Chapter 71 Shocking the shock of Wang Siya, the first tycoon!!

“Good, good, then you guys will work hard.”

“As long as you give birth to the children of the Jiang family.”

“Men and women, we will not lose you!”

Luo Jinfeng smiled, patted the back of Wang Siya’s hand kindly, and ordered Jiang Feng in a happy mood: “Xiao Feng, you take Xiao Wang to familiarize yourself with our family.”

“Give Xiao Wang a Xuantian Pill too.”

“Let their mother and daughter sign a weird contract-”

“Be prepared!”

“After all, there are unforeseen circumstances, not to mention that they are selected by the thriller game, which is still a little dangerous.”

Sign a weird contract, at least it can be weird! It’s much better than the smoke disappearing~

Jiang Feng nodded seriously, explained to Sister Wang what the strange contract did, and persuaded them to sign the contract.

Wang Siya agreed without thinking too much.

This is really good~

Equivalent to multiple lives.

No one dares to guarantee that they will not have accidents, in case of real danger, there is always a way to survive, and it may not be bad to become weird, she can accept it!

Anyway, Horror World looks pretty good.

This villa, this estate, this environment (like)

“I still have a job, so I’ll miss it for a while.”

“Let’s talk slowly~”

“There’s a party to welcome you guys in the evening!”

Grandma Luo Jinfeng went out to play mahjong with a friend, and hurriedly left if she didn’t know what she was doing, she would definitely think that there was something important

Rent collector, what important work can there be?

Jiang Feng did not debunk his grandmother.

After saying goodbye, he took Sister Wang into the villa.

Wang Siya carefully followed in, and was instantly shocked by the luxurious and fashionable atmosphere, and was stunned.

“Oh my God, this is too luxurious~”

She took a deep breath and marveled, her cognition of the horror world was completely subverted, and she praised.

An area of thousands of square meters of wide hall, shining luxury crystal chandelier group elevator

Extra-wide staircase, giant columns, polished floors, luxurious decorations

Really too domineering, stylish style, simple and generous, the surrounding and upstairs rooms, are also functional.

Modern large kitchen, cold storage, freezer, warehouse, logistics duty room, lounge, infirmary, dining room, living room, banquet hall, concert hall, piano room, library…

Indoor swimming pools, indoor sports courts…

“Oh my God~”

“Five-star hotel, no, seven-star hotel is far worse than here, easily hit the Burj Al Arab Hotel.

After walking around, the landlady Geng was stunned.

Looking at the resplendent mansion, he sighed: “Is this the living environment of the thriller giants and big capitalists?” ”

“Xiao Feng, your family is really rich…”

“How much does this house cost?”


“The trenches are inhumane!”

“Jack Ma and Brother Pony are both younger brothers…”

Covering an area of 1,000 acres, nine ultra-luxurious building complexes, with a total construction area of more than three million square meters!

Compared to the ancient royal palace, it is not much to let go!

Jiang Feng smiled and said: “Jack Ma, Brother Pony, compared with our family, they are really younger brothers.”

“Our Jiang family is the number one family in horror!”

“My grandparents have hundreds of millions of properties, millions of shops, tens of thousands of commercial office buildings, and assets of trillions of yuan.

“My parents control tens of thousands of giant enterprises, affecting the survival of millions of enterprises, and have assets of tens of billions of yuan, which is a unique level in the horror world.”

“It’s a giant in the thriller world, running banks, investment institutions, insurance funds, holding technology companies.”

“My grandfather is very familiar with those big ghost kings, the four ghost emperors, and the Hades king, and he is also a giant himself.”

Wang Siya:?????? (Shocked)

Groove! It’s really awesome open the door

It’s home…

The whole family is a big guy, do you need to be so strong?

Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng also added: “My family’s seven aunts and eight aunts, uncles, uncles and whatnot, they are also the overlords of all parties, and the one with the least combat effectiveness is me~”

The corner of Wang Siya’s mouth twitched slightly and cried and laughed: “No…”


“You don’t have to be so powerful!”

“Give ordinary people a chance!”

“You don’t have combat effectiveness yet? The first player in the thriller game is about to become a legend on the Internet, Jiang Feng…”

“Where is cannon fodder like me~”

The beautiful landlady rolled her eyes wordlessly, Jiang Feng smiled and said the truth calmly: “If there is no background and no money, am I also cannon fodder?” Sister, don’t worry! ”

“This time definitely gives you an SSS rating.”

“Coupled with Xuantian Dan, special equipment props, you can also be a high-end player, mixing in the thriller world, all by two things: money, background, and understanding people.

“OK, you’re a high-end player!”

It makes sense, it is true, ordinary people are struggling in the horror world, but Jiang Feng is purely traveling.

This battle is simply invincible, okay?

Wang Siya sighed with a complicated feeling: “Alas~”

“Thanks to you, otherwise, Ning Ning and I would be out of luck, we would have to be eliminated in the first round, and we would die miserably if we didn’t do it, I didn’t dare to think about what would happen…”

Although weird hates humans, she is still very interested in beautiful female players, and she is never soft on her cruelty.

Here, being pretty is definitely an original sin! The more beautiful it is, the worse it will be…

The beautiful landlady looked at Jiang Feng with tenderness: “Thank you, dear!” ”

The two of you are very affectionate, and their eyes are generating electricity.

Jiang Feng said without much thought: “Sister Wang, tonight, you and Ning Ning will live in my room together~”

Wang Siya was stunned and glared at him angrily.

But he didn’t have enough confidence to hold out a sentence: “Ning Ning is still young…”

Jiang Feng cried and laughed: “I please, what are you thinking, there are still several suites in my room, I am just worried that she is afraid alone, after all, she has just come to a strange environment.” ”

Wang Siya: “…”

“Bah, I see you did it on purpose! ”

“Want to trick me out?”

Jiang Feng also pouted: “You are a liar, the first time you actually lied to me to say something, relatives came to blood collapse.” ”


“But you actually believe it, hahahaha~”

“Your sister!”

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