Luo Xiu sent a message to inquire about Yang Shulin and their situation...

The situation is not very good, the harvest is very small.

The three of them got an evil spirit relic in one day, and it was still of poor quality.

He realized he had made a mistake.

He Zheyong, a follower of Urumu, should not have been killed so early.

Back at the apartment, Luo Xiu threw Luo Douna, who was still unresponsive, just maintaining her own breathing, into the living room.

He was not worried at all that this body would catch cold.

After taking a shower and reviewing all the operations for the day, Luo Xiu took out the few pieces of fluorite he brought back and studied it carefully.

"...This thing can't be a spirit stone, right?"

Looking at the brilliance circulating in the fluorite, Luo Xiu suddenly thought of one of the classic settings in Xianxia novels.

Lingshi, a natural ore that locks aura.

This speculation is not without reason. This world is undergoing a large-scale spiritual recovery, which is already a sure thing.

Under this premise, a mine that the government of the Han Dynasty has soldiers guarding and secretly mining... It can't be an ordinary mine, right?

And why did Luo Doona choose to fight Yu Xueer there?

So far, the most reasonable inference is that Luo Douna is in other places and is not Yu Xue'er's opponent at all.

Maybe Yu Xueer couldn't kill her, but she couldn't absorb the spirit body of the original sin witch.

Those multiple magic circles, perhaps it was because she was able to cast them in the middle of this aura-filled mine.

So it seems that in this world, demons also need spiritual energy?

This thing is most likely a natural ore that stores spiritual energy.

In order to verify his conjecture, Luo Xiu lay down and began to use the [Hengshui Cultivation Academy's first-year basic breathing method] to restore his state.

During the quiet breathing process, Luo Xiu saw the brilliance in the stones revealing the surface of the fluorite, like mist and smoke, moistening his body.

That's it.

It is the spirit stone!

An hour later, Luo Xiu completely recovered all his consumption.

He tossed these stones, which were obviously much dimmed, in his hands, and was a little depressed at the same time: "Why can't you take away so many spiritual stones? Can't you take any of them?"

Suddenly, the lightning of a famous detective flashed in his mind!

"How could I forget this!"

When he unlocked part of the world view before, there was a reminder of important items, but he never opened it, and never looked for the location of the important items...

Roche is now on.

The picture in front of him began to dim, and only a little light remained that represented the location of the item.

He tilted his head, looking forward to the right.

【40 kilometers away from here】


Luo Xiu angrily smashed the wall with the back of his head: "I'm such an idiot!"

This distance, this direction... should be where he fought Luo Douna before!

It's right there in the spirit stone mine!

There is something better under these ordinary spirit stones!

I walked too fast earlier, and I completely forgot to open the item reminder to take a look... Luo Xiu made up his mind that he must go there as soon as possible tomorrow and take away the things that belonged to him!

He slept, speechless all night.

Sister Ke still didn't dream.

The next day, Luo Douna was still dead, her face was ruddy and full of life, but she remained motionless, not even turning over.

Luo Xiu put her in the apartment house, arranged tasks for everyone, and then went to the mine where he fought yesterday alone.

Unsurprisingly, the surrounding area was completely blocked by Han's army by 0.8, and the vehicles could not travel together at all.

This trivial matter, now naturally can't be difficult for Luo Xiu.

He looked at it from a distance, the roads around the mine were blocked, and there seemed to be no one in the central area.

Drive the taxi away, and then detour into the inner world.

From the City of White Mist, he drove unhindered to a position close to the mine, then accelerated again and left the inner world.

He stopped very precisely in the middle of this small mine.

Open the door and get out of the car.

Several Han State officers, as well as the senior officials of the Han State government, were talking about something when they suddenly saw such a car appearing out of thin air, and they were all shocked and dumbfounded!

" are..."

Luo Xiu walked past them without changing his face, and the officer didn't even have time to draw his gun... Everyone collapsed instantly and lost consciousness. .

Chapter 461 Wait for the immortal me to explore **** for me B4 (thanks for subscribing)

Luo Xiu didn't do anything outrageous, he just used [Liquid Affinity] to move his hands and feet on the vertebral artery and common carotid artery of these people, blocking the flow of blood to the brain...

The force used is extremely small, but it is better than the precise control, which creates a domineering effect of one person walking and everyone lying down. The human brain is such a fragile organ, it cannot block the blood supply at all, not even for a while.

Luo Xiu looked into the distance. The soldiers who set up cards on the road had not noticed the abnormality here, so he seized the time and turned on the item location reminder.

