Jiang Feng cursed mercilessly!

Let me go to see Sun Hui?

What is she?

Moreover, with such a straightforward look, who gave her self-confidence? Who gave her courage? It’s funny….

The class cadres then thought of themselves as bureaucrats.

Really become an official and pay it back?

Don’t make us kneel?

Bai Xiaofeng was scolded, and looked at Jiang Feng in disbelief, this, this guy dares to scold himself? Oh my God, is this still a man? Aren’t you afraid of being raped by us online?

Last time I scolded him in the group, I didn’t react~

How can you curse?

How dare you swear?

And it’s scolding girls, do you want to face?

“Jiang Feng, you are also too unqualified, that’s how you treat girls? I see you are hateless than weird! ”

“The squad leader told you to go, you will go!”

“Can’t boys be generous?”

“Last time I misunderstood you, we had some responsibility, but there was a reason for that, and we can’t all blame it.”

“You can understand us generously~”

“Don’t worry about it!”

“Or not a man?”

“What’s wrong with helping out between classmates?”

Looking at her look, Jiang Feng took a deep breath and couldn’t help but hit her personally, afraid of getting his hands dirty!

Ugly people are often strange, ugly and demon.

There are one or two such people in every class!

Forget it….

She is ugly letter….

Looks like a pig, ugly, short and fat, and dressed up with tricks, who do you want to disgust? CNM.


“Am I hateful than weird?”


“I hope you think so later!”

Jiang Feng mocked coldly: “Whether I’m a man or not, you don’t say it, but you really don’t look like a woman, short, fat and ugly, which is disgusting.”

Bai Xiaofeng is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on.

Immediately shouted angrily: “Am I 1.52 meters short? A girl with 1.5 meters is equivalent to a man of more than 1.7 meters. ”

Jiang Feng: “A dog is also seven years old when a dog is one year old.”

“I make a hair of 1.6m, wear a headdress of 1.65, wear high heels of 1.7m7, and take pictures and pull legs for 1.75.”

“Why do you call me short?”

Jiang Feng said with disdain as if he was smiling: “The dog is much taller when he stands straight, but it’s usually just like that.”

Bai Xiaofeng: “………” (anger).

She was speechless, she didn’t know what to say, Jiang Feng didn’t eat her invincible fist method, she didn’t have a word!

I can only not mess around with my face-

“We all admitted our mistakes.”

“What else do you want?”

“What’s wrong with you helping us? Isn’t that a show of hands? Do you still have a conscience? Is it human? I’m going back to expose you on the Internet! ”

Jiang Feng shook his head dismissively and chuckled

“As happy as you like!”

“You’re going back anyway…”

In the morning, the strange has not yet moved, and it is safe and sound, it seems that they have some kind of illusion, he~

In the afternoon, they know what horror is!

The quarrel between the two shocked Xu Yang, Nie Ye, and Jia Haoran, and even strangely walked over.

Sun Hui was taken aback and hurriedly went out himself.

She asked angrily in a very unconvinced–

“Jiang Feng, why don’t you obey my orders? Both the teacher and the head of the official department said, and the class cadre commanded. ”

“What qualifications do you have to disobey the arrangement?”



Jiang Feng sneered speechlessly: “Are you stupid Bi? What do they say has to do with my fart? What is a teacher? Do you really think that your cadres are a dish? ”

“The teacher is so dick, to command the weird~”

“When you think the thriller game is school?”

“Nima’s eggs!”

“Immediately, immediately, disappear from my eyes!”

Sun Hui’s ridiculed body was incomplete, his face was gone, and he didn’t dare to say anything more, because Xu Yang and they came.

Catching Sun Hui, they were angry again.

The weird security guard’s eyes also flickered….

Frightened Sun Hui and Bai Xiaofeng.

Gray ran back to work!

Watch their backs leave….

The weird security guards took the initiative to suggest: “Brother Feng, do you want me to take special care of them at night, so that they will be painfully eliminated, and they will have a nervous breakdown when they are resurrected.”

Jiang Feng nodded, and didn’t care to ridicule:

“They may not survive the night.”

“Weird should be acting, right?”

In the morning, Wei Wei is also observing the situation, after all, they are also the first round of the game, and they dare not act rashly~

In the afternoon, the observation is understood, see you in the picture of the poor dagger!

Sure enough

Not surprisingly, Bai Xiaofeng, Sun Hui, and Yang Xiaoman had just returned to the community service center when the phone rang, and everyone was startled!

Several girls looked at the table in panic.

Especially Gao Muqing——

I was almost scared to pee on the spot.

“It’s okay, it’s not mine, thank goodness!”

“Not mine…”

“Not mine…”

“It’s not me…”

Bai Xiaofeng, who had not yet sat down, looked at his seat and trembled, it was his own phone!

She picked up in trepidation.

“Hey, hello, Community Service Center.”

“Building B, 404, dredge the sewers!”

On the phone, there were gloomy short words, Bai Xiaofeng trembled and agreed, and then hung up.

Looking at the pitying looks of the sisters, especially Gao Muqing, even more frightened than her, very scared.

Bai Xiaofeng’s strong composure:

“Isn’t it through the sewers~”

“Not a big problem!”

“I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

She went to the warehouse and got a toilet drawer, the grip was about 60cm long and about 3cm in diameter.

Nervously came to Block B 404 and knocked on the door——




Soon, the door opened, and inside was a weird man, a young fat man with some otaku features.

Bai Xiaofeng introduced himself with a wincing:

“Hello, I’m here to access the sewers!”


The weird otaku smiled greedily:

“No, it’s me who leads to the sewers!”


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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