
"If I want to take the route of integrating Heaven Street, Doll Street, Blood Race and Succubus Race!

"It is necessary to solve the huge trouble of the storm siren!"

Of course Su Yu knew it.

The chosen simulation route is different.

The end result will be drastically different!

All he has to do now is...

Choose the best solution from many simulation routes!

"I have the talent of Lord Yama and can sign monsters..."

"This huge advantage must be used!

While thinking, Su Yu glanced at the succubus queen who was using the medical tool.

This will be the first monster he signs!

And then to point the surface....

Integrate Paradise Street, Doll Street, Blood and Succubus!

Turn a ghost street into a ghost city!


This is not the end of the plan!

Based on the ghost city, we will continue to invade and expand to conquer other eternal night world creatures!


Ghost country!

In the end, the power of the whole country will forcefully enter the dawn world!

"This mock route...should be the best route for me.....99

"Just how to deal with the storm siren?"

"By the way, there is also a church of witches that keeps doing things!"

After thinking for a while, Su Yu continued to look at the simulation dialog.

[Afternoon of the eighth day: You used the eye of the void on the fox girl.

screen change...

She sat in the room, nine pure white tails scattered listlessly on the ground.

"What's going on these days...35

"Why did that human appear in my dream!

For a time, the 19 fox girl had the urge to go to the puppet street.

But the next moment...

She is shining brightly!

All distractions are purged!

There was even a look of innocence in his eyes!

When you saw this scene, you couldn't help frowning.

"Now the storm siren is coming...."

"I need some powerful medicine for the fox girl! 39

Thinking of this...

You used Void Teleport!

Back to Paradise Street!


Came to the magic house!

"Welcome guests to the demon..."

"No, I'm more familiar with you than here!"

If you interrupt the new reception, you start to go to the room where the fox girl is.

Every time I see a staff member on the way...

They are all excited to say hello to you and invite you!


You rejected them, and then walked into the fox girl's room! 】

[Eighth day evening: When the fox girl saw you walking in, a trace of dependence flashed in her innocent eyes. …


The influence of the dream lover's talent on her deepens day and night!

Only one last dose of potion left!

"I'm here to help you break through to the natural disaster level, but..."

Along with sound, you direct light elementalization.

With the addition of the talent of the Son of Light, you are transformed into the only light in the eternal night world!

In an instant, the fox girl couldn't hold it anymore...

Nine fox tails surround you directly!

Then, she began to absorb the magic energy of the light element! 】

"Sometimes good medicine is also poison...

"If you smoke too much, you will become addicted!

A smile appeared on Su Yu's mouth.

As long as the fox girl dares to suck, he will dare to give it!


There is such a talent that a golden gun cannot fail!

He had no fear at all.

Dare to even say...

Only ploughed fields!!

No exhausted cows!!!

"Now just wait for the fox girl to break through to the natural disaster level, but even so...

"Faced with the storm siren that can destroy the territory of the blood clan, I don't know if I can defend it!

The solemn expression in Su Yu's eyes.

Just survive this wave of simulations....

He has the confidence to rely on foresighted information!

Sing along the way!

Conquer the Succubus Queen, Black Heart Angel, Demon Hunter, Blood Princess, Forbidden Doll...

And build a ghost city-level force!

[Morning of the ninth day: You quietly look at the fox girl surrounded by holy light in front of you...

Disaster level!

Help with this level of combat power!

Dealing with the storm siren is not easy! 】

[Noon on the ninth day: The fox girl opens her eyes and looks at you...

There is an indelible dependency!

It seems that she has become addicted to your light element magic! 】

[Afternoon of the ninth day: You bring the fox girl to the puppet street, start the entire battle force, and defend the offensive of the storm siren...]

[Ninth night: Rain full of water element magic energy falls from the sky...]

'The storm siren is coming..."

"Hopefully I can resist!"

Su Yu raised an eyebrow.

If he chooses the son of the ocean talent, he will not be so passive.


If you choose the wrong one, you will be beaten!

Just wait for the next simulation....

Pick out the right talents, skills, gear, and props!

[Day 10: Storm Kraken Strikes...

Horrible storms continue!

You quickly established the strength of the Storm Kraken!

Peak natural disaster grade monster!

Just this shape....

Why is it like a slime!

"Are sea creatures so special..."

"It's totally unstoppable!

As you speak, you begin to give orders.

Forbidden dolls, angels with black hearts, demon hunters...

Several people used the power of terrifying rules!

Cooperate with succubus, doll lady, and fox girl's ghost realm!

In an instant, the terrain changed!

The storm siren was instantly annihilated in it!

"That's it?!"

with your doubts.

