“Then let’s eat quickly~”

“Can’t delay such an important dinner!”

“Come on, eat some thriller specialties first, these are all good things for big supplements, rest assured, there are no dark ingredients.”

Grandparents, parents and parents sat on both sides of Jiang Feng, and grandpa sat opposite, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The whole family was busy introducing him to the dishes:

“This is braised sea python meat, using freshly caught Yin Sea python pork belly, the taste is delicate, fat and lean, the taste is fresh but not shallow, there is no peculiar smell!”

“Rich in power, it can strengthen the body.”

Jiang Feng tasted it, it was indeed good, the taste was good, it was much more tender than braised beef, pork and mutton.

“This is a thriller version of stomp beef, using the beef offal, bloody, and beef cooking of fierce beasts and brute cows, which has a kidney tonic effect.”

“This is blood ginseng soup, it is delicious!”

“This is a vegetable shake salad, vegetables are ordinary weird vegetables, milkshakes are squeezed by our cow demon maids.”

Jiang Feng: ??????? (Confused).

Cow Demon Maid’s milkshake, this, this thing is not good, right? The rest of the food is good, full of color and flavor.

Steamed shrimp monster (100 pounds of giant shrimp).

Steamed ghost king crab

Honey steak chicken (golden chicken with pseudophoenix bloodline).

Sweet and sour ghost fish

Charcoal roasted blood crocodile

Dry pot blood goose

A thousand-year-old wine moutai

Rafi, a bloodclan that has been in the cellar for a hundred years

The fox maid Feifei quickly helped Jiang Feng process crabs, peel shrimp, pour wine and vegetables, and the meal came to open her mouth

Proper big household!

There are dozens of people busy before and after eating.

There is also a one-on-one exclusive maid service.

Jiang Feng sighed with emotion, laughing and ridiculing: “This standard of living is even more extravagant than the previous emperors, right?” You guys will really enjoy it. ”

Everyone admitted generously:

“The emperor doesn’t have as much money as us~”

“It’s nothing!”

“The horror world is more interesting than the human world, and you will understand later that here and the real world have their own characteristics.”

Grandma Luo Jinfeng’s spoiled personal arrangement:

“In the future, the first shift of the maid will be specially responsible for taking care of Xiao Feng, and all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation will be handed over to Feifei!”


“It’s not bad to give birth to some offspring of demon genes.”

The old mother Li Xueya agreed with a smile, they have survived in the horror world for thousands of years, and they do not discriminate against the demon race.

What weirdness

What leprechauns

What a blood clan

Aren’t they all different beings compared to humans?

In that case, what is the difference between weirdness, demon race, and blood race? Just enough for the family to penetrate more ethnic groups!

“Feifei, after eating later, you take the little master to the room, what you need to buy, and arrange it as soon as possible.”

“Yes~” Fifi nodded obediently.

After eating, Jiang Feng followed him to the 5th floor and chose a room, which was much larger than the apartment he lived in.



Living room

Storage room



A variety of decorations, household appliances, bathrooms, oversized Simmons beds, you name it all, crushing five-star hotels.

Jiang Feng looked at the hundred-inch large-screen TV and asked:

“Fifi, does Thriller World also have movies?”

The fox maid confirmed in surprise: “Of course, why do you think that there are no movies in Horror World?” Is this weird? ”

“Not only movies, but also TV series, documentaries, variety shows, online videos, do you want to see them?”

Jiang Feng glanced at the time and refused for the time being.

“I still have arrangements!”

“Come back and look again~”

After speaking, quit the thriller game, returned to the apartment, still in the toilet, just returned, heard a knock on the door.

He hurriedly went to open the door, and sure enough, it was the landlord’s daughter.

Luo Ning greeted with concern: “Brother Jiang Feng, have you slept well?” Dinner is almost ready, come over quickly! ”

“Okay, let’s go~”

Jiang Feng looked at the girl in front of him and smiled, this little girl looked a bit like Gui Yanye’s sister Gui Xin.

When it comes to Gui Yanye, you will think of Brother Cheng….

(Separate warning).


Eh, Brother Cheng also played the whole family three kills, and finally was chopped off his head and lay in the groove, which is really a high risk!


He couldn’t help but feel a chill in his back, coughed lightly, and followed to the landlord’s house next door, where Wang Siya had already made dinner.

Braised pork

Sweet and sour fish

Steamed eggplant

Pot meat

Rib soup

Mix cucumbers



Soon, one dish after another was served on the table, and the beautiful landlady wore an apron and greeted warmly: “Xiaojiang, come and sit!”

“Try my newly researched private dish—”

“Hotpot flavored chicken…”

“Uh, no, turkey-flavored pot meat!”

She stomped her foot with a blush, a little embarrassed, and quickly revised the introduction: “Traditional pot meat, all use pork, I changed the pork to turkey meat, the taste is more fragrant.”

“How do you taste it?”

Jiang Feng sat down and looked at the cucumber, eggplant, and rice bowl, and tasted the turkey-flavored pot again, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

This, this, always feels strange….

“Well, it’s good, Sister Wang, your cooking skills are really speechless, you can open your own restaurant, three Michelin stars!”

“This hot pot… Belch… Turkey flavored… Hmm…”

He finally understood why it felt weird.


Turkey-flavored pot, milky white snow?


What a damn name~

His subconscious mouth slid: “Sister Wang, are your cucumbers and eggplants fresh?” I am me, I am me, I mean, that, buy fresh vegetables! ”

“Some have induced labor… No… Oxytocin…”


Wang Siya: “………” (speechless).

“Xiaojiang, you used to be depressed, but now you are selected by the thriller game, but you are happy and speak freely, your change really makes me incomprehensible~”

Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows: “Is there any?”

Luo Ning also nodded seriously.

Wang Siya rolled her eyes and reminded: “You boy, I used to call me Aunt Wang, but now I am called Sister Wang, what do you say?” Call me daughter sister again, isn’t this a mess? ”

She deliberately joked and ridiculed.

Jiang Feng replied without hesitation: “Hey, whatever, Sister Wang, you are so young, standing with Sister Luoning, just like sisters, let’s talk about each other!”

“Slippery tongue!” Wang Siya glared.

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but show a smile.

Who doesn’t like to listen to good words?

Who doesn’t like to be complimented?

As long as it is reasonable and sincere, it is impossible to hate!

What’s more, she has been a landlord for so long, and she still has feelings for Jiang Feng, and she also hopes that this little guy will be happy.


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