She pulled the trigger and the gun popped out of the chamber!

The holy light bullet engraved with the cross spun toward the **** the roof of the church.

Luo Douna just noticed Luo Xiu and the others downstairs, and their smiles became even brighter. Just as they were about to say hello, she suddenly tilted her head!

A bunch of blood flowers burst out from the left side of the temple!

"Hit!" Zhang Feng shouted.

Liang Shen held his booger with his little finger: "But she doesn't seem to be dead..."

Luo Doona's expression was a little dull, as if she was already dead. After all, there were two holes, one big and one small, in her head.

The cavity effect of the bullet had supposedly turned her brain into a mess.

But her body was only tilted sideways, not falling.

After a while, her dull eyes moved!

His eyes moved to the corners of his eyes, and he looked strangely at the people below!

"Do you think it's fun?"

Luo Doona smiled sickly, and then straightened her head. Her temples were being repaired quickly. The hole on the right side was the bullet entrance, and it was back to normal in an instant. The left side was the bullet exit hole, which had not fully recovered. .

She stretched out her index finger and poked hard into the bullet hole on the left!

Poke into my brain!

Except for Luo Xiu and Liang Shen, everyone else showed disgusted expressions...

Luo Doona stirred twice in her mind, and when she stretched it out, there was actually some gray and white stuff on it.

She sucked her index finger innocently: "It tastes good."

Yang Shulin wanted to vomit: "Yue..."

Luo Doona shook Xiaobai's leg and said to Luo Xiu bitterly, "Brother Father... I thought you liked me... Are you trying to kill me now?"

Luo Xiu raised his head and said, "I don't like a little girl of your size." He emphasized the word "small".

Luo Doona looked down at her flat chest and smiled: ".〃 I haven't finished growing yet, I will grow up soon, wait a second, let me eat more 'desire'... By the way, brother priest, what are your desires? Can you let me take a look?"

She tilted her head with a smile, her eyes turned pale yellow, and the devil's horizontal pupils appeared in the depths.

Luo Douna can easily see the desires in people's hearts.

See those shady little secrets.

And the more disciplined the clergy, the longer they repressed, the darker the darker tastes in their hearts.

That's the best taste and the most "nutritious" desire.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have grown up so quickly in Mingdong Church.

Luo Douna's gaze instantly pierced into Luo Xiu's source of life - his soul!

Demons don't peek into people's hearts from the brain, they like to look deeper...

Only this time, there was a slight accident.

The smile on Luo Doona's face suddenly disappeared.

She didn't see what she wanted to see. (is the money okay)

All I saw was a dark tide, and there was a back figure of a blond lady with a concave, convex body, lying on her side...

The eyes are drawn uncontrollably... getting closer...

The blond woman seemed to sense her gaze, and lazily rolled over from the black slump, looking at her lazily.

She looks like a mature and beautiful woman, with all kinds of looks and emotions, and an amazing body curve!

For some reason, Luo Doona suddenly thought of what Luo Xiu had just said.

She looked at the heavy feeling of oppression in front of the beautiful woman... and thought:

Hmm... this must be the sizer he likes.

Mature and elegant beauty. The woman took a long cigarette, opened her mouth and sprayed it on her face, breathing fragrance:

"Look at you. Where's Mom?"

All of a sudden! The green sea swept over! Directly swallow Luo Douna's eyes!


She covered her eyes and cried out in pain! .

Chapter 448 Blasphemy Blood Dissolves Holy Light (Thanks for Subscription)

Luo Xiu was stunned for a moment, and probably understood something: "You shouldn't have seen it, right? The president has the eye of a needle."

No one but him understood what was going on.

The teammates were confused, and so were the audience in the live broadcast room.


【what happened? ? ? 】

[Looking at Luo Xiu, his eyes are blind]

[This... Luo Xiu is not a god, can't look directly at it? 】

[This little girl is not an ordinary person, do you see her eyes with cross pupils? According to the records of Western religions, it is the eyes of the devil]

[Maybe Luo Xiu has some passive skills]

[Passive skills will also be prompted when they take effect! 】

[Forget it, keep guessing, the boss has always had secrets, maybe you haven’t seen the black screen a few times before]

[Alas, the world is not fair! Awesome people have secrets! The soul grows thorns, the devil can blind himself with a glance, it's not fair... it's not fair! ! 】

In fact, it is not enough to be blind, just tears gurgling from the fingers.

Luo Doona's eyes were sore, it was unbelievable!

