Thriller Game: Something's Wrong With Me Conquering The Succubus

Chapter 100 The Angel of the Sacred Heart that is constantly blackening! Faith deepens!

" always feels like there's something strange about the terms above..."

Ye Ye's big eyes carefully looked at every word on the treaty.

"What are must respond to the master's call at any time, the master's status is above your own...what does it mean?"

Ye Ye's eyes turned to Su Yu.


So pure!

Su Yu couldn't bear to want to tell Ye Ye his true thoughts about wanting free prostitution skills...

"Cough cough... Ye Ye, you sign her first, and I'll explain it to you later.

Su Yu blocked his mouth with his fist and coughed twice.

Obviously, Ye Ye's gaze made Su Yu a little unable to hold back.

"Good master, as long as it is your order, Ye Ye will do it without hesitation! 39

A red light flashed in Ye Ye's eyes, in her "four-two" eyes.

As long as it is Su Yu's order, even if she is asked to challenge monsters of unknown level, she will rush forward without hesitation!

The hesitation just now is just the curiosity that a mechanical girl who has not yet experienced in the world will have.

Ye Ye's hand quickly marked his name on the contract formed by energy.

Su Yu let out a slow sigh of relief.


The message prompt of the simulator has come to Su Yu's mind!

A faint smile appeared on Su Yu's face.

"Yeye is so good, the day after tomorrow I will give you the components of the God-killing weapon."

When the mechanical girl heard Su Yu's words every night, she jumped into Su Yu's arms excitedly.

In an instant, the girl had melted into Su Yu's body.

But Ye Ye's happy voice still reached Su Yu's ears.

"That's great, master, you are the best! I want to sign a few more points for that kind of contract!"

Su Yu felt that Ye Ye was restless in her body again.

Obviously, in Ye Ye's pure thoughts, he has already associated signing such a strange treaty with getting the weapon to kill the gods...

"Cough, there is only one serving at the moment, don't be so greedy.

Su Yu righteously educated the mechanical creatures every night.

Ye Ye also became quiet again in Su Yu's body.

"Huh, it's so dangerous, it's finally quiet, otherwise the cooling time of the medical holy hand will be running out soon..."

Su Yu has now completed the transformation of the magic doll family again.

This time it also consumed a lot of Su Yu's physical strength.

"According to the current progress, all the magic dolls will be transformed tomorrow!"

The results in the simulator are indeed the most suitable route at present!

The doll lady also walked out tremblingly with her daughters, to begin to adapt to the new functions of the flesh and blood.

A few were still leaning against the wall when they left...

The blood princess saw that the magic dolls all left in different postures.

It was also once again that he noticed the elements, and his face showed an excited and sickly look again.

"This way of transformation is so special... It's like trying to have a mechanical body and a flesh and blood body at the same time..."

"The Queen of Succubus is not here today, shall I attack the majestic Son again today?

Su Yu saw that the blood princess's face was getting more and more red, and she also noticed that her condition had relapsed.

"It seems that I have to pull someone to protect me today! By the way, replenish my consumption."

Su Yu let out a long sigh of relief and turned his gaze to Mira, the demon hunter.

The Demon Hunter shivered.

"I always feel that something bad will happen next... or I'd better slip away..."

So the Demon Hunter stopped talking to the Sacred Heart Angel Netia.

I was ready to directly transform the tail into wings and fly away.

Su Yu glanced at Sacred Heart Angel Netia.

Sacred Heart Angel Netia, as the most faithful believer of the Lord, saw the incarnation of the Lord Su Yu hinting at herself with her eyes.

She immediately understood what Su Yu meant.

To build a career, when will it wait?

"I think the Son needs you to come to his room..."

Netia directly raised her wings and cast Angel Domain directly.

Demon hunters have nowhere to run!

"No, I don't want to be used as a charger!

Sacred Heart Angel Nitya looked down at the demon hunter Mira.

"As a subject illuminated by the Holy Light, I don't even have a bit of dedication."

"I'm so ashamed of you, Mira!"

At this moment, Nitya has slowly descended, and the Angel Domain has compressed the demon hunter's retreat way smaller and smaller.

What can a demon hunter do?

In front of Su Yu, she can't do it either...

So she had no choice but to hang her head down, obediently grabbing her hands,

Seeing this, Su Yu was about to stand up and applaud Netia.

What is maddened?

That's called madness!

"Ahem... Angel of the Sacred Heart Nitya, you are doing very well! The merciful Lord will surely feel your efforts! 95

Su Yu has already made Nitya the best employee in her mind.

"It's so useful, it's just that Nitia has something to do, it's okay...cough...nothing, she also makes people worry!

Although Su Yu has been making cakes for her all the time, and sometimes treats her to eat a few Holy Word Hammers.

But the Angel of the Sacred Heart loves to eat this set.

At this moment, I heard again that the perfect Son in her eyes praised her efforts on behalf of the merciful Lord.

She immediately felt a sense of relief.

"Sure enough, the benevolent, benevolent and perfect Lord has not forsaken me! All this is just a test for me. 99

"I must help the Holy Son well! Spread your will over the Evernight World..."

Su Yu found that Sacred Heart Angel Netia's crown has turned into pure black, and the phantom tentacles on it have become more and more solid!

Behind it, the originally pure and flawless white wings have gradually become dark and deep at this moment.

Like a pitch-black night, ordinary monsters can even look directly at them.

The soul must be dragged into the darkness like an abyss.

2.4 Su Yu was startled.

"Outrageous... Angel of the Sacred Heart has completely awakened to strange attributes.

"But her power has gradually approached the form of a Seraphim after merging with a demon hunter."

"They are one, and the angel of the Sacred Heart has sublimated his strength through this kind of thing, and the demon hunter should also feel that his ability has been improved. 39

Sure enough, after being caught by the Angel of Sacred Heart, the Demon Hunter also felt that his power was gradually increasing.

Her face gradually turned suspicious.

"It's incredible that Nitya's strength keeps getting stronger, even though it seems to be going in a wrong direction."

"But she did gain power, which is incredible..."

"Is it true that faith in the Son can....really gain the power of the Lord?"

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