"The original sin of all living things..."

"Even the gods tremble..."

"Fallen Seraph..."

Su Yu looked at this introduction that was clearly different from other Dawnworld monsters.

Cold sweat was constantly pouring down his back.

"Too strong...."

After thinking about it, Su Yu can only describe the strength of this monster with this sentence.

This is an existence that does not belong to the dawn world at all.

Not even the gods could restrain her.

And if she gathers all the hell lords, she can even counterattack the gods.

What kind of power is this?

Su Yu's Book of Songs could not find any reference for comparison.

Any word used to describe her combat power is not enough to describe her, and even comparing her to other monsters is an insult!

She is unique, nothing in this world can restrain her.

She doesn't even care about the gods!

In this world, Samael, the world snake, can be said to have no natural enemies.

It is such an immortal existence, always watching the world of dawn and the world of eternal night from the abyss of hell!

"Such a terrifying monster, even had a festival with the snake people of the Evernight World?"

"How dare you? Even the ancestors of the snake people would not dare to provoke such a terrifying existence as the World Snake??

Su Yu felt a burst of surprise.

"What is the relationship between the Snake People and the World Snake?

"Wait....it's all snakes...Isn't the serpent people descendants of the world's snakes?

Su Yu was also taken aback by his own thought.

But it makes sense to think about it.

The snake people are not the descendants of the snake people and humans...

Speaking of this, Su Yu couldn't help but start to worry.

Then there are fox ears, fish scales, and snake tails.

How do you go out to meet people...

Su Yu carefully read the illustration of the World Snake, but did not find any clues related to the snake people.

I just think that depending on the race, the snake people should be the descendants of the world snake.

Su Yu always felt like she was missing something, but she couldn't grasp the inspiration in her head.

"The clue seems to be broken when it gets here.."~."

Su Yu has some distress, and it seems that he can only slowly find clues to this story line through the subsequent simulation.

"Huh? The reason for Samael's fall is just one person, one word."

Su Yu focused his attention on this sentence.

Why does a strong man like Samuel, the snake of the world, have an inexplicable relationship with someone...

Is this the only way to become strong?

Shouldn't they be the same person they're in contact with?

Su Yu shook his head, denying this absurd conjecture.

After all, from the beginning of the world's founding, time has come to the present, and there are tens of millions of years at least among them!

How can someone who can live for so long be an unknown person?

Not even a clue is left in this world!

Thinking of this, Su Yu stepped up and left.

"Today is the third day, and there is still a month left for the restart.""

"Now I am still unable to successfully establish a ghost city in the simulation results.

"It's time to hurry..."

Su Yu has returned to his room.

As soon as the door was closed, Ye Ye, a mechanical creature, stuck out half of its head from Su Yu's shoulder.

"Tomorrow, Mrs. Doll should give you the components of that god-killing weapon..."

Su Yu turned to look at Ye Ye, who was beside him. The intelligence of the mechanical creature was getting higher and higher.

At this moment, Ye Ye's eyes are bright, like a human girl.

Looking at everything with curiosity.

At this moment Ye Ye is looking at Su Yu with her eyes full of curiosity.

"What's the matter? Are you hungry?"

Ye Ye nodded ignorantly.

Su Yu wanted to test how far Ye Ye's wisdom has grown now.

"Then go find Mrs. Doll yourself and ask for it."

The mechanical creature nodded again ignorantly.

Get out of Su Yu's body in an instant!

The transformation of the form was directly completed in mid-air.

The combat machine Ye Yezhi conjured the Orbital Star Destroyer Sword from his hand.

She searched for the location of the same type of doll lady in her mind, and was about to push the door and go out...

Su Yu had black lines all over his face and ordered Ye Ye to return to his body.

"Your understanding of this word is somewhat hard-core..."

In fact, for Su Yu or the mechanical creatures of the doll street.

Rest is unnecessary and a waste of time.

However, they have only just broken away from the shackles of the puppet master, thus gaining flesh and blood.

The control of the body is not familiar enough, so naturally it is necessary to adapt to the fatigue unique to the flesh and blood.

So after a night of rest, Su Yu came to Miss Doll's room again the next day for treatment.

There are not many obstacles this time, the puppet lady Maria is obviously much faster to adapt to the flesh and blood than other puppet sisters.

She was originally a puppet that was cursed by a puppet master.

For her to have flesh and blood again, it is just a review of the original foundation.

Su Yu didn't disassemble Miss Doll's body again, but just checked the stability of the mechanical heart again with the mechanical revolution promise.

The current girl doll has signed the oath of Lord Yama with Su Yu.

Even if the puppet master comes now, he will not be able to control the puppet street again!

Su Yu clapped her hands with satisfaction.

".||Miss Doll, you are completely healed."

Su Yu's words made Sister Doll's body temperature regulation magic circuit fail again.

Su Yu glanced at the doll lady who was guarding her daughter's bed.

"Now you can trust my healing skills, too, Joe?"

The puppet lady nodded affirmatively, and her face was already able to make some expressions of emotion.

She was looking at Su Yu with a smile, and it still seemed a little too vivid.

"My great mechanical lord, all the forbidden golems in the puppet street are willing to clear all enemies for you under your leadership! 35

"Let it be your help!"

As the voice of the doll lady fell, the door of the doll lady's room was pushed open.

A mechanical girl who looked like Miss Doll but looked more mature walked in.

She held a huge tray in her hands.

A one-meter-long robotic arm lay quietly on the tray!

God Killing Weapon - Left Hand!.

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