[Sometimes too calm, really no longer like a human]


Some of them came to a large oval conference room underground.

Mike introduced the origin of Luo Xiu, and Luo Xiu briefly explained his reasoning after roughly sorting out.

It stands to reason that Luo Xiu, the first awakened awakener, is unlikely to participate in a meeting of this level, but no one cares about it now.

Luo Xiu's analysis has caused them to stop at 710, and now there is a heated discussion on how to arrest the crazy Dr. Hans!

Luo Xiu didn't say a word, just sat quietly and listened.

A senior FBI agent got up and said: "In any case, we should call for surveillance first to confirm his current location! Even killing him at a distance with a missile! It's acceptable! This person's abilities are terrible!"

"We can't find him." A technician who was operating two laptops at the same time shook his head helplessly.


"The surveillance near the accident site was disturbed by some kind of force... There is no image."

"Damn it!" The agent hammered the solid wood table top hard.

Then, they started having meaningless discussions again.

The traditional FBI agent, thinking of finding him first in the traditional way, even moved out the satellite.

The people from the Abnormal Affairs Department were all thinking about using abilities to locate his position, but several possibilities were quickly ruled out.

All the Awakened people who could trace Dr. Hans in the current situation... are now lying in the hospital morgue.

"That... everyone... can you listen to me... I have a little problem that I haven't figured out."

Luo Xiu originally wanted to wait for them to figure it out, but they were too stupid, so he had to take the initiative to remind... After they all looked at him, he pretended not to understand, frowned and asked, "Have you ever thought about it? , the massacre in the Avaken Asylum, why are all the medical staff who died? Not a single patient died, why didn't he kill the patient?"

Hearing this, everyone was silent and looked at each other. .

Chapter 291 The mantis catches the cicada and the bird is behind (thanks for subscribing)


Under the prompting of Luo Xiu, the FBI began to act overnight!

They are going to find the mentally ill people in the Avaken Asylum one by one!

Why do you do that?

Because after Luo Xiu's prompt, they immediately thought of the biggest possibility!

Dr. Hans extracted some of their souls. Perhaps, if the body of these patients died, the ghosts would also disappear!


Criminal analysis experts also agreed with this speculation. They believed that Dr. Hans was extremely cautious and suspicious, so at first he only extracted some of the souls to keep them alive without attracting the attention of their Abnormal Affairs Department; on the day of the massacre, he must have wanted to extract the entire remaining souls of the patients... …

But Martha, the 'smiling bat' who escaped, disrupted his plan.

He was afraid that after Martha went out, he would call the police immediately, and he didn't even dare to chase, so he immediately evacuated.

Indeed, the police soon received a report, and the Awakeneds from the Department of Abnormal Affairs rushed over together.

At that time, Dr. Hans didn't know that among the official Awakeners of Detroit, no one could restrain his ability, no one could deal with ghosts, otherwise...

He may be invincible now.

However, no if.

From Luo Xiu's reasoning and tips, it seems that the biggest weakness of Dr. Hans' ghost army is the group of patients who are still alive!

The most direct way, of course, is to kill them.

Don't care if it's right or not, just kill it.

Life is never equal, life is never supreme.

What textbooks say is political correctness and realistic decision-making are completely different things.

In the face of huge uncertain risks, a small part of life can be sacrificed.

However, there are still people who are worried about certain issues. If they are really killed, there will definitely be a big fuss about the guys from different parties... After a heated debate, their final choice is to control them first.

Using the abilities of some of the Awakeners in the containment group, I tried to shield the connection between souls and whether it could affect Dr. Hans' ghost army.

So far, Luo Xiu pretended to be deaf and dumb, and said nothing.

Because that's what he wants to see.

In fact, after the tragedy at that time, of course, they also mentioned why the 'smiling bat' only killed the staff?

But at that time, because all the guilt was put on Martha, their final conclusion could only be - Martha's personal choice.

Perhaps the medical staff in the insane asylum abused her, so after her supernatural awakening, she incurred terrible revenge.

The other patients were ignored by her, or regarded as brothers and sisters.

That's it.

Now, they're complaining again...

In the conference room, Pacino, who was cleaning up the files, said angrily, "Why didn't the stinky **** of 'Smile Bat' call the police after she came out! They didn't explain the situation! We have misunderstood for so long! She likes to take the blame so much"? "

Luo Xiu shook his head: "Maybe you are afraid?"

Pacino frowned, "Afraid of us?"

Luo Xiu still shook his head: "I'm afraid... Doctor Hans."


Dr. Hans was indeed a terrible man.

Not only his abilities, but also his perverted character.

At this moment, in an ordinary dwelling, Dr. Hans is sitting at the dining table, putting a napkin on his lap with dignity, and slowly cutting the roast chicken on the plate, eating a steak.

