“Sister Wang, let me help you press a few more points~”

Jiang Feng looked at the pot while eating the bowl, he was not willing to be limited to the small area, Tianchi, and Tianxi.

Breaking the surface with points, he controlled multiple points in the vicinity.

Get ready to do something big!


Unfortunately, the beautiful landlady refused with her eyes closed, her expression was very serious, and she said lazily: “So be it, the rest, wait until you come back through the thriller game…”

“At that time, you can do whatever you want!”



Isn’t this a deliberate appetite? (Laughing and crying).

Thriller games, what’s waiting for!

Jiang Feng nodded speechlessly, he also understood that this was something that Sister Wang did not want to give up and deliberately hung her appetite.

Thinking of Luo Ning, he

tried to do it:

“Can you do whatever you want?”

“Then if I say-”

Before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Wang Siya: “If you want to fart and eat, don’t say it, you kid can be a person!”

Jiang Feng: “…………………” (╯□╰).


The beautiful landlady rolled her eyes and sighed angrily: “I really don’t know what happened to your kid today, it has changed so much.”

“Is there any secret I don’t know?”

Jiang Feng’s eyes were indifferent, and he smiled very mysteriously: “There is indeed a secret, you will know it later.”

Who still doesn’t whet an appetite? Let’s hang each other~

“Okay, then we’ll talk about it later!”

Wang Siya did not force Jiang Feng to say it.

After all, who dares to say that they don’t have secrets? Some things are inconvenient to say, and it is not necessarily a good thing to say them.

“Stop, sister is going back!”

She lifted her shoulder straps and prepared to go home to rest.

“That’s it?”

Jiang Feng let out an incredulous sigh.

Wang Siya seemed to smile: “How else?”

“Even if you don’t roll up your sleeves and do it, at least you have to move your lips, right? How can it end up like this? ”

Jiang Feng made a serious criticism.

The beautiful landlady raised her eyebrows in convinced:

“Then you move~”

Just when Jiang Feng was playing tricks, he didn’t know that the goods he sent had attracted the attention of netizens.

Since the advent of thriller games, the whole people have simulated training, and the Internet has a certain understanding of the rules of the horror world!

Trick money is the mainstream currency of thriller games.

It has quite a few uses in the world of horror.

Very important!

At present, the thriller game has not yet opened, and no one can get the trick coin in the real world, unless there is some special channel to enter the horror world in advance.

But is this possible?

When pigs fly!

No one believes that thriller games have bugs….

Therefore, if someone sells tricky money now, it is 100% fraudulent, there is nothing wrong with this logic, right? Nothing wrong at all.

The vast majority of netizens also think so….

[Thriller world currency – tricky coin, Tong Suo no deception, absolutely genuine, limited quantity, exchange rate: 100 yuan 1 tricky coin].

[Exchange limit: 1,000,000 coins].

[Minimum exchange: 100 coins].

[Photo][Photo][Photo][Short video].

Many people saw Jiang Feng’s advertisements in the circle of friends, idle fish, little yellow cars, and thriller forums, and scoffed:

“Absolutely genuine? CNM, what a big breath! ”

“Isn’t this fooling people?”

“Fool people? This is not as simple as fooling people, a proper scam! Breaking the law and committing crimes, seeking wealth and killing people! ”

“It’s definitely a fake coin that sells it, right?”

“Sell fakes, please go to the night.”

“Online profiteers are becoming more and more lawless…”

Netizens were angry and reported one after another, eager to crush Jiang Feng’s bones and ask major platforms to be taken down.

Soon, Jiang Feng’s Idle Fish was shut down!

Horror Games Forum number is also restricted from trading!

Although no one cares about the circle of friends, it is also questioned by some friends, and even criticized and warned by teachers.

[Class teacher Zhang Lele: Classmate Jiang Feng, where did you get this tricky coin? Don’t be deceived, delete it quickly.]

[Biology teacher: Isn’t this a lie? 】

[Absolutely genuine? Make your own copy~].



[Classmate Jiang Feng, are you kidding? 】

The teacher did not believe it, let alone the classmates, mercilessly mocked and ridiculed, and even posted to the group of classmates.

Most people sneered and spewed angrily-

Sun Hui: “Jiang Feng, this guy still cheated?”

Wu Guowei (class leader): “Hehe, I know that he is not a good person, not only has no rules, does not know how to be polite, but now he has learned to cheat money, sad~”

Yang Xiaoman: “No father, no mother, no upbringing!”

Bai Xiaofeng: “Who makes people’s families orphans~”

Bai Xiaofeng: (funny) (funny).

Zhou Kai: (Like).

Li Hao: (Like).

Study committee member Gao Muqing looked at the coaxing of everyone, and shook his head helplessly, this behavior is childish, unbearable, and vulgar.

She couldn’t help but post in the group-

“It’s all classmates, everyone’s mouths are merciful!”

Xu Yang: “That’s it!”

Nie Ye: “That’s right!”

Jia Haoran: “I don’t know if it’s true or not~”

Several of them were very excited, faintly looking forward to it, maybe Brother Feng really had some inside information and special channels?

Hurriedly sent a message to Jiang Feng to buy tricky coins!

Must buy ah~

However, Jiang Feng was so busy playing tricks that they didn’t have time to reply to the message, so they could only wait anxiously.

However, there are also people who have successfully placed orders –

Short video platform

The famous beautiful anchor Bingbing was selected by the thriller game in the live broadcast, cried on the spot, and rose to millions of fans.

In order to let her clear the level, fans have supported the recruitment, crowdfunding to buy various high-tech props, spending money like water.

Coincidentally, Bingbing saw Jiang Feng’s advertisement!

Without hesitation, I bought a hundred coins.

After buying it, it was ridiculed by fans:

How is it possible for someone to sell genuine tricky coins now?

Bingbing calmly thought about it, like waking up from a dream, Nima, the game did not start, of course it was impossible, he was deceived….

She cursed scammers and profiteers in front of millions of fans!

Isn’t this murder for money?

Isn’t this a crime?

In addition to her, there are many people who are so idle that they more or less buy Jiang Feng’s tricky coins, and then report them with bad reviews.

The whole network is angry!

What a thousand fingers point to!

However, Jiang Feng saw it and would not bird them, and after the two-day horror game started, these people had to kneel down and beg themselves, and they didn’t need to take them seriously at all….

How hard to scold now, how much you regret it later!

At that time, Jiang Feng still won’t bird them!

If it weren’t for the sake of making a little money, he wouldn’t bother to care about these keyboard warriors, damn it, have a fart relationship with him?

What a keyboard man

What old classmates

What a female anchor

Roll the calf, who takes care of these silly bi?


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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