Luo Xiu smiled lightly and waved his hand: "Let's go back to the headquarters and talk about it, it's not too late."

Crowd: ...


Luo Xiu changed the car this time, and also a different person watching.

He was sitting in a spacious truck compartment, across from the compartment, was the old man from the containment team.

Luo Xiu guessed that the ability of this old man must be very good, otherwise they would never dare to let him look at him alone.


He knows that the uncertainty he is showing now is actually quite dangerous for the FBI's abnormal affairs department.

They even have reason to suspect...

Could it be that Luo Xiu was the one behind the scenes.

After all, so far, only two cases of the same type of ad have been solved, and these two cases were solved by the same person... I can't help but doubt.

It is their greatest sincerity not to put any compulsory restraint measures on Luo Xiu.

After Luo Xiu got into the car, he didn't say a word.

He secretly ate a fairy bean, then quietly began to meditate, using the [Hengshui Cultivation Academy's first-year basic breathing method] to restore his spiritual power.


After driving for about half an hour, the car reached its destination.

The location of the FBI's abnormal affairs department is not very mysterious.

Not far from the public library in Detroit, there is an FBI office building.

This department that deals with the abnormal affairs of the Awakened is not an independent department like the SHIELD in the Marvel movie, but still belongs to the entire fbi.

It even occupies only three floors underground.

After Luo Xiu entered their headquarters, he first performed a basic physical examination to confirm that he was in good health and did not carry any germs and toxins to treat diseases, and then he was arranged to live.

The next day, Luo Xiu was taken for a new round of physical examination, this time the examination items were more detailed.

Luo Xiu completely followed the trend, and they did what they told them to do.

Then, fill in the form and fill in his abilities. Luo Xiu wrote about water control and fire control, followed by a psychological test...

The score is very high.

With a total score of 300 points, Roxiu scored 250 points.

In this psychological test, the higher the score, the more serious the psychological problem... 8.

Chapter 271 Luo Xiu's transaction (thanks for subscribing)

Here, it must be explained. Roche is not mentally ill, he has never been mentally ill.

He's just on something...

Special spirit.

Also, the aesthetic direction is a little bit deviated from the mainstream, and it's just a little bit niche.

The psychological tests conducted by the FBI Abnormal Affairs Department include some criminal psychological tests, as well as psychiatric admission test questions... These are just some questions, but they are actually quite confusing. If it is not a patient with a serious brain disease, others can imagine it. , how would you normally answer these questions, and then fill in according to normal people's thinking.

Luo Xiu didn't do this, mainly because he felt that he was normal.

As a result, the results made by a normal person... In the eyes of professionals, they are not normal.

Luo Xiu was placed in a quiet test room, with only a "693" desk and a computer, and one test question after another would pop up on the screen, and these questions were not multiple-choice questions, he could completely follow his own. ideas, free to answer.

Just typing.

Each question is limited to 100 words.

There were a total of 60 questions, and Luo Xiu quickly completed all of them. The system sound prompted him to rest and wait, and he waited bored.

Because it was so boring, he opened the blank document on the computer and started coding, writing his own mystery novel on it.

【Chapter 12】

[Royce (the male protagonist) pointed at the green-haired woman sitting by the window of the train with the muzzle of the steel prosthesis, and said coldly:

"The murderer is you! The deceased's husband's little aunt's best friend—Amanda!"

Amanda - this woman with long hair like algae panicked, stood up and asked: "Why do you say the murderer is me! Do you have any evidence!"

Royce's thin lips were raised gracefully, revealing a cruel, wise and dangerous smile:

"Want to hear my reasoning? Oh! Woman! Then you listen! The reasoning process is very simple for me. The name of the deceased is olivia. This English name is very interesting and rare. I checked it with the British dictionary. What is the meaning of the name... Ha! It's an olive tree! And as a gourmet, you should have the spirit of Shennong to taste all kinds of herbs, and you should try any oil! But you only use olive oil for cooking!! Obviously, you have a crush on The dead have been dead for a long time!!"

Amanda's face was full of shock, her eyes almost popped out of her sockets, and she roared in a complacent manner: "No! How could you find this out! You are so amazing! Oh! My God! Royce, you are worthy of the name of a detective. !"]

At this moment, the lens seen in the live broadcast room is aimed at the screen.


[Amanda: ? ? ? ? ? 】

【Hahahahahaha, okay, okay! You should stop writing novels! 】

[ this someone who has no talent for writing]

【Master Luo! promise me! After coming out! Be a real doctor! OK! Please! 】

In the test room, Luo Xiu's inspiration was like diabetes insipidus, his thoughts were like wild dogs, and he tapped the keyboard quickly!

Outside the test room, through the one-way glass, the experts from the Awakened Mental Assessment Team of the Department of Abnormal Affairs were all dumbly looking at the large-screen display on the side.

On the display screen, Luo Xiu's question that he had just done was playing at a constant speed.

Their expressions now are the same as those of the outside audience!

All over his face was written: Are you kidding me?

