[Beast Tamer (Epic Rank): You are naturally very attractive to beasts, Charisma +50, and beasts also include catgirls who are half human and half beasts like cat ears. 】

Su Yu's decision is the result of calm thinking every time.

Not because of some inexplicable setting!

Nor is it because of the introduction that looks novel but is not very practical!

For this not-so-serious talent, Su Yu just wanted to say.

"Please come more next time!"

[Mind Hunter (Mythical): You are good at perceiving emotional fluctuations. No matter what creatures are, their most real thoughts in the unconscious will be transformed into words that only you can see...]

[Skill: Stitching-Soul Jump (Epic): The exclusive skill of the legendary unknowable monster Lich, which can sublimate the soul of the creature... The cooling time is one day]

[Scholar's Umbrella (Diamond Grade): It was given to a scholar by a legendary snake girl, and witnessed a magical relationship. Defense +150]

[Summoner Transfer Certificate (Legendary): All fear stems from the lack of your own units, so call it! ...... You can transfer to Abyss Summoner]

Isn't this idea clear?

"These skills and equipment 403.... 35

All of them imply that my simulation idea this time is related to the master of Qingfang and the master of Baifang!

Su Yu secretly sighed, it must be you, the simulator!

The trainer is used to increase the favorability, and the mind hunter is used to sense emotional fluctuations.

A scholar's umbrella can disguise his identity....

This script is clearly arranged!

Su Yu took a deep breath.

If these three sets work together, I don't believe that Bai Fangzhu is not fooled.

Su Yu smiled lightly.

"It's time to talk, I'm looking forward to it..."

As for the rest of the skill Soul Transition, the dog will not choose it.

There is also a summoner, which is really not very necessary for the current Su Yu.

However, the job transfer book that can prostitute skills for free makes Su Yu a little difficult to decide for a while!

White prostitution is refreshing, but when white prostitution and time clues conflict with each other.

Then it will be painful.

In fact, bringing the three things of the animal trainer, the soul hunter and the scholar's umbrella is the most stable.

But once you go farther and farther on the road of Bai Qian, it will be difficult to stop (bjce).

Just like Pandora's once opened, it's hard to get on.

Between prudence and prostitution, Su Yu finally chose the latter.

After all, system things, don't do it for nothing.

If you are all one's promises all your life, and rely on others, is it not a kind of happiness?

"Master Qingfang, Master Baifang and my ghost town! I want them all!

Open the pattern in your heart again.

Su Yu made his choice.

Mythic Talent: Mind Hunter!

Diamond Grade Equipment: Scholar's Umbrella!

Legendary Item: Summoner's Class Transfer Certificate!

"This simulated mission..."

"Help the errant Bai Fangzhu sisters! 95

【Complete selection!】

[Current talent: Mind Hunter (Mythic Rank)! Time Witness (Mythic Rank)! Dragon Trainer (Epic Rank)! Soul Link (Mythic Rank)! Hades (Mythic Rank)]

[Current skills: Void Teleportation, Mechanical Armory lv2! Mechanical Modification, War Lord Iv2! Origin 1 Mechanical Pledge lv10! The Eye of the Void lv10!l

[Current equipment: Scholar's Umbrella! Succubus Queen's Blood Cloth (Commemorative Edition) x10! Gluttonous Witch's Muppets (Legendary)]

[Current props: Heart of the Underworld (Mythical Grade)! Blood Purifier (Epic Grade)! Infinite Evolution Rubik's Cube (Mythical Grade)! l

[Simulation starts——]

[The first night: The Queen of Succubus hunted monsters outside, broke through to the hell level, and realized the epic ghost realm, the acacia hell...]

[Day 5: You came to the Sea of ​​Silence, you once again gained the power of a dragon knight and turned into a dragon knight.... Experience the taste of love with the storm siren in the sea of ​​​​silence... 】

[The morning of the sixth day: You used the powerful light element to help the fox girl become a natural disaster-level monster, and you also paid the price of a pair of fox ears...]

Su Yu is a little helpless, every simulation has you, you can't escape, right?

"It seems that I'm going farther and farther on the road of not being human...

But in order to survive...

This is also a necessary sacrifice.

I've carried a lot of weight that I shouldn't have at this age!

It's all my own choice!

"I'm starting to look forward to whether there will be snake tails or something in the future..."

[Noon on the sixth day: The Grand Duke of the Blood Race was attracted by the breath of the Blood Race Princess...

Under the luxurious lineup behind you, the Blood Race Archduke chose to believe in the Holy Light!

The blood princess also gradually revealed a morbid smile.

"Lord Mother, now you can also bathe in the Holy Light with me!

You have successfully conquered the Grand Duke of Blood and her daughter! 】

[The night of the sixth day: You brought a group of people to the street of snake people, and killed the ghost doctor. By the way, you used the tail of the demon hunter to supplement the magic power!

You have met the members of the Potions Association and the Snake Man Street who are fighting...]

[The morning of the seventh day: The battle continued for a day and a night. The master of Qingfang gradually fell into the disadvantage...

You dodged in front of him.

"Xiaoqing, brother-in-law is late..."

"You're not hurt are you?"

Xiaoqing's terrified voice gradually turned red.

"It's really you?! Brother-in-law! You're back.""

"Do you know how much I miss you and how lonely I would be without you!!

As she said that, she rushed up, wanting you to have another snake-human tail on your body.

The succubus admired sincerely.

"As expected of Lord Yama, he really played too much! 39

"Humanoid monsters are far from the limit!

Others.... also have unbelievable expressions.

"Lord, you really have no class! Holy Son has been spreading your will in the eternal night world..."

Demon hunters no longer have any doubts about your identity.

This man is indeed an all-knowing and almighty God!

From Paradise Street, to Doll Street, and now Snakeman Street, your people are everywhere.

Does this man have something he doesn't know?

In response, you just smiled mysteriously and didn't say much. ].

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