【Fighting field: E】

【Sword Field: E】

[Spiritual field: D]

【Biological Field: E】

[Medical field: E]

[Exploration field: D]

[Spell Domain: E]

[Mysterious Domain: E]

[Firearms field: D]

【Mechanical field: D】

Luo Xiu believes that her mechanical field should soon be upgraded to C-level, but in any case, it is still D-level.

The most troublesome thing is... she has 4 D-level fields, all at the same level.

It wasn't particularly outstanding.

Actually, this is normal.

Pei Qi is still only level 8, the number of dungeons he has experienced is limited, and it is very difficult to upgrade the field of horror games. Even for himself, there is only one spiritual field that has opened "863" and has reached the S level.

The rest of the field is also disorganized and not outstanding.

Except for the spiritual realm that was capped due to abnormal SAN values, Luo Xiu's highest realm was B-level, which was the exploration realm.

This field has risen the fastest, mainly because he often deduces and understands puzzles in dungeons, uses more brains, and solves the worldview almost every time.

These exploration-related operations are counted in the hidden points of the exploration field, so they rise quickly.

But other things don't work.

The field of swords, the field of biology, the field of medicine, the field of magic, the field of mystery, and the field of firearms are all D-level.

Finally, there are two bottom E-classes, namely the fighting field and the mechanical field.

If you use a common saying, this is called the five abilities of flying squirrels, none of which is fine.

Comprehensive development is comprehensive mediocrity.

Of course, Luo Xiu's talent is extraordinary, and it may be another matter, but others are not.

If you continue to play according to the existing rules, you must have an absolute advantage in a certain field in order to have the minimum cooperation value and survival barriers!

Even many veteran players of the closed beta are still confused and reckless, and they don't really understand the role of "domain".

First of all, many skills and equipment are subject to conditions of use.

For example, the bloodthirsty ring-headed sword "Fengxue Ye Guiren", the use requirements are [player level reaches lv5; spiritual domain reaches C level; sword domain reaches D level]

The more powerful the conventional equipment, the higher the level requirements for one or more fields.

In addition to this, the 'realm' also affects which basic attributes increase more with each upgrade.

A player, if his 'fighting field' is relatively high, then every time he upgrades, his muscle strength, reaction speed, and fighting ability will increase more than other players.

And if the 'spell domain' is higher, then his spiritual power value will be higher, and the natural recovery speed of spiritual power will be higher.

Many enhancements are hidden, players can't see it from the rules of the thriller game, but can perceive it in battle.

At least Luo Xiu clearly felt that after his 'spiritual domain' and 'exploration domain' increased, he occasionally had a strong sixth sense.

For the surrounding environment, the ability to capture special information is even more enhanced.

This is not a direct increase in IQ, but a kind of keen observation.

Many geniuses with extremely high IQs are numb to the outside world and live in their own world all year round.

With the strengthening of Luo Xiu's sixth sense, he will be particularly sensitive to changes in the outside world, and he will catch every little bit of trouble, which will allow him to avoid fatal dangers and discover hidden mysteries!

From this, it can be concluded that these 10 areas are the core gameplay of horror games and the key to players becoming stronger!

Luo Xiu said in the guild group:

[I will simply arrange for you, the direction of the main attack in the field in the future, do you have any opinions? 】

Everyone expressed no opinion.

They are not stupid. After seeing the normalization of the knockout stage, they understand the importance of the depth of the field and the coordination of play.

Of course, apart from Liang Shen, this uncle who is a little crazy is very rebellious, and he doesn't want to follow the arrangement.

At this moment, there are actually many guild presidents doing the same thing.

It's just that their movements are slower, and they need to sort out the future development direction a little bit according to the actual situation of the guild members.

Luo Xiu only took a few minutes to scan everyone's attribute panel, and started to issue orders very casually.

[Yang Shulin, you mainly attack the 'sword field' and the 'biological field']

Yang Shulin: [Bridge bean sack... I understand that in the field of swords, the proficiency of any weapon is controlled by this field... But how is the biological field so rich? My biological field is E! 】

Luo Xiu: [You are all E except the sword field, what's the problem? 】

Yang Shulin: […Can’t you specialize in one field? 】

Luo Xiu: [No]

Yang Shulin: [Okay! Listen to you! 】

The gameplay of the thriller game is to mix and match. The seemingly endless skills, equipment, and items are organically combined, and unexpected power erupts, resulting in a variety of fighting methods that go sideways...

If there is no mix and match, only the longboard in a certain field is too long, many powerful equipment cannot be used, and combo skills do not exist, it will only become a downright weak chicken.

But if there are too many directions of development, it can only be mediocre in an all-round way.

Luo Xiu has calculated that under the current development situation, it is the best choice to focus on two areas. As for the auxiliary areas, this will be analyzed in detail.

