Chapter 66 is worthy of the squad leader’s stable play again!!

Wu Guowei: “…”

(Confused) Wrong answer?

How is CNM possible?

Junior high school students know that without a medium in a vacuum, sound is impossible to propagate, how can it be wrong!

Could it be that these weirds got it wrong? Weird, do you understand science?

The weird existence itself is very unscientific.

She must have been wrong…

Wu Guowei was about to defend, when he heard the head teacher say with a smile: “It seems that you didn’t study seriously~.”

“However, although you answered incorrectly, your attitude of actively answering questions is very good, so I will not punish you excessively…”

Wu Guowei rejoiced: Whew ~ It’s okay~ It seems that this time the weirdness is quite reasonable!

Nangong Jin continued seriously: “Let’s punish the big admonition with a small punishment, and I will give you another bad evaluation.” ”

Wu Guowei:?????? (Question) I know your mother, this is called a small punishment and a big commandment?

Fooling your dad?

This is what you mean by not over-punishing? His face was black…


Jiang Feng couldn’t help but laugh out loud, lying in the groove, this Nangong teacher is also too bad, right? Hahahaha, did you deliberately engage in people’s mentality? Do you want to be so bad?

He swears that this is definitely not a mockery! However, in the heart of the squad leader, this is mockery!

CNM, Jiang Feng actually dared to laugh at himself, he must be laughing at me fiercely, right? Must be very proud, right?


Wu Guowei lost his mind in excitement

Loudly questioned on the spot: “Teacher, it is absolutely impossible for me to answer wrong, there is no medium in the vacuum, it is impossible to transmit vibration, so it is impossible to transmit sound.” ”

“You weirds must be mistaken…”

“Sound can travel through the air.

“The speed is about 340 m/s.”

In 1864, the French chemist, the physicist Reynolds, overcame many obstacles and designed an automatic instrument to measure the speed of sound, successfully measuring the speed of sound propagation.

“This is something we humans have long discovered!”

“It’s been over 150 years.”

Nangong Jin seemed to be smiling, his eyes were indifferent, but he had a sense of pleasure that his scheme had succeeded, and his tricky power instantly exploded.

The terrifying aura made Wu Guowei breathe hard! Trembling with horror

The red-clothed ghost-level big guy is not blown!

Much stronger than Huang An’s combat effectiveness, not at the same level, Wu Guowei has a deep understanding of this, and when he was killed by Huang An last time, he was far from having such a strong sense of fear.

“Hehe, human beings are really amazing~”

“Your scientists are so powerful that they discovered more than 150 years ago how fast sound travels.”

“Classmate Jiang Feng, please tell him——”

“Can sound travel in a vacuum?”

“What’s the speed?”

“When did we find out weird?”

Nangong Jin sneered slightly, Jiang Feng sighed, shook his head helplessly and replied with pity: “Elder Ban, you have to make it clear, this is the world of horror.”

“Weird technology is more advanced than humans!”

“Will they not know the concept of the speed of sound?”

“Strangely measured thousands of years ago…”

“In the world of horror, sound, or vibration, can be transmitted in a vacuum, because the trick force is everywhere, acting as a medium, and the speed is about 10,000 meters per second?


10,000 m/s? Can this Nima too?

Fuck Wu Guowei: “…”


Xu Yang, Nie Ye, Jia Haoran and these scumbags couldn’t help but take notes to write down this problem.

Horror world, sound travels in a vacuum: about 10,000 m/s

Because trickery is everywhere! Oh~

The squad leader Wu Guowei had a skeptical expression on his face: “Jiang Feng, how do you know?” Why would you know? ”

“What’s wrong with you?”

Jiang Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Nangong Jin announced with a smile: “Classmate Jiang Feng, the answer is completely correct, reward him for praising once, classmate Wu Guowei, answer incorrectly, and roar to question the teacher.”

“One more bad review, three times in total!”

Wu Guowei:????? “Teacher, I didn’t roar~”

He couldn’t help but defend loudly, his voice was slightly impulsive, and Nangong Jin didn’t hesitate: “You still dare to roar and question the teacher?” ”

“Plus again, now four bad reviews.”

“You roar again, I’ll add more!”

“You’re still roaring, I’ll add it!”

“I don’t believe that I can’t eliminate you on the spot 0…”

Wu Guowei:????? (despair)

He didn’t dare to speak anymore…


Jiang Feng was lying on the table, trying to hold back his laughter, but he held back Geigei’s laughter.

Xu Yang couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

At the same time, he admired Brother Feng’s five bodies in his heart

This is called the big guy! NB Horror World also has a clear knowledge?


The new players who defected to Wu Guowei were full of regret, how could they not see gold and jade? Let the big guy not turn to it, and follow the thriller first waste to fart ah?

“Wu Guowei, CNM, it’s not shallow!”

“You deserve to be credited with four bad reviews.”


“I regret it so much, I’m such a fool!”

Everyone shook their heads and lamented, worthy of being the first waste of horror, and living up to everyone’s expectations of stable play, harming others and harming themselves.

Eliminated on the first day, it must be on the list…

Wu Guowei also knows that his situation is very bad, if he can’t win back a few rounds, I’m afraid he won’t survive the first day!

Now, I can only break the cauldron and sink the boat, fight a battle in the water, put it to death, and frantically answer questions to try to make up for it.

Teacher: “What shape is our planet?” ”

Wu Guowei: “Ball type!” ”

Jiang Feng: “Where the sky is round, it should be 1.9 should be square.” ”

Teacher: “Wu Guowei Bad Rating +1.”

Teacher: “What is the definition of one watt of power?” ”

Wu Guowei: “1VA (voltammetry) = 1 watt!” ”

Jiang Feng: “It’s a little bit of trickery every hour. ”

Teacher: “Wu Guowei Bad Rating +1.”

Teacher: “What is the storage element of the mobile phone called?” ”

Wu Guowei: “Memory chip~”

Jiang Feng: “Memory spar!” ”

Teacher: “Wu Guowei Bad Rating +1.”


The squad leader Wu Guowei fell deeper and deeper, like a gambler, desperately betting wildly, no matter how he won or lost.

Sure enough, it is a stable play, and it is scheduled to be eliminated! Personally sent himself to the school cafeteria…

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