According to a hint of white light in his eyes, Luo Xiu walked more than ten meters ahead.

Now, that thing is on the ground under his feet, and the straight-line distance is 32 meters.

"32 meters deep..."

There is no mine in this location, and there is no better way than digging it abruptly.

At this depth, and there are relatively hard ore below, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to dig it out by themselves.

Even with the spirit of Yugong moving mountains, with the help of various handy tools, it is estimated that it would take a month or two to dig.

Luo Xiu was also slightly distressed.

What he's worried about is... how to do this as quickly as possible without damaging things below 15 injuries.

In general, the most efficient way is to cover the whole body with divine flame.

If these aura-containing fluorites cannot withstand such high temperatures, then he will soon melt the fluorite under his feet, and his entire body will sink, and will soon reach a depth of 32 meters.

Of course, this method has to control the retraction and release of the divine flame in time, otherwise it may burn that thing too.

Luo Xiu was about to start when suddenly, his consciousness seemed to sense something...

He stood still, closing his eyes and listening.

As if there is the sound of water, the tip of the nose can also smell the water vapor...

Luo Xiu opened his eyes, looked at the ground in disbelief, and took two steps back silently.

After thinking for a moment, he squatted down excitedly, pressing his hands on the ground that had not been dug up: "Try it!"

He used the skill [Liquid Affinity] again

This skill was also given to him by Cthulhu through the prayer spell. This kind of direct fusion skill, Luo Xiu has a feeling like an arm and a finger, as if it has really become a part of himself.

In the skill description of Liquid Affinity, there are not many functions.

But Luo Xiu clearly felt that there was water rushing in the ground... This skill gave him a strong perception of water molecules!

In this case, Luo Xiu has a new idea.

The most efficient "mining" method.

His hands were pressed on the ground. At the beginning, there was no reaction around him, only his spiritual power was dropping rapidly!

In just a few seconds, the spiritual power value dropped by 5%!

After a few more seconds, the ground began to tremble slightly, and the sand and soil began to dance happily on the edge of Luo Xiu's palm!

Until 20% of the spiritual power is consumed!

The ground suddenly cracked!


In the sound of the explosion, the strong water flow was washed out of the ground together with many brilliant fluorites!

There really is groundwater beneath this mine!

With Luo Xiu's efforts, the hole where the water spewed became bigger and bigger, and the waves of water that rushed towards him were like a torrent!

He stood up and let out a long breath.

The torrent automatically opened up in front of him, divided into two detours, and then merged behind him, washing the fainted officers and officers into the distance...

At this time, feeling the steam coming towards him, and watching the white light of the item prompt getting closer and closer, Luo Xiu had a great sense of satisfaction brought by mastering the mighty power of nature.

"This skill is not as spicy as I thought before."

At first, it was just a useless skill with no lethality. If it wasn't in the water, it would be useless.

However, after stacking enough Slaughter Auras, what [Liquid Affinity] can do really surprised Luo Xiu.

In the future, like Magneto, he is also a scene person.

A powerful and sturdy water column rushed a large disc-shaped rock into the air!

Judging by the glow of item hints, this is the reward for unlocking the world view!

Luo Xiu walked forward, and the water flow automatically avoided.

The water column that spewed upward also stopped, and the big disc circled and fell heavily!

Luo Xiu raised his hand with one hand and firmly caught this big rock with a diameter of three or four meters!

To his surprise... this thing is not heavy.

Estimated to be less than a ton.

[Name: A large piece of the original stone of Ling Yingyu]

【Type: Stone】

【Quality: Perfect】

[Description: It contains a large amount of liquid aura...]

[Whether the script can be brought out: yes]

[Remarks: Are you gambling stones? One knife poor, one knife rich, one knife covered with sackcloth! 】

Seeing this, Luo Xiu knew that he had made a lot of money!

Knew it! The fluorite here is already a spiritual stone with aura! And this big stone is a more precious spiritual jade!

Now it looks like it's just an ordinary stubborn stone. It's just because the outside is wrapped in a leather shell. As long as you cut it open, you can see that the inside is absolutely jade!

Of course, since the remarks say so, how many jade and how many stones are in the big leather shell may still be verified...

But it's not a loss anyway!

Putting this stone into the inventory, Roxiu quickly evacuated the crime scene before the soldiers on duty came over.

This day has passed, and others still have nothing to gain.

Luo Doona hasn't woken up yet.

Luo Xiu almost doubted, did he fail to seize the house? After all, this thing does have a chance of failure...

I want to do it all over again, but 857 shows that [Soul Incarnation Seizing the Body] cannot be used twice in the same world...

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