At the same dining table, there were two corpses, a man and a woman, lying on the table, bleeding from their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

Blood slowly soaked the tablecloth.

Sitting across from the dining table was a boy of about ten years old. He was trembling with fear, his legs were fighting, and he looked at the table with extreme fear, not daring to raise his head for fear of seeing the devil on the opposite side!

This is a family of three.

In order to find a place to rest and have a light meal, Dr. Hans came in and killed the child's parents.

His face was ugly, "Peel, come out!"

The ghost of Dean Peel appeared behind him and bowed his head respectfully: "Master, what are your orders?"

The boy across from the dining table raised his eyes quickly, and then pressed his head even lower!

The crotch is instantly wet...

He saw a ghost...a ghost that looked exactly like this demon...

Dr. Hans smelled the smell of urine, but he didn't care, he just lowered his head to eat, "Tell me, what is Martha disappearing? Huh? Is she also a ghost?! Or did she awaken another type of power?"

Just now, under the crushing pressure of his ghost army, all but the autistic boy with special abilities died.

But when he went upstairs and wanted to take Martha away and continue to torture and have fun, he got a message...

Martha is gone!

Dr. Hans had a hard time accepting.

The ghost of Dean Peel said: ".〃 just disappeared, disappeared out of thin air."

The boy couldn't hear the ghost's voice, but could only hear the demon on the opposite side talking to himself.

Fear! Then pee!


Dr. Hans threw his knife and fork angrily and turned back and shouted: "How did it disappear?! Did it disappear suddenly? Or slowly disappear? Hmm?! Make it clear! You bastard!"

Pil's Ghost thought for a moment, "Before she disappeared, she seemed to be looking at a place in front of her and said something... What game? Selected? Then it disappeared and suddenly disappeared."

Dr. Hans sounded a little suspicious of life.

"Sounds... as if God saved her?"

The ghost of Peel showed fear: "Maybe it really is... Is there really a God?"

Dr. Hans glared at him angrily: "Disappear!"

Peel scattered in place and disappeared.

Then, he called out another ghost Leng.

"Did you monitor what (Zhao De's)?"

The ghost said, "The fbi's have been fooled, they're going to centralize our body."

Dr. Hans was finally a little happier: "That's good, hehehe... I finally waited, it really is a cowardly idiot, they dare not kill you directly, gather up, that's good! In that case, the FBI will put me If the soul you want is concentrated, I will just go and get it.”

"As long as your souls are completely extracted, the body will let them die!"

"Ghost Legion, there are no restrictions and no weaknesses!"

"As long as there's enough chaos everywhere and enough negativity..."

"In the end the whole world is mine! I'm alone!"

He looks like a madman, scarier than a ghost.

After eating, Dr. Hans looked at the boy in front of him with ambiguous eyes, wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin, smiled evilly, "Little cutie, go, take a bath.".

Chapter 292 The depth charge in the skull (thanks for subscribing)


Outside the Detroit Art Museum, under the sculpture of the dark thinker. A few ragged zombies are eating the delicious corpses of two young people...

The 'Thinkers' seemed to be watching silently, standing by, making this scene extraordinarily cruel.

Behind the sculpture is the gate of the museum.

At this moment, the front of the arched glass door and the steps are already crowded with zombies!

In the art museum, there were at least 20 people hiding. They hid in the afternoon, and at night, some people wanted to venture home, but they were found by passing zombies.

These rotting and hideous zombie faces, even exposing part of their skulls, were squeezed against the glass one by one. As they grew more and more, dangerous cracks appeared on the glass door.


The woman in the art gallery screamed in despair!

click - click -

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and the museum is about to fall!

Suddenly, gunshots sounded!

Bang bang bang bang!

A young guy in a black FBI suit ran over from nowhere, approached the zombie group and fired seven shots in a row.

But he walked so fast, some zombies turned to look at him, and he threw the pistols in the end! Hit this zombie head!

"Hey! Some kind of come after me!"

This young man was the only official Awakener who escaped before.

He successfully attracted the attention of the zombies, and then the group of zombies began to turn around and rushed over like crazy! Pretty fast!

He turned and ran!

This block is where the main zombie outbreak occurs... These zombies are the same as in the movie, they will be infected when they bite and transform normal humans, which is incredible!

This gave them a new understanding of the autistic child's abilities, but they must also deal with these zombies as soon as possible, otherwise, Detroit will soon become a dead city - a city of the dead!

It didn't take long for nearly a hundred zombies to follow behind him.

He ran out of breath, walked out of the narrow alley, and finally brought these zombies to another block!

These zombies finally caught up with him, and suddenly found that the situation was a little unusual.

They stopped stupidly and looked up.

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