The huge body of the storm siren was condensed again in the sky.

ooh, ooh...

She let out a frantic roar.

The rain in the sky seemed to turn into a sharp sword, destroying the entire area. 】

"This monster..."

"Let me fight!"

Su Yu's eyes widened.

The storm siren was killed and resurrected...


Aggressive and scary!

Absolutely incomprehensible monster!

"Wait, she...she's actually...99

"I suddenly got my spirits up!"

For a moment, Su Yu looked at the simulated dialog.

The whole person was a little sluggish.

That's right, he thought of something interesting!

"The greedy witch said she wanted to make the storm siren go crazy..."

"If I knew why, I might be able to solve this trouble!"

[Eleventh day: The body of the storm siren was penetrated by the nine tails of the fox girl...


The next moment, she is resurrected again, making the storm even more violent! 】

【Day 12: You decide to use the last resort...

Directly transform the god-killing weapon, the mouth, into the spirit of machinery!

I want her to activate the Star Destroyer Energy Cannon, one of the abilities of the God-killing weapon 'Orbital Star Destroyer Sword'!


Variation happened...

When the storm siren saw the god-killing weapon beside him!

She is even crazier!

Directly resist the attack of the fox girl, and it will come to you desperately!

once, twice, three times...

Until the resurrection nine times!

The storm siren rushed in front of you and devoured you and the mechanical spirit directly!

You who entered her body...

The problem was found quickly!

Part of the god-killing weapon is actually in her body!


Right at this moment...

Countless sea water blades are coming!

You are cut to pieces!]

【End of this simulation】

[Simulation days: twelve days]

【Cooling time: 12 minutes】

[Reward: 1.75 million experience points! Skills: Holy Word · Pray! 55460 points of Origin · Mechanical Oath Proficiency....]

【You have increased your level, the current level is Lv50 (03%)】

[Your skill 'Origin, Mechanical Oath' has been upgraded, and the current level is Lv9 (85730/128000)]

[Your skill "Dragon Language" has been upgraded, and the current level is Lv10 (full level)]

[Eternal Night Illustration: Storm Siren (can be lit) Corpse God (lit) Zombie Queen (lit... ]

[Dawn Illustration: Valkyrie of War (lights up) Princess Red Dragon (lights up) God-killing Weapon・Mouth (lights up) Angel of Light (lights up... ]

"It took a long time..."

"You actually ate something bad?!"

Su Yu smacked her lips.

He already knew....

The reason why the Church of the Witch made the Storm Siren go crazy!

That's right!

It is to use the characteristics of the God-killing weapon. . . .

The ultimate wisdom of this mechanical civilization!

Even if it is broken into ten parts!

The god-killing energy in it is enough to make the storm sirens lose their minds!


This will make the 357 storm siren subconscious... Find the rest of the god-killing weapon remnants!

"It can only be said that the Church of the Witch is really insidious..."

"Actually one thing in front of you, and another behind your back! 35

In an instant, Su Yu couldn't help but sneer.

It seems that the other party already knew very well about blocking the plan of the Witch Church on the streets of heaven.

Even about his possession of a god-killing weapon, a mouth...

The Church of the Witch knows it all!

But let them never imagine!

As long as the god-killing weapon・mouth doesn't come out of Su Yu's body....

The Storm Siren couldn't find him at all!

We can only go to find other remnants of God-killing weapons!

So, the blood and doll streets suffer!

"Looks like I want to thank the Church of the Witch..."

"Help me find the remnants of the God-killing weapon!"

A smile appeared on Su Yu's mouth.

Ten parts of the god-killing weapon split!

He has a...

Mrs. Doll has a...

The Church of the Witch has a...

The blood family has a...

"There are now four..."

"As long as I find the remaining six pieces, I can open the mechanical civilization ruins!

"When the time comes to use the resources of the mechanical civilization, not to mention the 'orbital star annihilation sword', even the mechanical heaven can be realized!

Thinking of this...

Su Yu couldn't help standing up excitedly!

Suddenly, the Succubus Queen exclaimed!

"Uh, sorry..."

"You go on, I won't disturb you!"

While speaking, Su Yu turned his eyes to the picture book.

There is a surprise this time...

Actually unlocked the Valkyrie Pokédex!

"Could it be the reason for using the 'Holy Word/Prayer' skill...

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head.

The reason for unlocking the Valkyrie...

It may be that the Eye of the Void will be destroyed by her!

"None of these things matter..."

"The point is that I can get some information from the Valkyrie Book!

So, Su Yu started to unlock the illustrated book.

[You have unlocked the Dawn Guide: Valkyrie of War (click to view details), all attributes +95!].

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