
Property staff canteen door

More than a dozen surviving players, including Zhou Kai and Zhang Yang, gathered together, with heavy hearts and complicated expressions.

Without a doubt, there was still no food to eat at night!

A full-step horse feast.

And it’s the meat of classmates….

Zhou Kai sighed, everyone knew in their hearts that this was Li Hao’s meat, because he wanted to rob the children’s tricky coins, he was broken on the spot and then turned into a human stick.

All five limbs were cut off, and they were bloodied, and under the premise of ensuring immortality, they were used to the extreme.

Now in a coma!

It’s all supported by trickery.

Of course, his efforts were not wasted at all.

Stewed soups, fried, fried, cold, baked….

A great contribution to the world of thriller food!

The old rule, except for cold mixed shredded kelp, there is no normal dish, even shredded kelp is added.

“Still nothing to eat…”

“What can I do about this~”

“You can’t go hungry all the time, can you?”

“I can’t hold on.”

“Gotta think of a way!”

Everyone has the same idea in their hearts, but they are unwilling to be the first to say it, for fear of losing people, sorry!

After all, he mocked Zhang Jie yesterday~

Even, he scolded Jiang Feng in the morning.

Now cheeky to beg for leftovers?


More or less can’t pull the face!

The main thing is that I don’t want to be the first to speak, wait for others to say it first, and then echo it and save face.


Although it is also very faceless, but fifty steps to laugh a hundred steps, relatively speaking, it is more faceless.

The little fairy’s self-esteem is very strong!


Everyone knows each other’s mentality.

No one wants to say it first.

A stalemate has developed.

You look at me….

I look at you….

Finally, a certain little fairy hidden in the crowd said wittily: “I see Jiang Feng every day with big fish and meat, waste things at will, they simply can’t finish eating.”

“It’s so lacking in morality, what kind of stuff~”

“Let’s go help him!”

“Avoiding waste is also doing good deeds and accumulating merit.”

“Those monks like to make good connections, which shows that this is very good and we should learn from it.”

Everyone’s eyes lit up, pretending to suddenly realize:

“Yes, yes, it makes sense, it makes sense~”

“Let’s go help him!”

“That’s right, we’re also saving too.”

“Well, saving is glorious~”

“Then let’s say okay, fair saving, everyone has to help Jiang Feng solve the same amount of leftovers.”

“That’s right, no one can back down and eat less!”

“I’m in favor…”

“Me too…”

They were righteous and solemn, awe-inspiring, and upright, as if they were really helping Jiang Feng.

I believe it all, and I am faintly justified.

The little fairies raised their chests again-

Face saved!

Self-esteem is still there!

I feel that eating Jiang Feng’s leftovers is worthy of him.

Everyone pretended to be calm, pretended to be calm, and came to the office of the Department of Security.

Jiang Feng, they had already finished dinner in advance!

Braised elbows

Orleans grilled chicken thighs

Meng Po tofu

Sweet and sour tricky fish

Scrambled eggs with persimmons

Pepper beef

Sauerkraut fish soup

There were quite a few left, and the portions were huge, and they drooled, their eyes were straight and glowing green.

Seeing Zhang Jie and Zhou Chunhong cleaning up.

They are anxious in their hearts-


These two stinky smashed and ran to the front again!

It’s too much to come here without going to the cafeteria and running directly here, right? I was almost robbed by them again.

The little fairies are also not reserved.

Quickly ran to Jiang Feng.

A humble and unassuming, reassuring heart said:

“Classmate Jiang Feng, you have a lot of leftovers, it’s a pity to waste it like this, let’s help you solve it~”

“Well, that’s right, support the disc operation!”

“I’ll help too~”

After speaking, he will go to get Zhang Jie’s dishes.

Jiang Feng interrupted with a smile: “Wait, this doesn’t bother you guys, Zhang Jie they will solve it!”

“This, classmate Jiang Feng, you’re welcome…” The little fairies who were blocked were a little embarrassed, feeling hurt face, and their expressions were not very happy: “We also want to help you…”

Next to him, Xu Yang mocked mercilessly:

“Are you helping Brother Feng?”

“Hehe, should I say you don’t want face, or do you want too much face? Who doesn’t know what you’re thinking? ”

“That’s so nice~”



“Hehe, don’t some people look at leftovers, don’t they disgust leftovers? Why did you repent? ”


Tearing off the disguise, frantically punching in the face, the little fairies are like female cats whose tails have been stepped on, and they roar loudly:

“Who do you say is a slut? You repeat! ”

Xu Yang’s eyes teased: “Who is cheap who knows!”

“You fart, we are not well-intentioned, you waste food shamefully, you will be punished in the future, what happened to our advocacy of disc action? Don’t be so lacking in virtue…”

“That’s right, don’t dog bite Lu Dongbin?”

“Everyone is classmates, why are you like this?”

“Do you have to worry about a little leftovers?”

“You’re still not men~”

The little fairies are indignant, righteous, fierce, whether it is reasonable or not, the sputtering is over, but it is a pity that Xu Yang they are not vegetarian-

“Are we men, ask your mother to try it?” See if I can be a stepfather to you and educate you. ”

“Leftovers? Don’t eat it~”

“Who is familiar with your classmates, do we know well?”

“Operation CD? Obviously a begging operation! ”

“When the beggar still wants to impersonate the Virgin…”


Xu Yang, Nie Ye, Jia Haoran and a few of them angrily sprayed a large group of little, without falling behind in the slightest.

Tample the dignity of the little fairies to the ground.

Trample hard.

Without mercy!

Directly tearing the face, hitting the face and revealing the short, Jiang Feng watched the excitement on the side, nodded frequently, and smiled without speaking.


Both sides are tired of spraying, and the leftovers are also cleaned up!

Zhou Kai: “………” (confused).

The arrogant little fairies also looked at each other-


Aren’t we here to ask for leftovers?

How did you get into a fight with someone?


Jiang Feng smiled unhurriedly: “Leftovers, I don’t need your help, I will only give it to Zhang Jie and them!”

“Send a few security guards to the cafeteria to watch the point.”

“Whoever dares to make trouble, it’s tomorrow’s breakfast!”



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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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