It was as if an invisible hand was pinching their spines! Their bodies began to recurve strangely, and their hands, limbs, and facial muscles began to twist at the same time! They seem to be struggling in pain!

But only for a moment.

The two ghosts soon took control of their bodies.

The two police officers turned their heads and looked at Dormer with a stiff and crooked expression, showing that weird smile again.

"Ah!!" Dormer screamed with some collapse!

The two police officers who were **** drew their guns at the same time and shot at her location!


Although Dormer was frightened, she did not give up. According to the training she had received, when she saw them raising their guns, she ducked in advance and rolled on the spot!

The two bullets missed her, and of course they didn't miss.

The smiling bat couldn't move, so two blood flowers bloomed on her chest...

She vomited blood in a good time: "damn! (Damn!

In Martha's eyes, in addition to numbness, there was a touch of despair.

Because she knew that these two guys were just playing.

The end is already doomed.

Dormer rolled a few positions neatly, then got up and drew his gun, firing five bullets in a row!

Her marksmanship is not bad, at this distance, she easily penetrated the chest of one of the police officers!

Three bullets hit the chest! Must die!

With two bullets remaining, she also hit the other policeman's knees with precision!

Without screaming in pain, the police officer just knelt down in a daze - still looking at Dormer with a weird smile.

Dormer stepped forward quickly, "Look at me? I'll show you!" She took off her sunglasses viciously!

She didn't know what happened to the two shadows, but she wanted to figure it out with her own abilities.

Man, with a hammer in his hand, everything looks like a nail.

The problem of Awakeners is particularly serious, and they always want to solve the problem with their own abilities.

The four eyes are facing each other, and the ability is triggered!

In a critical moment, Dormer's ability once again made a breakthrough! She broke through the policeman's mental defense layer in almost 0.1 seconds!

into his consciousness!


Blue sky, grass, birds and flowers.

Several couples were busy doing outdoor barbecues, and several teenage children were chasing and flying kites, laughing carefree.

The good memories in the policeman's consciousness, what about his own?

Dormer turned around and saw the police officer!

He was trembling all over, very frightened... The fat man without clothes was standing behind him, covering his eyes and looking at Dormer sullenly.

".〃Guess who I am?"

In the world of consciousness, the face of the ghost is clearer, Dormer remembered it!

"You are the head of the Avaken Asylum!!"

Dean Peel smiled, covered the big hand in front of the police officer, and twisted it back with force!

"Ah!" Dormer exited the policeman's consciousness in horror!

She finally saw that the policeman's head was twisted hundreds of times around his neck...

his consciousness...

Maybe completely killed? !

All this is completely beyond Dormer's cognition, she just wants to run away now!

At this time, the standing police officer collapsed softly, his soul had died (Zhao's good), but his heartbeat had not stopped.

In this vegetative body, Dean Peel's soul floated out; in another corpse whose chest was smashed, a ghost also floated out... They were completely unharmed.

Dormer only ran two steps to the window, and the ghost of Dean Peel slammed into her!


But in her consciousness, she heard a loud bang!

The body... is in severe pain!

It's like the whole body's internal organs have been smashed...

Dormer had a nosebleed.

The desire to survive made her take the second step in the unimaginable pain...

Another ghost bumped into it!

She stopped.

After a few repetitions, Dormer's life finally came to an end.

Wei Lan's eyes dimmed, and she fell heavily, unable to rest her eyes.

The sound of her falling just covered the sound of another sharp weapon breaking through the air!

Two colorful bat darts are swiping towards the tender neck of the child on the chair! .

Chapter 287 Not every villain has a bad life (thanks for subscribing)


I don't know how long she has been tortured. Martha, who was nailed to the wall and shot twice innocently in the chest, has almost healed her injuries!

She also saw the opportunity, and she just used brute force to pull out her palms with iron nails!

Then threw two darts vigorously, trying to kill the kid!

With the strength of her strengthened body, these two ordinary darts are enough to completely cut the whole neck of this child! Direct remote beheading!