This is the same as exercising muscles when exercising. It is impossible to say which one is to be practiced, and the surrounding muscle groups will definitely be driven.

Focus on 2 areas, and the hidden points in other areas will definitely increase.

As for why she was asked to focus on another biological field...

This is because, according to Luo Xiu's experience in visiting the player trading mall for so long, he found that most of the skills in the biological field are to strengthen his body.

No brain needed.

This is very suitable for poplar trees who only use shovels to shoot people.

Next, Luo Xiu only suggested two areas for their development one by one, and did not explain in detail.

That's too much trouble.

To a certain extent, Luo Xiu believes that spending half an hour and giving his own 0.8 judgments and suggestions is the best way to do justice.

No matter how much time you spend, it will be a loss. If you develop the habit of being fed, people will lose their ability to survive independently. Besides, no one knows if they will all be alive in the next team annihilation battle...

Luo Xiu's thinking mode is always so stern, in the eyes of others, it seems that he lacks the emotions that human beings should have.

[Liu Yiyi, your main focus is to develop the 'firearms' and 'spiritual fields']

[Pei Qi, your main focus is on the 'mechanical field' and the 'exploration field']

[Zhang Feng, you are mainly in the 'mechanical field' and the 'fighting field']

[Liang Shen, you mainly attack the 'sword domain' and the 'spell domain']

As for Roche himself...

He doesn't think he needs to specialize in one area.

But a certain area that he neglected really needs to be intentionally improved.

【Mysterious realm】.

Chapter 475 Design drawing of a miniature controllable nuclear fusion stellarator (thanks for subscribing)

The mystical realm is all-encompassing, and to a certain extent, all supernatural factors are classified in this realm. Including those ... the real evil gods written by the masters of love craftsmanship.



The ancient Sleeping Beauty in her soul seemed to realize something after sighing in that dream, so she has been avoiding Luo Xiu recently, and Luo Xiu also knew it.

Luo Xiu and others guarded the booth and stayed up until the early morning of the next day.

Luo Xiu sold 3 pieces by himself, Zhang Feng sold 3 pieces, and the remaining 10 pieces were all sold by Yang Shulin alone...

She met several big customers over there, all of whom were guild-level purchasers. Although these evil spirit relics were not particularly high-quality equipment and items, the advantage was that they were cheap enough.

Small profits but quick turnover~

I checked the sold prices, and they were basically sold at the price range that was agreed in advance, and there was no problem.

In addition to this 15, there are a few scattered little things.

Items like [Notes on Exorcism] and [Tome Bible] are relatively simple in function and have a narrow scope of application. They are cheaper to sell, and you can sell them for a few hundred.

[Holy Light Cross] is a bit more expensive, but in addition to being able to exorcise this thing, it can only be worn as a talisman, and its protective ability is very limited, so it sold for 1,200.

Evil spirit relics often have some special functions, and they are more expensive to sell. Even if it is a flame oil painting like 'in hell', the remarks indicate that this corridor will not burn for long, and some people still spend 2500 game coins to buy it. down.

Don't know how to use it either.

In the end, a total of 48,600 game coins were counted.

Seeing so much money lying in the guild warehouse, everyone was very excited!

Guild group:

Yang Shulin: [President, President! I have sold so many! Is there any commission? ! 】

Liang Shen: [Forty-eight, forty-eight! A lifetime of flowers never ends! How should the money be divided? 】

After the question was asked, no one spoke up.

It seemed that Liang Shen was dumbfounded.

In fact, he just asked a question that everyone wanted to ask, but did not dare to ask.

The few people who didn't speak were actually silently waiting for Luo Xiu's response at the moment.

This is actually very subtle.

Most of these evil spirit relics sold now are caused by Luo Xiu alone.

All of them are in the old commercial building, which is a great gift from He Zheyong.

Moreover, the president of the guild also has the power to dispose of the things in the guild warehouse at will, and to sell the funds later.


In theory, Luo Xiu can completely own these game coins.

Reasonably, since most of these evil spirit relics were called from him, he moved all these game coins to his personal account, and there was no big problem.

The guild president has so much power... Of course, it's too unfair, and everyone has the right to quit and change jobs.

Luo Xiu did not respond, and after a while, everyone saw that a 4,000 full game currency allocation had been received in their private accounts.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This shows that Luo Xiu took 28,000 by himself, and the remaining 20,000 was divided equally among them.

Not only did no one feel unfair, but they were all very satisfied.

The group suddenly became lively:

Liu Yiyi: [Thank you boss! 】

Zhang Feng: [Thank you boss! 】

A few people followed suit, and they formed a formation, only Yang Shulin shouted: [Ah! No sales commission! 】

Luo Xiu was too lazy to return her.

The commission or something is used to encourage enthusiasm. They do not need additional encouragement. The unified product and unified price are all based on luck. Whoever sells out early can rest... Everyone will be very positive.

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