“This little actually dares to betray us!”

“Bitch, don’t be faceless, it’s really spineless~”

“Hehe, what a high cold school flower, I bah, I haven’t gone to kneel and lick Jiang Feng, I’m afraid my mouth is numb…”

“Rotten × thing, isn’t it impossible to resurrect, is she afraid of this? Sisters, when you go back, you will give out small sweet potatoes and expose this shameless study committee. ”

“That’s right, she must be exposed!”



Jealousy will make people crazy and make people separate, and they can’t hold back when they see Gao Muqing defecting to Jiang Feng.

CNM, why did Jiang Feng agree to save you?

Why wouldn’t he help us?

That’s right, it must be to see that Gao Muqing is beautiful and wants to play with her, hehe, what a shameless stinky man.

What the? You said that Gao Muqing didn’t scold Jiang Feng?



I just can’t hear ah~ (manual funny)

Sun Hui’s eyes widened angrily, gritting his teeth, why didn’t this bastard listen to his own orders? How dare he?

“Jiang Feng, sooner or later I have to make you look good…”

“Go back and clean you up!”

Her angry blood pressure soared, her breathing was rapid, and she naively thought that after going back, she would be able to take revenge on Jiang Feng.

How to retaliate? Report it to the teacher~

The mentality is still stuck in the state of the student.

I don’t understand what a thriller game is, here the absolute strong are respected, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest!

The identity of the human world?


The wealth of the human world?


Internet trolls keyboard man?


Most of the girls are scolding Banhua with jealousy, although they also know in their hearts who is bitch, who is green tea, who is right and who is wrong, but they will definitely not admit it.

Wrong, of course, can only be someone else!

It will never be a little fairy like herself.

While scolding Gao Muqing, they thought about how they could turn to Jiang Feng? Heroic dedication? Can Jiang Feng fancy himself? Do you want to save the country with a curve –

Hook up with his doglegs first?

Defect to Jiang Feng

It’s so fragrant~

Girls are intrigue and eager to try, and boys are very embarrassed and completely unqualified to turn to them.

After all, there is no forced face, there is no neither!

Many people also scolded Jiang Feng sneeringly.

Looking at Jiang Feng, they called them brothers and brothers with weirdness, they were happy, and the class flowers took the initiative to post upside down, looking like Renjun picking, Zhou Kai and Li Hao were envious to the point of explosion.

The two of them chatted while sweeping the floor with a broom:

“TMD, what is this guy Jiang Feng? I didn’t have a presence at school, but now it’s awesome…”

“Cut, isn’t it a little tricky~”

“Nima, I can’t figure it out, why does he have tricky money? Why didn’t I? It’s not fair! ”

“That’s right, why should we sweep the floor?”

“Bai Xiaofeng, they are even worse.”

“It’s a pity we didn’t see it!”

“Hey, hey, hey~”

The two were jealous of Jiang Feng, and regretted that they should not scold Jiang Feng, and also gloated, mocking Bai Xiaofeng and their bad luck.

There is no awareness of “game death” at all!

As everyone knows, there have long been strange eyes on them.


Community Service Centers

Jiang Nan received Jiang Feng’s gift, smiled, and brought Gao Muqing here to announce: “In the future, Gao Muqing’s post will be transferred to the security department to be responsible for monitoring.”

“I won’t go to work with you.”

“Notice is hereby given!”

Looking at everyone’s resentful gazes, Ban Hua sighed softly, she had already anticipated everyone’s reaction.

It’s normal, who let himself go through the back door.

Face this unfair treatment.

Where can the little fairies stand it?

I must want to crush myself to ashes.

No one will think about their own problems, it is always others who are at fault, and Gao Muqing has nothing to say and is silent.

Jiang Nan didn’t care, and casually reminded:

“I warn again, accumulate three bad reviews, you will be eliminated, and if you don’t answer the phone, it is considered a bad review.”

“Good luck to you!”


She sneered and threatened, full of malice, the first round of players have the number of resurrections, can’t eat if they want to, pit daddy.

But this does not mean that weirdness will let them go, on the contrary, some weirdness has already thought of a good way.

Moreover, it is very simple to operate –

Eat alive!

That’s right, eat alive, don’t let the player die, only eat part of the player’s body, you can avoid the player elimination, anyway, after eating, they can’t care.

Big deal, the player dies, and the energy dissipates again!

It’s just a poop that has been digested~

Disappear and disappear.

Provincial toilets!

Anyway, eating people is also to taste the taste.

Human flesh and blood have a huge attraction to them, just like humans can’t refuse fried food, in the face of full Han banquet and Kobe beef, who can not be moved?

Low-level weird, haven’t eaten good things at all!

Of course very interested in cannibalism.

High-grade liquor will not be interested.

After all, there are many higher-end ingredients.

The chef of the property canteen has researched several new dishes, just waiting for the player to make a mistake and eat human flesh alive!

What pickled pepper phoenix claws (girls’ hands).

What steamed dragon liver (boys’ liver).

What braised elbows

What a spicy human hoof

What a cold ear silk

What roasted loin

What roasted citrus

What a human eye soup

What a man whip soup

What people rejoice


After Jiang Feng and them heard about it, they were seriously sick to their stomachs, so they didn’t vomit out, but Huang An and them salivated.

Xu Yang and Nie Ye endured the stomach churning and asked

“Which trick came up with this?”

“Also, how can you guarantee that the player will not die? Heavy bleeding can also be dead, right? Maybe the dish hasn’t been made yet. ”

Huang An waved his hand and smiled confidently:

“It’s not difficult, it’s not difficult!”

“Our magic also has a healing effect.”

“Non-fatal injuries that can delay death.”

“Even, you can’t beg for death, you can’t beg for death, you can’t die if you want to, bleeding is simpler, there are hemostatic drugs~”

Xu Yang: ????? (Shocked).

Nie Ye: ????? (fear).


Jiang Feng: “…………………” (speechless).

This, this Nima, is worthy of a thriller game, it is very scary to listen to, and it is too scary to be a player, right? Alas~

He took out his iPhone 2000 and prepared to make a call.

When Huang An saw his mobile phone, he was taken aback, couldn’t help but feel a chill in his back, and even made a snort and asked:

“Bro, you have an iPhone 2000?”

“Isn’t this phone on sale yet?”


Jiang Feng looked at it in turn and replied casually: “Oh, I have this internal beta version, and my family just sent it.”

Family members?


This Nima is indeed a big guy with a background!


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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