Martha thought very simply. I can't be the opponent of Dr. Hans, nor the opponent of these ghosts...


You can't do anything by yourself!

Just kill him!

Detroit will not be destroyed!

As long as that **** Hans loses this child, he and his ghost army... will not be able to cause too much disaster!

After weighing the pros and cons, it is not difficult for her to sacrifice an innocent child for this cruel "super criminal"!

As the only survivor from the lunatic asylum, Martha knew exactly what this child's powers meant to Dr. Hans...

707 is about to hit the dart!

The ghost of Dean Peel suddenly rushed over, stood behind the boy, stretched out his hand and squeezed - two darts full of kinetic energy, instantly stopped between his fingers!

He grinned silently.

Martha stared blankly at his near-substantial hand.

Despair is even worse.

"I didn't pass through... I was able to... catch the dart..."

In her previous understanding, these ghosts did not fully materialize.

They collide with the human body, which can cause damage similar to high-intensity infrasound waves, and the organs resonate strongly and then shatter. But at that time, they were not able to interact with ordinary matter to this extent.

They are just ghosts!

Under her bat mask, the clown's makeup has been melted by blood and sweat, revealing a half pure and clean face, and said with a miserable smile:

"Sure enough... these **** ghosts are even more powerful."

The two ghosts approached with a smile.

She took out a pink cigarette case from her tactical pocket, shook a lady's fine cigarette (bfai) and put it in her mouth, lit it, and said with an indifferent expression: "Forget it, everyone has to die anyway... Bar……"



Only one person was left alive.

The leader of group b, Scarface Ians.

It has become that long-haired ape, and its size is twice as large as when it was at the headquarters just now.

But at the moment, it just looked at the corpses of colleagues around it with despair.

Angry, trembling... but powerless.

The FBI Awakeners from Group B and Group C saw the ghost floating in from the window just now, and they immediately wanted to rush upstairs to support!

But they were stopped.

First, three ghosts of different shades appeared at the door.

Floating there, staring at them silently.

Then, left, right, over head, under feet...

Everywhere, one after another, translucent ghosts emerged, sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and then looked at them faintly.

Not attacking, just watching.

Until they were completely surrounded by an army of ghosts that appeared out of nowhere.

They tried to attack with their respective abilities, to no avail, all attacks penetrated the incorporeal ghost.

But the ghosts' attacks, they can't stop them, and they can't run away at all...

Only one team member with the space transfer ability successfully left, but the others could only be slowly slaughtered by these ghosts, tortured and tortured, it seems that this can satisfy them!

Although in extreme anger, Ians also noticed that these ghosts became more and more solid and faster in the process of massacre!

In the end, they all died.

But the ghosts didn't attack Ians.

After killing the others, they drifted away...

Ians recovered and chased the ghosts furiously: "Why didn't you kill me?! Why didn't you kill me?! Come back! Come back!! Kill me-!!"

They were not in a no-man’s land. Many people lived in the houses next to them. There was such a commotion here, that some people came over curiously to see what happened.

Then they saw the oncoming ghosts.

The screams didn't come too far, because the ghosts' killing efficiency was too high.

death, spread throughout the community.

Many fell and went from living to corpse in the blink of an eye...with one exception.

This person looked like he was passing by, and like everyone else, he lived nearby and came to watch the fun.

But the ghosts avoided him.

This fat man wearing a beige trench coat and a round-brimmed felt hat walked slowly towards Ians.

He looked up, and Ians recognized that he was the head of the lunatic asylum with a major case!

"Dean Peel?!"

Ians' lips were trembling, and he couldn't understand why. After holding it for a while, he said, "Why?!"

Dean Peel smiled and shrugged, "There's no reason, you should have seen it too, I'm also a... um... According to what you said, the Awakened, right? Haha, I'm just interested in the kid inside. , by the way, wait and see if a little rabbit will come over."

He pointed to the second floor, "First, my favorite little Martha, she is a very special child."

Then he pointed to Ians, "Then don't have to find it, but since I found it, I also want to see if my ghost army is powerful enough, do I need to be afraid of you? ."

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