On the screen, the 12th question is being played.

[Question: What is your xing orientation? 】

【Answer: Female】

[Question: What type of women do you like? 】

[Answer: Xing sense]

The test question bank is very large, and AI will automatically form related and in-depth analysis questions based on the tester's answers.

[Question: Don't you like cute types? 】

[Answer: Cuteness is worthless in front of a sense of xing! 】

[Question: Can you describe the image of a perfect woman in your mind? 】

[Answer: Too many, for example, having long hair full of vitality, like dancing snakes, eyes with vertical or multiple pupils, one eye or multiple eyes is fine, I don’t like those without eyes, after all, eyes are the window of the soul;

On smooth skin, there can be fine scales, not very fond of hair;

Limbs may not be enough, more tentacles are the best;

It is best to have a variety of forms, which can be transformed at any time to make life full of freshness. 】

It's silly to show the experts directly.

Seeing this, they couldn't help but turn their heads and look inside, observing Luo Xiu's expression and state through the one-way glass.

They were all thinking, did Roxiu write it on purpose?


There are a lot of FBI criminal psychology test questions circulating on the Xia Guo Internet, which are basically brain teasers...

In fact, on their side, there is no standard answer to the real psychological test questions. It is completely analyzed manually by experts, and the answers without a frame are never used to spy on the psychological abnormalities of the testers.

Such analysis is accurate, but the cost is high, so there are few such opportunities.

In this world, the Awakened, as individuals with extraordinary power and extremely unstable, are worthy of their attention.

They watch and analyze.

After about 40 minutes, it was over.

In addition to the descriptions about aesthetics just now, Luo Xiu's answer to other questions was quite inconspicuous.

"Criminal psychology, according to the tester's answer, if you give an evaluation..."

A professor with brown-rimmed glasses and gray hair said seriously:

"He looks like a high-functioning sociopath, lacks empathy... he is numb to the outside world, lacks fear, and is likely to do some terrible things in order to find stimulation... My assessment is... extremely incompetent. Stable, requires long-term supervision and observation!"

Another male deputy added: "And he is probably not afraid of death. It should not be pretending. In at least 26 questions, his answers from so many aspects reflect his not afraid of death."

The female deputy shook his head: "...Not even afraid of anything, some people are not afraid of death, but 0.8 is afraid of loneliness, afraid of people around him leaving... His test results show that this person seems to have a completely self-consistent soul, unlike A social animal, he can play well with himself."

Experts from other psychiatric assessment groups also gave their opinions:

"In terms of psychoanalysis, there is a possibility of suffering from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia..."

"Also, if his ability has nothing to do with improving his reaction speed, he may have savant syndrome..."

(Scholar Syndrome, referred to as genius disease, Scholar Syndrome refers to an individual with severe cognitive impairment, autism or other mental illnesses, but has a completely opposite and even amazing mental functioning ability. For example, "unforgettable", strong verbal calculation ability or super artistic creativity, etc.).

Chapter 272 Reverse Hypnotism

On another screen, an expert called up the surveillance video just now in the test room, pointed to Luo Xiu, who was concentrating on the question in the video, and said to the oldest professor:

"Look at the speed with which he does the questions!"

"Reaction is too fast!"

"For each question, his reviewing and thinking time is less than 1 second. Although the answers he writes are bizarre, they are often logically clear and closed-loop rigorous!"

"His visual speed, thinking speed, and even typing speed..."

"It's beyond human limits!"

The viewers in the live broadcast room had an unobstructed view and were not confined to the test room. They heard what the expert said, and the barrage discussion was lively:

[It sounds like it's very suitable for code words...]

【do not! 】

[The thriller game system can't stand the novel written by Luo Xiu... That's why I moved the live broadcast camera! 】

[Am I the only one who thinks the novel 15 written by Luo Xiu is sweet? ! 】


【It can be seen when the sand sculpture text... 】


In the test room, Luo Xiu patiently wrote his mystery novel. He is not arrogant or impetuous to be tested here because he believes in his own judgment.

Entering this official organization of the Awakened is definitely not a waste of time, and you can definitely get the highest quality information faster and more efficiently!


They can also borrow their organized, scaled Awakened power.

It's like x-men + fbi.

A person, no matter how awesome, is limited.

In such a free scripted world, all NPCs can be a booster to help them pass the level with high scores, and they must use their strengths.

After writing for a while, Luo Xiu finally wrote the murderer to death. Just at this time, several white suits from the mental assessment team walked in and said politely:

"Mr. Luo, next we need to draw a tube of blood, and then do another cranial nerve test, okay?"

"Of course, please." Luo Xiu readily agreed.

He also wanted to know what the current situation is with his body that has risen to level 8. A blood test will definitely show that he is different from ordinary people, not to mention cell activity, at least...

Must be a super healthy body, right?

A man in a white suit took out a few blood vessels, then connected a needle to the hose, and carefully stabbed the vein in Roche's forearm.

It took a little bit of force to pierce the needle.

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