She should have no pain!

"That woman...what is the origin of..."

In the few seconds of doubting life, more than a dozen bullets floated from the distant signal tower.

Liu Yiyi has rich fighting experience, how can he give the enemy too much thought!

Although he did not use the self-aiming lock-point gun that consumes a lot of energy, but with his excellent shooting skills, a few short shots came, and there were still two bullets that hit Luo Douna's body!

Blood spurted out from her neck and thighs, but she didn't seem to realize it.

Luo Doona knew that she was not strong enough, she still needed time to "grow up", so she stood up and turned away.

Just because she was still covering her tearful eyes, she looked far less ill and arrogant than before, and she felt a little like running away.

She jumped up, smashed the hardwood pane with one punch, jumped into the attic above the church, and ran to the other side!


Luo Xiu took his teammates and ran back to the church hall again, and then came out from the main entrance.

The ambulance had also arrived, and two paramedics were carrying out one wounded after another on a stretcher.


In the silver bell-like laughter, the figure of a young girl suddenly smashed down!


The sore and tearful eyes did not affect Luo Douna's morbid taste. Relying on her excellent physical fitness, she jumped directly from the attic of the church, which was equivalent to a twenty-story building, and stepped directly on the injured face on the stretcher. Department!

Such excessive gravitational acceleration made it too late for the medical staff in front and back to react, and fell to the ground by the suddenly sinking stretcher!

Luo Doona didn't stop, and after landing, she continued to run across the road with a smile, as fast as a gust of wind, and the police didn't have time to react.

Luo Xiu and the others chased after him, and glanced at the medical staff who had fallen down, as well as the injured on the stretcher.

It was a female victim... from the clothes and hair.

The face... has been trampled in a mess.

Die completely.

In the back, there are two more medical staff carrying a stretcher, close at hand.

On the stretcher, the Archbishop was lying peacefully, spitting up blood, when he suddenly saw the scene in front of him, he was so frightened that he fainted.

This old man is still not dead, really strong.

Luo Xiu and others seized the opportunity and quickly chased after them.

The streets were quiet at this time, and many people had been evacuated.

The accident at the Myeongdong Church made the police quickly realize the nature of the case. In this sensitive period of supernatural turmoil, the action is not unpleasant.

As soon as they reached an intersection, the surrounding street lights began to flicker.

Pei Qi was wearing the [abnormal energy detection glasses], and she suddenly shouted: "There are abnormal energy fluctuations! Also! The brooch is also hot!"

Luo Xiu had to slow down.

Luo Doona looked back and smiled, pure and evil: "Thank you!"

This sentence is definitely not said to Luo Xiu and others, but to an existence they have not seen...

(bfai) Street lights flicker violently!

The frequency is getting higher and higher!

Luo Xiu reached out to stop everyone, no longer chasing, but stopped decisively!


The street light bulbs above their heads shattered!

Immediately after that, the continuous ... Pumba Pumba! !

The shattered bulb glass fell to the ground with a crisp and dangerous sound! At the same time, all the light was gone, and it was so dark!

At this moment, it seemed that they were not in Shouer City, or even in the human world!

Complete darkness, just for a brief moment.

Soon, the light will return again!

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Zhang Feng, who was shining brightly.

He turned into a glowing Ultraman!

Not the giant one, but a middle-aged and fat Ultraman with a fat general belly and a steamed bun face!

They almost didn't see it, and their faces were full of disgust, but Zhang Feng was very aggrieved: "Why! This equipment has the function of lighting! At this time, it should be illuminated! Ugly is ugly! Practical first!"

[Name: Nano ultra-thin body armor. The first generation of Ott Manchester United]

[Type: Equipment (Outer Armor)]

[Description: The nano armored toy developed by Billy Billy Toys in 2099 uses the image of the first-generation Ultraman, but because children do not know such an ancient Ultraman, it has led to the sales of the toy in Waterloo 】


【what! My solid metal hydrogen dog eye! 】

[Zhang Feng: Don't you believe in light! ! 】

Luo Xiu has a strong desire to complain, but now is not the time.

He looked back to the front.

There is something there, and it makes his san value rise rapidly.

[san value: 180%]

In the darkness, which was so dense that even the Light of Ultra had not dispelled it, a very soul-stirring image of an evil spirit slowly floated out.

White hair, **** eyes, wearing an old-fashioned black nun dress with a cross on her chest.

No, that's the reverse cross!

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