Keyboard Man


Marketing number

All kinds of Internet thugs, the momentum is fierce, it is they who scold Jiang Feng, it is they who scold the platform, it will never be wrong to be “correct”, anyway, it will be over if you open your mouth and spray indiscriminately.

“Shock! Selling thriller game props to save people, but was forcibly removed from the shelves, garbage platforms pit buyers and sellers”

“Why E-commerce Platforms Remove Life-saving Products”

“The whole network owes Jiang Feng an apology”

“The platform arbitrarily removes goods, where is the reason, the sale of life-saving tricky coins is banned, who will bear the serious consequences”

“The whole network is angry! E-commerce platforms are in trouble”

Netizen comments: CNM, garbage platform, remove goods are not checked? I missed the opportunity to buy.

Netizen comment: Garbage platform, not shallow!

Netizen comment: mmp, it’s better to fight the night

Netizen comment: There are thousands of players in the first round, how many people will be eliminated because there is no tricky coin, who will be responsible? Demand severe punishment for these irresponsible platforms.

Netizen comment: Demand severe punishment

User comments: +1

User comments: +1

Netizen comment: Request to be re-listed

User comments: +1

User comments: +1

The keyboard warriors are righteous and awe-inspiring.

Like the light of the right path!

Self-media marketing numbers are also like social commentators.

Eat rotten money and eat numb….

The Internet memory is only three seconds, much shorter than the memory of a fish, and keyboard warriors will not remember who they scolded last time and pretend that they did not participate.

Who is the person who scolded Jiang Feng?

Who is asking for takedown?

Now the platform is sprayed again, and it is required to be re-shelved!


At the fast short video headquarters, the boss Zhang Cheng looked at the scolding on the Internet and couldn’t help rubbing his temples.

“I lost your mother, what a bunch of strange people!”

“It’s you who are going to be taken down.”

“You are the ones to be held accountable.”

“I please, Nima’s retardation, delete your own historical commentary first, okay? Don’t even want your face, do you? ”

“By ~”

The beautiful secretary also spread her hands helplessly:

“That’s how the network is~”

“Mr. Zhang, how do you think this matter will be handled?”

“It’s okay on the netizens’ side, it doesn’t matter, it will subside after a while, and that mysterious Jiang Feng is more troublesome.”

“It is said that he is a fish in the water in thriller games, a proper high-end player, and we offended him… Fear… The future is a big trouble, be unlucky! ”

“This kind of human potential is terrible.”

“Besides, the horror game is so terrifying, randomly arrest people to participate in the game, in case one day we are selected…”

“Will there be retaliation?”

“That guy is very careful with his eyes~”

Zhang Cheng also frowned, nodded slightly, the Internet scolding is nothing, it will be gone after a while, it is harmless.

People like Jiang Feng are not good at bullying!

Don’t bully the young man into being poor~

In the first round of thriller games, people have taken advantage of the time and place, and they will definitely develop rapidly later.

It won’t be long before it must be a thriller boss!

He is cold-blooded and ruthless to his conflicted classmates….

I cut off his wealth….

Mr. Zhang chrysanthemum tightened, his face was pale, if he was selected by the thriller game, he would definitely die a miserable death, right?

“Xiaoya, you, what do you say?”

“He zeroed out the inventory.”

“It’s useless to want to re-list now!”

“What’s more, today is not the past, dogs know that tricky money is important, and they definitely can’t sell it at the previous price, how much does it rise?”

“Do people agree to continue selling?”

“I don’t understand it at all~”

He patted his forehead and sighed at his bad luck, the first round of the thriller game was a thousand people, the second round was ten thousand people, the third round was one hundred thousand, and the fourth round was one million people.

The fifth round of 10 million people, reaching the peak!

Different players will rotate later.

The probability of being selected is not low~

Each round of 10 million people participated, ten days and a half months a round, sooner or later will be selected by the thriller game, which is really grassy.

The beautiful secretary thought about it and suggested:

“In my opinion, when the game is over, you better go and apologize in person, make a friend, and it’s not strange to be polite.”

“Give some arrogant gifts, don’t suffer losses!”

“Maybe you’ll have to ask for someone in the future.”

Mr. Zhang nodded repeatedly: “Yes, that’s right, an apology is definitely a must, send him a villa, tens of millions of kinds, and let the publicity center advertise.”

“Pre-sale of tricky coins, reservation waiting for snapping.”

“Price TBD.”

“Quantity TBD”

The secretary laughed and boasted: “That’s a good idea!”

The other side of the garden community

Property staff dormitory

Jiang Feng came over from work and prepared to rest and sleep, he didn’t know that someone was going to give him a villa, and someone was going to send money, send beautiful women, and make friends with himself.

Even if you knew, you wouldn’t be surprised!

Isn’t that normal?

What’s so strange?

Xu Yang, Nie Ye, Gao Muqing, and Jia Haoran followed Jiang Feng to the dormitory, and Huang An personally led the way.

Very intimate help introduction——

“Brothers, this is our security department staff dormitory, the best ones, everyone will live, if you need anything, don’t be polite, tell me generously!”

“Lock the door at night and don’t open it indiscriminately.”

“I’m afraid of weird troubles that don’t have long eyes.”

“Call me if something happens!”

“Brothers, someone is on duty!”

“Also, bring the Taser well~”

“If someone makes trouble, he will be destroyed!”

Originally, the players also needed to be on duty, but the weird security brothers gave face, helped to replace, and also cleaned the dormitory and let Jiang Feng live temporarily.

It’s really righteous~

These are real staff quarters, nice and not so crowded, than where other players live….

Well, there is no comparison, much better!

Three dormitories in total

Jiang Feng and Gao Muqing lived in one

Xu Yang and they lived in the other two

Although the dormitory is simple, there is no furniture such as steel frame bed, desk, water dispenser, wardrobe, etc., and there is no TV.

However, it would be nice for players to have that….

What else do you want?

Jiang Feng smiled with satisfaction: “It’s really good, thank you Brother An, and thank you for me, you are busy with your go~”

Huang An looked at Gao Muqing and said with a smile


“Brother, I won’t bother you!”

“Don’t be polite, it’s all your own brothers, you sleep, I’ll take Xiao Xu and them to see the room and go back.”

“Brother Feng, good night!”

“Brother Feng, goodbye!”

Everyone said hello and left.

You know~


Gao Muqing also blushed and gasped…

And yet

After Jiang Feng closed the door, he did not provoke her first, but took out his mobile phone and dialed the home number to report safety.




“Hey, Xiao Feng, why is it so late?”

As soon as the video call was connected, the voice of his grandparents was heard, and Jiang Feng smiled lazily: “Isn’t this just off work?” Busy doing tasks during the day~”

Luo Jinfeng and Jiang Zhentian were not worried.

Curiously asked, “Which copy are you on?”

“The other side of the garden community!”

The other side of the garden community? Community? When it comes to the community, they are not sleepy, and the real estate bosses like to build communities.

“The other side of the garden community? How is this replica cell? Do you want your grandparents to buy it for you? ”

“Isn’t that playing as you want?”


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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