“Mr. Jiang, your express has eight boxes.”

“Weight 1400 kg.”

“You can sign for it after inspection.”

Weird courier, unloading the delivery box, respectfully introduced, Jiang Feng didn’t have so many things, and signed it directly, anyway, if there is really any damage….

Can I still receive it myself?

It has long been fried, okay!

This is weapons and ammunition~

With a wave of his big hand, he beckoned the brothers to unpack the box, and everyone was unceremonious, and simply and rudely opened it.

When I fixed my eyes, I gasped for air.

I, Nima, this, is actually weapons and ammunition?



Rifle shells

They looked at Brother Feng with a painful grudge——

“Lying groove, Brother Feng, why didn’t you say it earlier, how dangerous this is, what if it explodes?”

Jiang Feng rolled his eyes and complained angrily:

“Deserve it!”

“See if you dare to dismantle my courier so rudely in the future, next time I will send two big mushroom bombs.”

The crowd was sophisticated: “………” (speechless).

Huang An picked up an automatic rifle and looked at it, and praised it in shock: “Oh, the latest AKM Gauss rifle, my God, this is a ruthless thing!”

The weird security guards also talked about it——

“AWP tricky high-precision sniper rifle?”

“RPG-2000 long-range bazooka!”

“Super electromagnetic rocket-propelled grenades?”

“Corrosion flash grenades!”

“My mom, what is this for? Where did Brother Feng buy the high-end goods? Whose trouble are you looking for? ”

“It’s not something that money can buy…”

Xu Yang, Nie Ye, Jia Haoran and a few others were also very shocked, Brother Feng actually bought so many weapons?


NB, look what weird dare to ask for trouble!


Gao Muqing knew very well that these weapons were sent by Brother Feng’s parents as toys…

“What about the power of these weapons?”

Xu Yang asked the weirds with some curiosity.

“How’s the power?”


“It’s not a question of power!”

“Let me tell you so, with these weapons and ammunition, you can easily destroy the garden community on the other side.”

Xu Yang: ????? (Shocked).

“For example, this one: AKM Gauss rifle, which uses electromagnetic trickery to fire, can kill ordinary ghosts.”

“The effective firing range is about 1500m!”

The Gauss rifle of the human world, powered by an electromagnetic acceleration orbit, fires metal bullets and consumes electricity.

Horror the world, turn into consumption of trickery.

Ammunition is also a special tricky weapon!

As long as it can hit the point, the ghost will still die, not to mention what kind of fierce spirit, evil spirit and the like, but the ghost has skills, will dodge, and is more likely to strike first.

Ordinary people don’t have much use holding eggs….

Barely a deterrent effect!

It is enough to deal with the evil spirits.

(Weird level: Lone Soul – Wandering Soul – Grievance Soul – Fierce Spirit – Evil Spirit – Fierce Ghost – Red Clothes – Great Murderer – Ghost King – Ghost Emperor – Hades).

Relatively speaking, sniper rifles are better!

“AWP tricky sniper rifle, using storable tricky kinetic energy, high accuracy, can also kill ghost level, range of more than 3000m, can be called a sneak attack artifact.”

“It’s expensive, more than 100,000 coins.”

“The most awesome is the RPG-2000, which is a new long-range bazooka, using chemical kinetic energy, no need for trickery, everyone can use it, the effect is no different.”

“It is equipped with strong electromagnetic special ammunition-”

“Kill the ghosts easily!”

“Even the red-clad ghost!”

“Well, the premise, it’s better to hit.”

“With a range of 10km, it is comparable to light artillery.”

Looking at 30 AKMs, 10 AWPs, and five RPG-2000s, a large amount of ammunition, Xu Yang and they were all stunned, and Huang An and Jiang Nan also felt numb.

Big guy~

That’s a few million coins!

What’s more, it is difficult to buy it if you have money, it is by no means something that ordinary nouveau riche can buy, you have to be very rich.

What is Jiang Feng’s identity background?

They are curious

but did not dare to ask

This is not something to ask casually at all….

They were shocked in their hearts, but Jiang Feng didn’t care, and leisurely announced: “Everyone can use these weapons casually!”

“Thank you Brother Feng…”

“Brother Kaede is mighty…”

“Hehe, Brother Feng is too powerful, with these weapons and ammunition in hand, our garden community on the other side, the safety factor has been greatly improved, and no one in the whole city dares to provoke.”

“That’s right!”

“After eating, let’s find a place to practice.”



The crowd was so excited that they couldn’t wait to eat Haisei’s meal, and after eating, they went to practice guns outside the city.

Just after eating, Zhang Jie came over again.

Zhou Chunhong also promised to follow alongside.



“Brother Feng, Zhou Chunhong also knows that she is wrong…”

“Well, Brother Feng, I’m sorry, we shouldn’t listen to Wu Guowei’s fooling, I hope you can forgive us.”

“We’re willing to help with anything.”

“Please give us unwanted leftovers!”

The two knelt on the ground and gave up their self-respect.

Jiang Feng raised his hand helplessly: “No, you want leftovers, just take it, it’s still the old rule.”

“Can’t give me those guys I hate…”

“All that’s left, right?”


Zhang Jie and the others nodded: “Thank you Brother Feng!”

“Brother Feng, if you need us to do something, don’t be polite, we can do anything, really.”

“That’s right, if you want to try double…”

“No, no, no, you really don’t have to!” Jiang Feng quickly interrupted them.

“Just help me get the cutlery away!”

“Let’s wipe the table clean too~”

Zhang Jie and Zhou Chunhong happily agreed, helped clean up the tableware, wiped the table and swept the floor, very seriously.

Then, take the leftovers from the pot with you.

Lamb rolls

Beef rolls

Yellow-throated, hairy belly, and cow balls are all left.

They returned to the cafeteria, eating a hot pot that was not yet cold, the aroma was fragrant, and the strange employees were quietly drooling, feeling that human flesh seemed to be not fragrant….

Not to mention players who haven’t eaten for two days.

One by one, the eyes are glowing green!

“I want to eat hot pot too!”

“Go to the self-esteem of the horse!”

“I’m also going to beg Jiang Feng to give me leftovers.”


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