it in the mouth, and the flames exploded in its mouth. The fire-breathing dragon's eyes turned white, and it seemed that the explosion was very ecstatic...

But the giant didn't look relaxed at all, and still shouted: "A fire-breathing dragon! Damn it! I have played this game! This is a character in the game! Damn it! Damn it! Just like the previous ones, it can't be killed! Just contain it!"

Luo Xiu watched carefully.

Really can't kill.

He noticed that the skull of the fire-breathing dragon would be smashed and deformed with every blow. If this was a normal creature, it would have been a dead ball...

But it can continue to recover, like a stress-relieving toy... No matter how you toss it, it will always return to its original state after duang twice.

Dormer hurriedly called and contacted the containment team.

"Yes, this time it's dragon in the game...except for fire-breathing, it shouldn't have any special abilities...well...I know it's absurd, but it's not me! It's this **** city!"

Luo Xiu has not shot, he is carefully observing and collecting information.

This fire-breathing dragon appeared in the 3d world, and it is indeed that he violated the agreement... The fire-breathing dragon of the animation image, in this real world, it looks like a 3d toy, except for the real point of the flame on the tail, everything else looks like like fake.

Seeing it, Luo Xiu was even more convinced of his previous guess.

There are all kinds of wonderful abilities in this world, and every awakening will bring an unpredictable variable.

Abilities magnify the power of an individual too much.

The balance of the world will soon be broken.

In the city of Detroit, the strange things that have happened in the past two days should also come from a rather strange but powerful ability.

Someone uses their turn the virtual into a reality!

Maybe it's the 'Son of the Devil', maybe someone else.

Those horror stories were all fake, but this man made them real.

After the horror story was blocked, this person moved his imagination elsewhere...

Is he watching Pokemon now?

What can you think of?

If this world really has this ability... it's too incomprehensible, right?

Creation out of thin air, isn't that the realm of God?

The giant soon couldn't hold it anymore, his figure began to shrink gradually, and his movements slowed down...


They're all teammates. As soon as he pouts, another guy named c4 knows what he's going to do.

"Come on! Get out of the way!"

c4 is the man with poker face tattoo, they are used to calling them by nicknames.

The giant turned over and moved away from the fire-breathing dragon. The fire-breathing dragon, which should have been beaten to death, turned over, and there was no scar on his head.


It spewed flames at the fleeing giant!

The shrinking giant hid behind the truck... With a bang, the truck flew up several meters from the spot where it was blasted by the flames! And then all kinds of landing!

c4 walked quickly, opened his hands, and sprayed out two gaseous waves, one blue and one white!

The blue and white colors converge on the fire-breathing dragon...and cause an explosion effect!


The fire group exploded on the fire-breathing dragon!

It screamed miserably, and its flesh was shattered in the explosion, but it was quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

c4 gritted his teeth, attacked continuously, and bought time!

The fire-breathing dragon is constantly being blasted! repair! Blast! repair!

Luo Xiu was watching the 0.8 drama, and when he looked at it, he realized that something was wrong.

My health and stamina seem to have suddenly dropped by 1%!

This little drop is normal, especially the stamina... but the health will not suddenly drop by 1% for no reason!

He frowned and stared at his blood bar carefully!

After a few seconds, it dropped another 1%!

"Fuck! It's sucking me!"

Luo Xiu patted his thigh and jumped up: "After this fire-breathing dragon is created, it must follow the physical laws of this world! It must also follow the conservation of energy! Its infinite recovery! It is based on the absorption of other life forces!"

The system pops up a prompt:

[The main quest has been triggered! 】

[Main quest - Find the originator of "Fantasy Come True", and kill him before Detroit is destroyed...].

Chapter 267 What is the fear of the dragon in the soup (thanks for subscribing)

The main quest is finally here!

With just one glance, Luo Xiu extracted three important pieces of information from the main quest!

1. The ability of the initiator is indeed a fantasy come true!

2. He is a man!

3. He is alone!

4. If you don't kill him as soon as possible, the entire Detroit will be destroyed by his illusion! God knows what he'd imagine... a big Ivan? a native of principle, I don't seem to care much about cities in the United States...but after all, I have to complete the task. With his thoughts turning, Luo Xiu hurriedly stepped forward and shouted, "Stop fighting! Stop fighting!"

Pokerface, nicknamed c4, was trying to suppress the fire-breathing dragon with his 'explosive' ability. Hearing Luo Xiu shouting beside him, he was suddenly dissatisfied: "Don't disturb me! It must be suppressed until the containment team arrives..."

Luo Xiu shouted: "Try to deal with it! Don't hurt it! Otherwise, we will be unlucky!"

Seeing this group of FBI people looking at him with puzzled eyes, Luo Xiu asked loudly, "Are you feeling weaker and weaker? Huh?"

They looked at each other, as if there was no obvious feeling.

Well, neither did Roche himself.

He only noticed the difference because he could see the blood bar with the naked eye.

Luo Xiu guessed that this should be some kind of regular power that helped the Pokémon in this animation. This kind of power is relatively soft to extract the biological energy within the range...

There must be a distance, right?

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu asked Bob, who was panting heavily, "Uncle, do you usually die so quickly?"

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